Chapter 209 Rushing to see the little breasts

The assistant noticed something strange about Ye Liyuan, but didn't hear what he said clearly. He quickly approached him and asked cautiously: "Brother Yuan, what's wrong?"

Ye Liyuan did not respond to the assistant's words for a long time. He just looked at the video playing on his phone in shock.

There was no mistake, it was indeed his mother!

Then who is this little titty girl next to you?
Whose child is it?

Ye Liyuan closed his eyes and forced himself to calm down before he could seriously turn his brain cells to analyze the possibility of the identity of this little breast.

Brother's child?
Impossible, not to mention that the eldest brother doesn’t even have a woman, and probably no woman dares to marry him.

Third brother’s child?
It's impossible. With the temperament of the third brother, don't expect to have another companion. You don't have to guess that he will be destined to be alone for the rest of his life.

There are four brothers and sisters in the Ye family. Except for the sister, the other three brothers are all single. In addition, each of them has a weird temperament. There is a zero chance of getting pregnant out of wedlock, or even leaving an illegitimate daughter outside.

And to be able to make his mother behave so tenderly - for some reason, Ye Liyuan thought of his niece An An again.

Before An An disappeared, his mother would often hold An An in her back garden to enjoy the flowers and sunbathe in the sun. After An An disappeared, his mother was extremely sad and had assumptions. After seeing a psychiatrist, she insisted on taking medicine. The situation just got better.

Ye Liyuan's mind was in chaos, and he, who had always been calm and indifferent, felt at a loss what to do with the panic rising in his heart at this moment.

He couldn't sit still anymore, stood up suddenly, handed the phone back to the assistant, and said: "I have something urgent, please tell the director."

"Huh? Huh?" The assistant was confused, "Brother Yuan, are you going somewhere?"

"Well, I need to go out for something." Ye Liyuan quickly put on his coat, then reached out to him: "Give me the car keys."

"Ah?" The assistant was confused again, "Brother Yuan, let me take you there."

Ye Liyuan shook his head and refused, "No need."

The assistant put the car key in his palm, and finally came to his senses. He hurriedly asked: "Brother Yuan, how long will you be out for? How long do you need me to take leave?"

Ye Liyuan raised his hand and glanced at the time, "If it's quick, I'll be back in an hour. If it's slow - I'll contact you again."

The assistant nodded, "Okay, okay."

After the matter was explained, Ye Liyuan didn't waste an extra second, turned around and left quickly.

Leaving the set alone shouldn't have caused any sensation, but it happened to be Ye Liyuan.

Ye Liyuan has not had a day off since the filming of this drama started. Even if there is no filming that day, Ye Liyuan will rush to make other announcements or shoot other commercials.

People who don't know will only think that Ye Liyuan is short of money and he is racing against time to make money. But Ye Liyuan and the assistants and managers around him know in their hearts that he is numbing himself with work.

"What happened? It was Brother Yuan who ran out just now, right?"

"Why is he running so fast? Did something happen?"

"Look, Brother Yuan's assistant has gone to find the director. I'm afraid something really urgent has happened!"

"No, there are no big news in the entertainment industry in today's hot searches. The only trending one is about the little prodigy human cub."

"Then why did Brother Yuan run away? Or is there something wrong with his family?"

"Bah, can't you think of something good for Brother Yuan?"


There was a lot of discussion, and the studio exploded instantly. Whether it was the staff or the actors, everyone was discussing Ye Liyuan's sudden departure from the studio.

The assistant didn't know what Ye Liyuan was anxious to do, so he only told the director that he wanted to take leave.The director would not embarrass Ye Liyuan at all, not to mention Ye Liyuan's status as the best actor, which is enough for him to hold up. What's more, there are often rumors in the industry that Ye Liyuan has a tough background and cannot afford to offend.

The director nodded and said, "Sure, how long does it take for Liyuan to stay?"

The assistant thought about it and said, "It might take half a day."

"Oh, half a day is enough? Why don't you let Liyuan rest for two or three more days?" Although he was rushing to finish the film, considering that Ye Liyuan had never asked for leave, the director was willing to delay the completion time for him.

"It should be enough." The assistant did not make a rash decision for Brother Yuan.

"Okay, if you don't have enough, you can invite me again. It's okay." After the director finished speaking, he couldn't help but asked curiously: "What's going on with Liyuan? Is there something going on at home?"

"Director, I don't know either." The assistant shook his head. He really didn't know what was going on. If he knew, he wouldn't tell it.

The director understood the confidentiality agreement signed by their assistant, but he was itching to know what happened, which made Ye Liyuan leave the set in a hurry.

This has never happened before!

After the assistant asked for leave for Ye Liyuan, he packed up the things in the rest area and took away the unused cup of American ice coffee.

The car drove away for Ye Liyuan first. The assistant stood at the door of the set, waiting for a taxi, and called Ye Liyuan's agent to tell him about the situation here.

That's the good thing about having an assistant. If you have something to do, you can go right away and leave everything else to the assistant to take care of things.

at the same time.

A business nanny car was driving on the road at the fastest speed.

This point happens to be the time when office workers get off work and students get out of school. Traffic lights change slower than at other times, and traffic jams are unavoidable on the road.

Ye Liyuan wore a cap and a black mask that he always kept in the car, revealing only a pair of eyes.

Under the mask, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

It happened to be at this point, if he could have seen the video an hour earlier, there would be no need to be stuck in such a traffic jam on the road.

Every second while waiting at the red light seems to be stretched infinitely.

Ye Liyuan took out his mobile phone, slid his fingertips on the screen, and then made a call.

He connected the car's Bluetooth and threw his phone on the passenger seat.

The sound of "beep" echoed in the car.

Thirty seconds later, while the red light was turning, the call was picked up.

Ye Liyuan stepped on the accelerator, moved his thin lips, and couldn't hide the urgency in his clear voice: "Ye Rongyuan, where are you now?"

"Second brother?! Let me go. Did the sun rise from the west today? Second brother actually called me?"

Ye Rongyuan is at Ye's Group, sitting in his office, extremely busy.

If he hadn't caught a glimpse of "Second Brother" on the caller ID, Ye Rongyuan wouldn't have wanted to waste a second to answer the phone.

"Stop talking nonsense." Ye Liyuan asked, "Are you in the group?"

"That's right." Ye Rongyuan's tone was also very urgent. He said: "Second brother, what's the matter with you? If it's not an urgent matter, let's talk about it next time. I have to rush to deal with this pile of bullshit documents! After processing, I Only then can I run to the hospital to see An An."

"You said...what? Who are you going to meet in the hospital?"

(End of this chapter)

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