Chapter 214: It’s impossible to steal people from him
Ye Liyuan helplessly raised his forehead, "The character's needs have nothing to do with the crew."

The drama he took on this time required him to control his diet, and he had to look "thin and skinny" when he was on camera.

At the end of filming recently, things are much better than when filming started. If he had appeared in front of his family at the beginning of filming, they might have thought that he had gone astray or had some terminal illness.

"What kind of character is so cruel?" Ye Rongyuan shook his head.

At this moment, Ye Rongyuan began to feel grateful that he had won the lottery to be the president of the group.

Although sometimes he is very busy, or he is angry about some project contracts, but at least he does not have to worry about who dares to starve him. If he is not the president, he may become an actor.

But he didn't feel sorry for his second brother that much. After all, his second brother had more fans, and some fans felt sorry for his second brother.

At this moment, the gold-pink mobile phone placed on the table rang.

Several people looked down at the phone at the same time.

Mrs. Ye reacted first, picked up the phone, and then handed it to Xiao Naituan, "An'an, your father is calling."

Qin Suian held the phone and pressed the answer button happily.

The phone screen flashed, Qin Haochen's figure appeared on the phone, and his voice came out: "An'an."

"Daddy~" Qin Sui'an's round eyes curled up, and she saw that her father's background was not in the car. She asked, "Is daddy still busy?"

"Well, I'm still busy." Qin Haochen mentioned it at the right time, "An'an has dinner with your grandma."

Qin Sui'an turned his little head and looked at his grandmother.

Mrs. Ye nodded gently.

After receiving the response from her grandma, Xiao Naituan said to her father: "Okay~ Then An An will eat with grandma, second uncle, and third uncle~"

"Be good." Qin Haochen listened to her cute little voice, and the smile on his lips couldn't help but widen a little, as if he suddenly remembered something, he said again: "An'an, there will be a game tomorrow afternoon, you still remember?"

"Remember~" Qin Sui'an wanted to win more bonuses, so he signed up for all the chess competitions held in the past two days.

Qin Haochen suggested in a soft voice: "I will pick you up later and take you home. After the game is over, I will go to your mother's place to stay for a few days. Is that okay?"

In this way, the little breasts don't have to worry about whether to stay here tonight.

Qin Sui'an looked at her grandmother first.

Mrs. Ye suddenly felt like she was being taken seriously and couldn't help laughing, "An'an, just make your decision."

Qin Sui'an thought about it seriously, then nodded his head, "Papa, it's okay~"

"Okay." Qin Haochen smiled.

The father and daughter chatted quietly, and no one else made a sound to disturb them.

Mrs. Ye got up and went out to tell Lu Xi to prepare dinner and made another phone call.

Mr. Ye received a call from Ji Yi in the afternoon.

Ji Yi watched the video of Xiao Naituan's morning game and saw his old classmate Ye Lao in the viewing area. After calling to confirm, he found out that Xiao Naituan was still the granddaughter of his old classmate Ye Lao.

The two had not contacted each other for many years, but now they got in touch. They arranged to meet each other in the afternoon, and they are still reminiscing about the past and chatting non-stop.

After receiving a call from his wife, Mr. Ye realized that it was already dinner time.

Ji Yi sat opposite him, waited for him to finish answering the phone, and said with a smile: "It's still a matter of strict wife control."

Mr. Ye glanced at him and said, "Envy me."

"Hmph." Ji Yi curled his lips, "Go back and have dinner with your family quickly. I also made an appointment with friends tonight." Mr. Ye knew at a glance that he was making an appointment with an art master: "You guys Master, it’s even more difficult for me to make an appointment than a businessman like me.”

Ji Yi raised his chin proudly: "I can't help it, my identity is here, of course I have to have some airs and can meet casually, that would be too low-level."

Mr. Ye clicked his tongue and said no more polite words to him. After saying goodbye, he turned and left.

Ji Yi was not idle either. After meeting an old classmate, he moved to another good friend of his.

As soon as the glass door of the restaurant was opened, the melodious sound of the piano poured into my ears.

Ji Yi said to the oncoming waiter: "I have an appointment. My surname is Gu."

"This way, sir." The waiter immediately led him to the seat he had reserved in advance.

After Ji Yi sat down, he turned to look at the center of the restaurant, where someone was sitting there playing the piano live.

When the song ended, there was warm applause in the restaurant, accompanied by excited discussions:
"As expected of the piano master Gu Maowen! I have goosebumps all over my body!"

"I've made so much money, I can actually listen to Master Gu's performance for free today!"

“I really want to go up there and take photos together!”


After playing a song, the person sitting in front of the piano stood up, bowed to the applauding audience, then walked off the stage and walked to the table he had reserved.

Ji Yi stood up with a smile and patted his shoulder: "Not bad, the sword is still young."

"What's old? I'm still young." Gu Maowen had white hair, but he looked in good spirits, and he was full of energy when he spoke.

Ji Yi sat down and looked around, "Why do you suddenly want to invite me to eat here? Don't you usually like to go to quiet places?"

Hearing him mention this, Gu Maowen sighed, "Oh, I originally wanted to try my luck and see if I could meet the little baby in the video."

It was obvious that he had bad luck tonight and missed it.

Ji Yi asked curiously: "What video?"

Gu Maowen knew that he was obsessed with chess and would definitely not pay attention to what was happening on the Internet. He took out his mobile phone, opened the video he had specially saved, and handed it to him: "Here, this is it."

Ji Yi just took a look and immediately recognized who the little nipple playing the piano was in the video. After all, he had also watched the video of the little nipple's competition today.

His expression remained unchanged. He watched the entire video calmly and praised: "She plays really well! I feel like she plays better than you!"

"Talent is something ordinary people can't get no matter how much they ask for it." Gu Maowen took the phone over and said, "The restaurant in the video is right here."

"So you asked me to have dinner here just because you wanted to meet her?" There was a hint of gloating in Ji Yi's voice.

Fortunately, he has already met An An Xiaonuitan!

Otherwise, you will have to "find a needle in a haystack" like your old friend Gu Maowen!

Gu Maowen instantly heard the intriguing tone in his tone and narrowed his eyes: "Do you know this little baby?"

Ji Yi flipped through the menu in front of him and pretended not to hear, "Let me see what I can eat..."

"Old Ji, this is boring!" Gu Maowen knocked on the table, "You and I are not colleagues, I am a piano player. You just remembered that I won't compete with you as an apprentice! Are you embarrassed to hide it from me like this?"

Ji Yi corrected him: "You are wrong. It is really possible for you to steal people from me."

He would be really sad if the little girl was kidnapped by an old classmate to learn piano and stopped attacking chess. He couldn't let this happen.

(End of this chapter)

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