Chapter 211 The little breasts are right behind him

Mrs. Ye smiled and said, "Be good."

She looked at Lu Xi, her expression a little more serious, and said, "Be careful on the road. If anything happens, tell me as soon as possible."

"I will, old lady." Lucy nodded in agreement.

Watching the little breasts and Lu Xi leave the ward, Mrs. Ye took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down and not worry too much.

Lucy was wearing high heels and usually walked quickly, but now her steps were slow, matching the little lady's small steps.

Qin Sui'an's small hands were only big enough to hold Aunt Lu Xi's three fingers, and he followed her with small steps.

The elevator stopped at the top floor. Lucy stretched out her other hand, pressed the door button, and carefully protected the little lady into the elevator.

The elevator door closed, Lu Xi lowered her head slightly, looked at the well-behaved young lady beside her, and curled her lips: "Little lady, do you need me to hold you?"

Qin Sui'an shook his little head seriously: "No need, thank you Aunt Luxi~"

"Okay." Lucy did not go against her wishes.

The elevator goes directly to the parking lot. When you step out of the elevator, you can see the Ye family's luxury car and the four bodyguards arranged by Mrs. Ye.

Lucy put the little lady into the child safety seat in the back seat, and then carefully fastened her seat belt.

After taking care of the little lady, Lucy walked around again, got into the driver's seat, and put on flat shoes that were convenient for driving.

She didn't forget to turn around and explain to the young lady: "Driver Lin is a new driver just hired this year. The second young master doesn't like to have contact with unfamiliar people."

Usually, if Ye Liyuan has time to go home, he usually drives there and back by himself and will not let the Ye family's driver pick him up.

Special assistant Lu Xi has worked in the Ye family for nearly 20 years and is almost an old employee of the Ye family who has watched Ye Liyuan grow up, so Lu Xi received a call from Ye Liyuan and asked her to pick him up.

Qin Sui'an listened in a daze, but understood what was said behind.

Her second uncle didn't like to have contact with unfamiliar people.

The little girl pursed her lips slightly.

An An and her second uncle have never met... so An An is also one of the "unfamiliar people".

The luxury car started and drove out of the parking lot first, followed by a black car carrying bodyguards.

The round trip was not that far, but it would take some time. While Lu Xi was waiting at the red light, she took out the small milk bottle that had been prepared in the car and handed it to the young lady in the back seat.

"Little miss, would you like some milk?"

Qin Sui'an's round eyes suddenly lit up, and he stretched out his two small hands forward to catch the bottle: "Yes~"

She curled her eyes happily, "Thank you, Aunt Lucy~"

"You're welcome, little miss." Lucy smiled.

Qin Sui'an held the bottle and sat quietly in the child's seat, drinking milk slowly while looking at the receding scenery outside the window.

Lu Xi followed the location sent by the second young master and arrived at her destination. She soon saw a black business nanny car parked on the roadside.

She drove closer.

A tall man wearing a mask and a cap got out of the driver's seat of the car and walked towards their car.

Before Lu Xi could get out of the car to greet her, the man had already opened the passenger door and quickly got into the car.

Lu Xi nodded towards him and called respectfully: "Second Young Master."

Even in the car, Ye Liyuan did not take off the mask and hat he was wearing. He lowered the brim of his hat and said in a cold voice: "Remember to ask someone to drive that car away."

"Okay, Second Young Master." Lu Xi restarted the engine, turned around, and drove towards the hospital.

Ye Liyuan leaned back and lowered his eyes. He was not resting, and his mind was still in a mess.

He asked: "How is my mother's mood recently?" Lucy smiled and said: "The old lady is getting better every day and she is in a good mood."

From her tone, you could tell that she was happy for the old lady.

"Is it because... An An?" Ye Liyuan was unsure and asked tentatively.

In the back seat, the little girl holding a bottle and drinking milk suddenly heard her name, and her round eyes blinked.

"Yes." Lu Xi answered the second young master's question with great certainty: "The young lady and the old lady get along very happily."

Ye Liyuan couldn't help but hold his breath. For a moment, he was confused and murmured softly: "Am I dreaming?"

It felt like he hadn't heard someone call "little miss" for a long time.

Ever since his mother became ill, the Ye family has completely blocked any names related to the little milk ball, and no one dares to mention it.

But today, he not only heard his brother Ye Rongyuan mention "An'an", but also heard his mother's special assistant Lu Xi mention "little miss".

Lu Xi noticed the second young master's mood swings and immediately said: "Second young master, the young lady came back a while ago. You were not dreaming."

Ye Liyuan didn't speak, and he was in a state of self-blame.

He blamed himself, he only wanted to use filming work as an excuse to avoid reality, but he didn't know that An An was back until now.

Lucy had to concentrate on driving, but she also had to pay attention to the little lady in the back seat. Now there was another person to pay attention to.

She was a little busy, but still asked carefully: "Second Young Master, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Ye Liyuan's voice was very soft. After a moment, he asked again: "I heard from Rongyuan that An'an is in the hospital?"

Lucy glanced at the rearview mirror and answered seriously: "The little lady is not in the hospital."

Ye Liyuan suddenly turned to look at her, frowned slightly, and asked, "Is An An gone?"

He is late?

"No." Lu Xi took advantage of the time while waiting for the red light to look sideways at the small breasts in the back seat of the car, "Second Young Master, the young lady is here."

Even wearing a mask and a hat, it was obvious to the naked eye that Ye Liyuan was suddenly stunned.

Ye Liyuan seemed to be frozen and motionless. Only his trembling fingertips revealed how unprepared he was at the moment.

Qin Sui'an was still holding the bottle and drinking milk, his big round eyes staring curiously in the direction of the passenger seat.

But from the perspective of the little breasts, I could only see the back of the head of the person sitting in the passenger seat.

He even wore a peaked cap on the back of his head.

There was an eerie silence in the car.

The red light jumped, and Lucy continued to concentrate on driving.

Ye Liyuan wondered if Lu Xi was playing tricks on him, because there was obviously no sound from the back seat.

It only took a moment to turn his head to confirm, but his neck was very stiff, as if he couldn't move.

He opened his thin lips lightly and called tentatively: "An'an?"

A vague response came from the back seat: "Huh?"

As if in slow motion of a movie, Ye Liyuan turned his neck very slowly and looked towards the back seat.

The next second, his pupils bumped into a cute little figure.

The little girl was sitting in a tailor-made child's seat, holding a bottle in her arms and drinking milk with a pacifier in her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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