Chapter 205 Playing the Piano for the First Time
When Mrs. Ye saw her small breasts and didn't mention the word "like", but her eyes were full of love that couldn't be hidden, she asked her with a smile: "An'an doesn't want me to spend money?"

Qin Sui'an's bright round eyes seemed to be able to speak, and they widened in surprise: How could grandma know?

Mrs. Ye had a smile in her eyes and said dotingly: "An An, don't worry about money. I have a lot of money."

Qin Sui'an didn't understand the concept of "a lot", but he just felt that adults earned their money through hard work.

After thinking seriously for a while, the little girl shook her head and said, "An'an doesn't want the piano."

Mrs. Ye did not force her, and just followed her wishes, "Okay, then I won't buy it."

After Qin Haochen finished the business phone call, when he came back, he had a bottle filled with milk in his hand.

He ordered his bodyguard to go to Bay Villa to bring him here.

Qin Haochen walked into the restaurant and immediately saw the cute and round back of the head with small breasts.

He strode over, handed the milk bottle in his hand to the little milk ball, and asked, "An'an, do you want to drink milk first?"

"Yes~" Qin Sui'an responded with a milky voice, his eyes fixed on the bottle for an instant, and he swallowed cutely, "Daddy, An'an wants to drink milk~"

"Okay." Qin Haochen sat on the dining chair beside her and put the bottle into her arms so that she could hold it and drink.

When Qin Sui'an finished the milk in the bottle, lunch was also brought to the table by the waiter.

Qin Haochen changed special children's tableware and placed it in front of Xiao Naituan.

There are no chopsticks in French and Western food, only knives, forks and spoons.

Qin Sui'an looked at the completely unfamiliar tableware in front of him curiously, "Papa, isn't it dangerous if we eat with this?"

Qin Haochen responded patiently to Xiao Ni Tuan's words: "No, but be careful."

She nodded her little head obediently, "Okay~"

Qin Haochen cut a well-cooked steak into mini pieces and put it on the dinner plate in front of Xiao Naituan.

While teaching her how to pierce the steak with a fork, he said, "An'an, you can eat it with these sauces, it depends on which one you like."

Qin Sui'an understood. She held the fork in her little hands and glanced at her father and grandmother from time to time. She imitated them and used the cute children's tableware.

Taking into account that the little milk balls cannot eat some raw food, they only had the usual steak, pasta, soup and the like for lunch.

When Qin Sui'an was eating pasta, she also imitated her family members, rolling the noodles with a fork and eating them in one bite.

The little milk ball made it on its own and was very happy to eat it.

After eating the last dessert and fruit, Qin Sui'an's belly was so full that he licked his mouth contentedly. He was very satisfied with the lunch.

Mrs. Ye watched the little milk balls eating so happily that she couldn't help but eat a little more, almost full.

Seeing that the two men at the table had not finished eating, Mrs. Ye turned her head and looked in the direction of the piano, and then extended an invitation to Xiao Naituan: "An'an, let's go see the piano, do you want it?"

Qin Suian looked very happy: "Is it okay?"

"Okay." Mrs. Ye raised her lips, stood up, took her out of the children's dining chair, and walked with her to the piano in the center of the restaurant.

Lu Xi took the lead and ran to say hello to the person in charge of the restaurant, and got the permission from the person in charge.

Mrs. Ye gave the only piano chair to Xiao Naituan to sit on, and stood beside her, bending slightly.

This piano is not top-notch, but it is also in the mid-range price range. The piano body is pure black, reflecting their shadows cleanly.Qin Sui'an looked at these black and white piano keys and felt that it was amazing. Although these keys looked similar and had similar lengths, they could play nice tunes.

Mrs. Ye had learned piano before. She held her small hands and taught patiently: "An'an, arch your palms here, spread your five fingers apart, and let them hang down naturally. Use your fingertips to touch the piano." key."

Qin Sui'an listened carefully, with a serious look on his little face.

After Mrs. Ye helped Little Nipple adjust her gestures, she demonstrated first by placing her slender hands on the piano keys and gently playing a short piece of simple music.

Qin Sui'an looked at his grandmother with admiring eyes: "Grandma is so amazing! Grandma can also play the piano!"

"It's not great, I just learned it before." Madam Ye laughed, "An'an, you can try it too."

Qin Sui'an immediately learned the gestures that his grandmother had just taught him. He placed his small hands on the piano keys, recalled the melody that his grandmother had played just a moment ago, and reproduced it again.

Exactly the same, no mistakes.

Although it was the simplest one, Mrs. Ye still looked surprised, "Did An An memorize it so quickly?"

Even her slight pause on a certain note was remembered clearly and very carefully.

"It's not difficult~" Qin Sui'an happily bent her round eyes, raised her little face and looked at her grandma, and asked: "Grandma, can An An play something else?"

Mrs. Ye nodded, "Okay."

She also wanted to hear what else the little nipples could play.

Qin Sui'an immediately pursed his lips excitedly, first grasped it with both hands a few times, relaxed his little fingers, and then put them back on the black and white piano keys.

Mrs. Ye couldn't help but hold her breath and looked at the small nipple expectantly.

A few seconds later, a melodious piano music spread throughout every corner of the restaurant.

At the beginning of the note, the little girl was a little unconfident, but later on it became smoother and smoother, becoming more and more integrated into the piano music.

Mrs. Ye was extremely surprised, and her expression was stunned for a moment.

This piano piece was the piano piece that the man played when they first arrived at the restaurant, Richard Clayderman's "Adelina by the Water."

The melody of this piano piece is full of delicacy, softness, and calmness. The emotions progress layer by layer, but there are twists and turns, and then gradually reach the climax of the music.

Xiao Naituan's hands are still very small, so it will be a little difficult when encountering notes with a larger span. Other than that, there are almost no mistakes.

If Mrs. Ye hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that this was the first time Xiao Naituan had played the piano.

It doesn’t even require a piano score, it’s all about the man playing it once and then reproducing it completely.

This not only requires super memory, but also a very strong sense of hearing and music.

In the restaurant, at some point, everyone stopped and looked at the small breasts sitting in front of the piano with surprised and surprised eyes.

A piano piece ended, and after a few seconds of silence, there was suddenly warm applause, and people around could not help but marvel:

"How old is this little baby? Why can he play so well?"

"My God, this is genius!"

Qin Sui'an was startled, and when he came to his senses, his little face turned red with shyness, and he looked at his grandmother at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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