Chapter 213 The tangle of small breasts
Lu Xi walked quickly ahead, holding down the elevator button, and then followed them after they entered the elevator.

Qin Sui'an leaned comfortably in his second uncle's arms, showing no signs of timidity or strangeness.

She looked at her second uncle's figure reflected on the elevator wall and asked curiously: "Second uncle, don't you need to wear a hat and a mask anymore?"

"Not wearing it anymore."

Normally, Ye Liyuan would not take off his hat and mask before entering the exclusive elevator of the Ye family.

But this time, because he wanted the little nipples to see his appearance clearly and let the little nipples get familiar with him, after taking off the hat and mask in the car, he did not put the hat and mask back on.

Qin Sui'an asked in confusion: "Why does the second uncle wear a hat and a mask?"

None of her brothers, nor her third uncle, wore hats or masks, unlike her second uncle, who seemed to not want others to see what he looked like.

Ye Liyuan pondered for a moment and replied patiently: "I am a public figure. If I am recognized by others, there will be some trouble."

"Oh~~~" Qin Suian's voice was long and she didn't understand what "public figure" meant, but she understood the second half of the sentence.

The elevator reached the top floor and opened with a ding.

Lu Xi had sent a message to Mrs. Ye in advance. Mrs. Ye knew that they had arrived and came to the elevator to wait for them.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Mrs. Ye first took a closer look at the small breast in her arms. After making sure that the small breast was unharmed during the trip, she turned her attention to the man holding the small breast. On the body.

Mrs. Ye lived her life day by day. When she saw her second son again, she suddenly felt that she had not seen her second son Ye Liyuan for a long time.

She looked up and down, then frowned slightly, "Does your crew have insufficient funds? Why have you lost so much weight?"

Ye Liyuan walked out of the elevator holding her small breasts, raised her lips, and explained: "Mom, I need it for the filming role, so I am deliberately dieting."

Mrs. Ye frowned even more tightly and said with great disgust: "Don't take this kind of role next time."

Ye Liyuan smiled but did not agree.

Seeing that Xiaonuibuan was getting along well with him, Madam Ye wanted to bring Xiaonuibuan over, but after a pause, she gave up the idea so that they could get along with each other for a while longer.

She walked ahead, looking sideways at them from time to time.

Back in the ward, Ye Liyuan placed the small breast on the sofa, put his palm on the top of her head and rubbed it twice, then turned and entered the room to visit his sister Ye Chaosi, who was still in a coma.

Mrs. Ye sat on the sofa next to Xiao Nituan, "An'an, how does your second uncle treat you?"

Her second son's temperament would occasionally be indifferent to others, and Xiao Naituan was sensitive. She was worried that her second son would make Xiao Naituan think too much.

"It's very good~ The second uncle also helped An An get the milk bottle~" Qin Suian's round eyes were crooked, and he leaned against the back of the sofa, saying in a sweet voice: "The second uncle knew that An An had never met the second uncle, so he went out of his way to Don’t wear a hat or mask, let’s meet An An enough~”

Mrs. Ye laughed and lightly tapped the tip of her nose with her fingertips, "That's good."

Qin Sui'an's eyes traced around the table, and the piles of documents were gone. "Have you finished your work, grandma?"

"Yeah, I'm done." Mrs. Ye took advantage of Xiao Naituan's departure to speed up and finish the affairs, so as not to let work delay her time with Xiao Naituan.

Ye Liyuan stayed in the room for a few minutes, then returned to the living room and asked, "Mom, is Chao Si's situation still the same?"

Mrs. Ye took a look at the small breasts, but she didn't want to avoid her, "Yes, it's still the same."

Ye Liyuan's expression remained calm, but complex emotions inevitably flashed through his eyes.

Sitting on the sofa, when he turned to look at the small breasts, a light smile naturally appeared on his face, "Are you going to eat here tonight?"

It's almost time to order dinner now, but Qin Sui'an is not hungry yet after drinking a bottle of milk just now.Hearing her second uncle's question, Qin Sui'an raised her face and looked at her grandmother with round eyes.

Mrs. Ye smiled, as if she knew what she was thinking, and took the initiative to say: "An An, can you go back after dinner? Or should you stay here for one night? We will go back tomorrow."

Qin Sui'an was very torn and needed time to think about it carefully, because she wanted to sleep with her mother and see her father.

Before she could think about it, there were hurried footsteps in the corridor outside the ward.

She blinked her round eyes gently and looked towards the door: "The third uncle is here~"

Not long after I finished speaking, the door to the ward was opened.

Ye Rongyuan opened the door and saw that the little breasts had not left yet. He was relieved and patted his chest happily: "Oh, I thought I was late, An An has already left!"

Ye Liyuan glanced at the person who came, and then looked at Xiaonuituan, "How did An An know that it was your third uncle who was here?"

There was surprise in his usually calm expression.

Qin Sui'an rounded his eyes and said, "Hehe~ I heard the footsteps of my third uncle!"

Mrs. Ye raised her hand and rubbed her little head, and praised with a smile: "An An's ears are very good, she can tell someone's footsteps as soon as she hears them."

"It's amazing." Ye Liyuan's expression was still surprised.

Ye Rongyuan felt that he was being ignored, "No, second brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time, right? You just looked at me and disappeared?"

Ye Liyuan turned to look at him again.

Okay, now it’s time to take a look.

Ye Rongyuan curled his lips and sat on the sofa on the other side of the small breasts, "You just called me and begged me to pick you up."

"I didn't ask for it." Ye Liyuan corrected, "I didn't ask you to pick me up in the end. It was Special Assistant An An and Lucy who picked me up."

Ye Rongyuan glanced at the little nipple puzzledly, "An'an went too?"

Qin Sui'an nodded: "Yes~ I went to pick up my second uncle with Aunt Lu Xi~"

Ye Rongyuan said nothing, but looked at his second brother with a somewhat sour look in his eyes.

An An hasn't picked him up yet...

Mrs. Ye caught a glimpse of his expression and said helplessly, "Are you going to argue with your second brother over such a trivial matter?"

"I'm not arguing, I'm just sour." Ye Rongyuan understood himself very clearly.

Ye Liyuan raised his lips and said lightly: "Just think of it as your punishment for not telling me about An An."

"Who makes you blind to what's going on outside the window? You are busier than me, the CEO."

The two said this, but neither of them meant to blame the other.

Ye Rongyuan looked at his second brother up and down, "Second brother, how poor is your crew? Is there no one investing? Do you need me to use my personal property to invest in you?"

Mrs. Ye laughed, and her third son actually wanted to go with her.

(End of this chapter)

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