Chapter 212 Meeting the Second Uncle
The little hands and feet of the little breasts are a little fleshy, but not fat, and the skin is white and tender. The little face swells with the movement of drinking milk. A pair of bright round eyes are blinking at the moment, and the long and thick eyelashes are fluttering. .

When he looked at the little breasts, the little breasts were also staring at him curiously.

Qin Sui'an could only see a pair of his eyes, which looked very similar to his grandmother's. The rest of his eyes were tightly covered by a hat and a mask.

Is this her second uncle?
She blinked her round eyes gently, and even though she couldn't see his whole face, she couldn't help but look at him.

Luxi drove the car and listened to all directions.

I thought the second young master would say something when he saw the young lady, but there was a subtle silence in the car.

Lu Xi took the time to turn around and look at the second young master in the passenger seat.

The second young master still maintained his posture of looking sideways at the back seat, as if his whole body had been immobilized and motionless.

Lucy looked at the rearview mirror again and saw the little lady in the child safety seat behind her through the rearview mirror.

The little lady was holding the bottle, and her drinking speed had obviously slowed down. Her big round eyes were staring at her second uncle.

For some reason, this scene made Lucy want to laugh.

Why didn't they speak or move?
It's like playing a game where whoever moves first loses.

Lucy was just thinking about what to say to break the strange atmosphere when a "coo" sound came from the back seat.

Qin Sui'an drank all the milk in the bottle. She stopped biting the pacifier, held up the empty bottle with both hands, looked at the person driving the car with her round eyes, and said in a soft voice: "Aunt Lu Xi~ An'an Finished drinking~"

Lu Xi glanced back, saw her cute look, raised the corners of her lips and smiled: "Young lady is great, just put the bottle next to her first."

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an nodded her little head and tried to put the baby bottle in the empty seat next to her, but while the car was moving, she was a little worried that the baby bottle would roll off the seat.

Just when the little girl was frowning in confusion, a hand suddenly stretched out in front of her.

The hands were long and fair, with round and clean nails.

There was an imperceptible nervousness in Ye Liyuan's voice: "Give it to me."

Qin Sui'an's little face was full of surprise.

Aunt Lucy said that her second uncle didn't like to have contact with unfamiliar people.

So she kept quiet and didn't talk to her second uncle, not wanting him to hate her.

But now, the second uncle actually took the initiative to talk to her.

She reacted, her round eyes suddenly curved into small crescents, and she pursed her lips happily.

The little hand holding the bottle stretched forward. Qin Sui'an handed the bottle to the beautiful palm in front of him and said in a sweet voice: "Thank you, uncle~"

Under the mask, Ye Liyuan's tight lips couldn't help but raise upwards, and his eyes exposed outside the mask also had a little smile: "You're welcome."

The bottle with the small milk ball was so small that he could hold it easily and feel the warmth of the bottle.

Ye Liyuan leaned further towards the back seat, as if he wished he could just flip over to the back seat.

If he had known that the little boobs were coming with him, he should have sat in the back seat.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Ye Liyuan's pupils reflected the pink face with small breasts. His voice was softer than before, and he asked her with some surprise: "Do you know who I am?"

Qin Sui'an nodded her little head. She looked very happy because her second uncle took the initiative to talk to her. Her round eyes were curved: "I know~ He is An An's second uncle~" Ye Liyuan turned his eyes and glanced at Lu Xi. It was obvious I think they told Xiaonaituan beforehand.

Lu Xi smiled and said: "Second Young Master, the young lady is very smart. When she heard me telling the old lady that I was coming to pick you up, the young lady guessed that the person I came to pick up was her second uncle."

She looked back at the young lady and saw that she was not unhappy, so she continued: "The young lady has never seen you before and is very curious about you. She came here specifically to have a look."

Ye Liyuan couldn't explain what he felt in his heart.

It was like eating marshmallows, and the tip of my heart was filled with sweetness.

Tender emotions could not help but appear in his brows. Ye Liyuan looked at the small breasts and smiled softly: "Now, An An has seen me."

Qin Sui'an was very cautious and shook his head slightly: "An'an didn't see everything, only the second uncle's eyes~"

As soon as the innocent truth was told, Lu Xi was the first to hold back her laughter.

Ye Liyuan was stunned, then stretched out his hand and took off the cap on his head and the mask on his face.

He looked at the small nipple again and said, "Okay, now An'an can see it."

His appearance is somewhat similar to that of Ye Rongyuan. After all, they are biological brothers, but their personalities are completely different.

Ye Rongyuan always expresses his emotions directly, but Ye Liyuan is different from him, his emotions are invisible.

At this time, Ye Liyuan's expression did not change much, with a hint of smile and a deeper level of nervousness in his eyes.

When he auditioned for a movie role for the first time, he had never been so nervous.

Qin Sui'an looked at him carefully, as if trying to remember his appearance in her mind, her round eyes curved, and she said in a soft voice: "Second uncle is very good-looking~"

The actor with countless fans, his appearance is undeniable and outstanding, and it is no joke that he can be enjoyed by men, women, old and young.

Ye Liyuan has been praised by many people for her good looks, but this is the first time that she truly feels happy and happy that her looks will not disappoint her.

The corners of his lips raised slightly, and his cold voice became a little gentler unconsciously: "Thank you An An, An An is also very good-looking."

Qin Sui'an laughed happily, and his little face turned rosy because of his praise.

Fortunately, they arrived at the hospital quickly, and the two did not need to continue looking at each other with difficulty, one in front and one behind.

As soon as the car parked in the hospital's exclusive parking space, Ye Liyuan opened the car door first and got out of the car, then opened the back seat door.

Qin Sui'an knew he had arrived and lowered his head to unbuckle his seat belt.

"I'll do it." Ye Liyuan bent down and reached into the back seat of the car, and carefully unfastened her seat belt.

Freed from the restraints of the seat belt, Qin Suian naturally raised her two little hands towards her second uncle.

Adults usually carry her out of the car, so she habitually does this action.
Ye Liyuan looked at her two little hands raised high and was stunned for half a second.

Then, he reacted, raised the corners of his lips, and picked her up from the safety seat.

The small breast in his arms was so light that he could easily pick it up with one hand, but the other hand still carefully protected her back.

There was a comforting milky fragrance in his nose. Ye Liyuan's brows stretched out, and the smile on his face was undisguised.

(End of this chapter)

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