Chapter 210 The second uncle of the little breasts

"Meet An An!" Ye Rongyuan said frankly and heartily: "Second brother, are you confused about filming? Have you even forgotten our An An?"

Ye Liyuan felt that his head was suddenly in a mess. It seemed that as his brother said, he was confused while filming.

The car behind him honked his horn, urging him to speed up the accelerator and stop driving at a turtle's speed in the middle of the road.

The sharp sound of the trumpet brought Ye Liyuan back to his senses for a moment.

Ye Liyuan suddenly came to his senses. At this time, his condition was not suitable to continue driving, even though he was anxious to go to the hospital.

Pulling the car over, Ye Liyuan felt exhausted, as if he had gone through a strenuous long-distance run.

Ye Rongyuan was originally anxious to hang up the phone and take care of business. Hearing that the noise on his second brother's side was unusual, he finally focused half of his mind on his second brother's side and asked: "Second brother, where are you? You called What's wrong with me?"

"I saw the hot search." Ye Liyuan spoke reluctantly, with a hint of secluded trance still hidden in his voice.

"Hot search?" Ye Rongyuan flipped through the document, reading ten lines at a time, and responded to his second brother's words: "Oh yes, the clip of An An playing the piano, right? I saw it too, our An An is really amazing, mom said, This is An An’s first time playing the piano!”

Ye Liyuan looked at the time and said, "When will you finish your work? Come pick me up and take me to the hospital together."

Ye Rongyuan glanced at the piles of documents and exhaled, "It will take half an hour -"

As if he couldn't hold it back, he cursed: "I'm so tired of being this bullshit CEO! How come there are so many documents every day!"

Among the three brothers, why was he so unlucky that he happened to be chosen as the president of the group?

This was not the first time Ye Liyuan heard him complain about this position, "Where is your assistant?"

"He went to the meeting for me." Speaking of this, Ye Rongyuan cursed again: "Why does our group have so many troubles? It's not just a pile of documents during the meeting!"

If he hadn't delegated the meeting to his assistant, he would be even busier now.

Ye Liyuan's originally chaotic emotions were somewhat relieved after being complained about by his younger brother.

He chuckled softly, "Forget it, just get busy."

"Uh-huh, second brother, I'll hang up then. If you have something urgent, call me again. It has to be very urgent." After Ye Rongyuan said this, he ended the call very simply.

He lowered his eyes and continued to approve documents. Even though he wanted to end his work quickly, he still had to be responsible for the thousands of employees in the group and could not approve documents indiscriminately.

After finishing another portion, Ye Rongyuan raised his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose and drank another cup of black coffee.

When he caught a glimpse of the cell phone placed aside, he reacted belatedly.

The second brother's mood on the phone just now was very strange.

Ye Rongyuan muttered in disbelief: "Second brother, it can't be that he just found out that An An came home, right?"

Even though he was a little confused, every minute and second was precious to him at the moment, and he was too lazy to call to find out more.

After the short break, Ye Rongyuan continued to work on the documents.

at the same time.

The black business nanny car is still parked on the roadside.

Ye Liyuan knew that he was not suitable for driving at this moment. He flipped through his address book, and after a minute, he cautiously made a call.

On the top floor of Chaokang Hospital, Lu Xi stood guard at the door of the ward, watching her nose and heart, but her ears were always paying attention to what was going on in the ward.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

Lu Xi quickly took out her mobile phone, looked surprised when she saw the caller ID, and pressed the answer button.She called out respectfully: "Second Young Master."

The call lasted only ten seconds. After the call ended, Lu Xi gently knocked on the door of the ward.

After hearing the old lady's "come in" from inside, she opened the door to the ward.

Mrs. Ye was the only one in the living room of the ward, and most of the documents had been processed.

Madam Ye raised her eyes and looked at her, thinking she was asking for documents, so she said, "Come back in 10 minutes."

"It's not about documents, old madam." Lu Xi whispered: "Old madam, the second young master said there is something wrong with his car and he wants to come to the hospital."

Madam Ye paused her pen tip and raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Li Yuan? Is his filming finished?"

Lu Xi replied: "It probably hasn't been completed yet. The schedule shows that it will only be completed this week."

Although the second young master's itinerary is secretive, it would not be difficult for special assistant Lu Xi to find out.

Lu Xi asked: "Old madam, shall I pick up the second young master?"

"Okay, you go ahead." Mrs. Ye did not refuse.

Just as Lu Xi was about to leave, the door to the room that was not closed was suddenly pushed open quietly.

She turned around subconsciously and saw the little lady standing at the door, blinking her big eyes as bright as black grapes, looking at her.

Lucy stopped and greeted her with a smile: "Little miss."

Qin Sui'an's little girl called softly: "Aunt Luxi~"

When Madam Ye saw the little nipples, a gentle smile appeared in her eyes. Seeing that the little nipples seemed to have something to say, she asked softly: "An'an, what's wrong?"

Qin Sui'an pursed her lips, her eyes paused on Aunt Lu Xi, then turned her head and looked at her grandma, "Grandma, can An An go with Aunt Lu Xi?"

She heard the conversation between her grandmother and Aunt Lucy in the room.

Just now, Aunt Lu Xi mentioned "Second Young Master", and Aunt Lu Xi called Third Uncle "Third Young Master". So, is "Second Young Master" her second uncle?

Mrs. Ye was very surprised that Xiao Naituan would want to follow Lu Xi to pick up Liyuan.

She pondered for a long time, guessing that Xiao Naituan heard their conversation, maybe because she stayed in the ward for a long time, or maybe Xiao Naituan was curious about Li Yuan.

"Of course." Mrs. Ye did not refuse the little nipple, but closed the document in her hand, "I will go with you."

Qin Sui'an shook his little head and pointed to the pile of documents on the table, "Grandma, just keep busy. An'an will follow Aunt Lu Xi obediently and won't run around."

Madam Ye paused, her expression obviously a little more hesitant.

She was worried, but she didn't want Little Milk Ball to feel that she was staring at her too closely, and she didn't want her worry to burden Little Milk Ball.

Seeing this, Lu Xi said: "Old madam, if the young lady wants to go with you, I will bring two more bodyguards."

Qin Sui'an walked to her grandmother in small steps and hugged her gently, "Grandma, don't worry!"

The little hands with small breasts patted her back time and time again, trying to comfort her.

Mrs. Ye felt a warmth surge in her heart, and she stretched out her hand to rub the little head of the little girl, "Okay, then you can go, I won't go with you."

"Yeah!" Qin Sui'an nuzzled into her arms, "Goodbye, grandma! We will be back soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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