Chapter 204 Is that a piano?

Madam Ye's expression froze instantly because of Xiao Naituan's words.

She lowered her eyes slightly and saw the little nipples lowering their heads cautiously, as if the little nipples felt that their problems would embarrass their grandma.

Qin Sui'an pursed his lips, and his two little hands unconsciously grabbed each other and fiddled with his little fingers.

She took a breath and whispered: "Grandma, just pretend that An An didn't ask. An An didn't ask."

When Xiao Naituan could ask this question, Mrs. Ye's first feeling was that she might not pay enough attention to managing her expressions, which actually caused Xiao Naituan to have this illusion.

Yes, she does not hate Qin Haochen, her daughter's husband, her granddaughter's father, and her son-in-law.

However, her daughter had been lying in the hospital bed for three years, with her life and death uncertain, but the Qin family did not seem to have suffered any serious injuries. She could not show a friendly side to any of the Qin family members.

Mrs. Ye's steps couldn't help but slow down. She lowered her head and looked at the small breasts with her head bowed deeply. A strong emotion called self-blame welled up in her heart.

"An'an." Mrs. Ye's palm gently covered her little head and said softly, "I don't hate your father."

Qin Sui'an's little body visibly paused, and then she raised her little face in surprise, her big round eyes filled with joy: "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Mrs. Ye repeated: "I don't hate your father."

Seeing the cute smile on the little face with small breasts, Mrs. Ye unconsciously raised the corners of her lips, "Maybe it was my performance that made An An misunderstand."

Qin Sui'an shook his little head repeatedly, happily hugged his grandma's neck with his little hands, and pressed his soft cheek against hers.

Her little voice said softly, "It's An An who misunderstood grandma! It's none of grandma's business~ grandma is very good!"

The smile on Mrs. Ye's lips gradually widened. It was clear that the little nipples said very heart-warming words, but she couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

"An'an, there's no need to comfort me." She pressed her face affectionately against the chubby breasts.

Qin Sui'an shook his little head again, "An'an didn't comfort grandma. Grandma is the best grandma!"

Although the total time she spent with her grandma was not long, she could clearly feel her grandma's full love for her.

From the moment she first met her grandma, she felt it!

"Thank you, An An." Mrs. Ye laughed softly, and the tears in her eyes fell uncontrollably.

She didn't know why she was crying. Maybe she felt sorry for An An, her adult emotions affected An An, or maybe there were other factors.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes in confusion, and carefully wiped away the tears on her grandma's face with her little hands, "Why is grandma crying?"

Mrs. Ye sniffed gently and said with a smile: "The wind here is a bit strong, and some sand got into my eyes."

"Really?" Qin Sui'an didn't seem to believe her statement, but grandma was crying and smiling.

While she was busy wiping her grandma's tears, she asked in a sweet voice, "Is grandma crying with joy?"

"Well, An An noticed it." Mrs. Ye was afraid that her tears would stain the little nipple's hand, so she wanted to avoid her little hand, but she had no choice but to retreat.

Mr. Ye heard their conversation and remained silent without disturbing them.

At this moment, he finally took out the handkerchief and handed it over, "Here."

Qin Sui'an immediately caught the handkerchief and carefully wiped the tears on her grandma's face with the handkerchief, "How long will grandma continue to cry? Do you need to wait before eating?"

Her innocent words made Mrs. Ye burst into laughter, "Stop crying. You don't have to wait to eat. You can eat when you arrive."

Mr. Ye carried Xian Xiaonuo over so that she could collect her emotions alone.

While he looked at her frequently, he couldn't help but worry: "Wen Ting, are you sure you're okay?" "It's okay." Madam Ye suppressed the sudden surge of emotion, took the mirror handed over by Lu Xi, and arranged it carefully. Makeup on face.

She sighed and frowned in disgust: "The makeup is spent."

I put on makeup just to show off my small breasts beautifully, but I didn’t expect it to become even uglier.

When Qin Suian heard this, he immediately praised softly: "Grandma is beautiful! Even more beautiful than flowers!"

Madam Ye laughed again, stretched out her hand and gently tapped the tip of her nose, "An An really knows how to make me happy."

"Really!" Qin Sui'an looked at grandpa, his bright round eyes blinking: "Grandpa, isn't grandma more beautiful than flowers?"

Mr. Ye immediately replied: "Of course!"

A second's delay is a sign of disrespect for your wife's appearance.

Mrs. Ye glanced at him helplessly, but she no longer worried about the makeup on her face.

The restaurant is located near the competition venue, just a short walk away.

Qin Haochen seemed to be still busy on the phone and gestured to them, indicating that they should go in first.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye entered the restaurant first with their little milk balls.

The restaurant is French and Western style.

Jehans made reservations for them in advance. Even though it was a busy meal, he still had the best seats in the restaurant for them.

It was a square table for four, just enough for four of them.

The waiter brought a children's dining chair so that the little girl could sit alone without having to bother her family members to hold her.

It seemed that at the appointed time, a man in an elegant tuxedo suddenly walked into the center of the restaurant.

There is a piano there.

Qin Sui'an followed the man with curious eyes.

The man sat in front of the piano, opened the closed piano cover with his slender hands, and then placed his hands on the black and white keys.

Qin Sui'an saw him take a deep breath, and subconsciously followed him, his belly bulging slightly.

After a while, melodious piano music flowed through every corner of the restaurant.

Mrs. Ye noticed the gaze of the little breasts, and also saw the surprise and excitement in the eyes of the little breasts.

She didn't rush to disturb Xiao Naituan. Xiao Naituan looked attentive, her little face was slightly bulging, and she listened very seriously.

After the piano music ended, Mrs. Ye approached her and asked softly: "Has An An ever played the piano?"

"Piano?" Qin Suian blinked blankly, and then suddenly realized: "Oh~~~Grandma, that big one that can make nice sounds, is it the piano?"

"Yes." Mrs. Ye couldn't help but rub her little head, "Do you like An An?"

"Hehe~" Qin Sui'an did not answer directly, his eyes were brightly curved, "That sounds good~"

She knew that grandma liked her very much. If she said she liked her, grandma would definitely give it to her.

But that piano looked very expensive, at least, it was the first time she had seen it.

(End of this chapter)

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