Chapter 215 The mysterious uncle with no information
When Gu Mao heard what Ji Yi said, he felt that his old friend was deliberately trying to cause trouble for him, and he was jealous that he had found such a talented little breast dumpling.

He chuckled, "I haven't seen you for a few months. I didn't expect that, Lao Ji, your mentality is as childish as a three-year-old child."

Ji Yi was completely unmoved. No matter what he said about himself, he kept silent about the small breasts.

Gu Maowen was intrigued by him, and when he saw that he refused to say anything, he finally gave up and stopped pestering him for information about the small breast balls.

"I'll look for it myself." Gu Maowen took a bite of the beef and chewed it loudly. "Anyway, I won't miss such a good seedling no matter what."

"What a coincidence, isn't it?" Ji Yi picked up the wine glass and clinked it with his, "I have the same idea as you."

Gu Maowen really couldn't understand.

Why does Lao Ji act like he wants to take Xiao Naituan as his disciple, even though Xiao Naituan is just a good piano player.

Although he couldn't figure it out, Gu Maowen still regarded Ji Yi as a competitor very seriously, and he was bound to take Xiao Naituan as his apprentice and train him well.

The two of them were sitting at the same table. They were from different walks of life, but they had the same idea.


Qin Sui'an had dinner with her grandmother, grandfather, second uncle and third uncle. Not long after eating, Qin Haochen picked her up and took her home.

The four members of the Ye family personally brought the little milk balls to the door of the hospital.

Qin Haochen still maintained respect for the Ye family as before and did not step into the hospital.

Qin Sui'an trotted into her father's arms, rubbed her face against his neck, and said happily: "Daddy, An'an met her second uncle today~"

"Really?" Qin Haochen's brows and eyes were full of tenderness, and he looked down at the small breasts, "Then An An should be very happy."

Qin Sui'an nodded: "Yes~ An An is very happy~"

Qin Haochen picked up the small breast and raised his eyes to look at the Ye family standing a few steps ahead, "Dad, Mom, I'll take An An back to rest first. See you next time."

Perhaps it was because Xiao Naituan had asked herself if she hated her father before. Although Mrs. Ye's expression was still calm, she responded to his words: "Go ahead."

Qin Sui'an was put into a child safety seat by her father. After waiting for her father to fasten her seat belt, she immediately waved to them standing next to the car door: "Grandma, grandpa, second uncle, Third uncle, see you next time~"

"Goodbye, Ann."

"See you next time An'an."

"Goodbye, Ann."

"See you next time, An An."

Mrs. Ye, Mr. Ye, Ye Liyuan, and Ye Rongyuan said goodbye to her one after another.

The luxury car started, maintained a steady speed, and drove towards Bay Villa.

After watching the car carrying the little breasts away, the Ye family turned around and returned to the hospital until it disappeared from sight.

Ye Liyuan intends to stay, and he hasn't been to the hospital for a long time.

But suddenly when he left the set today, his agent, assistant and director all called him and said they could give him a few days of rest.

Ye Liyuan did not agree immediately.

In the ward, there are no small milk balls, but there are still some traces of small milk balls, cute dolls, bottles and other children's gadgets around.

Mrs. Ye picked up one of the rabbit dolls and gently pinched the rabbit's big ears. She looked at her second son and asked, "Liyuan, do you want to stay tonight?" "That's fine, I'll go back to the set tomorrow morning. Over there." Ye Liyuan remembered that Xiao Naituan mentioned in the phone call with her father that after the game was over, Xiao Naituan would stay here for a few days.

It just so happens that the filming of the script has come to an end, and I will take advantage of the filming to be completed in the past few days, and then I can accompany the little breasts.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but smile.

Mrs. Ye looked at her third son, "Rongyuan, where are you?"

"Oh." Ye Rongyuan looked at his father bitterly, "Dad, can I resign?"

When he thought about the piles of affairs in the group that had to be dealt with endlessly, almost all year round, he wanted to fire him from the position of president.

At this moment, he began to envy his second brother's acting career again. Although filming would be a bit harder and he would occasionally be followed by paparazzi or aggressive fans, at least he would have some time off to rest.

"Absurd." Mr. Ye frowned, "Do you think you are still young? The position of president is something you can do without."

Ye Rongyuan sighed heavily again, "How about we three brothers draw lots again? The chairman changes every few years. I think the position of president of our group can also change every few years."

Mr. Ye was so angry that he picked up the pillow on the sofa and threw it directly.

Mrs. Ye couldn't help but laugh, and held his hand comfortingly, "Don't let him lead you into a ditch. Rongyuan is just having fun, let him complain."

Mr. Ye snorted: "Our Ye Group will be defeated by you sooner or later."

Ye Rongyuan smiled like he wanted to be beaten: "Dad, I feel the same way."

Unfortunately, this group is thriving, and so far, there are still no signs of going bankrupt.

Madam Ye glared at him sideways, "Okay, don't be angry with your dad anymore."

Seeing his father's livid face, Ye Rongyuan ran into the room with a smile and stayed with his sister.

Ye Liyuan also stood up and followed into the room.

Mr. Ye looked at their backs and shook his head, "Rongyuan really doesn't care about the group's affairs."

And he has reached the age of retirement and can no longer continue to be in charge of the group.

At this moment, he suddenly felt envious of Mr. Qin, who had handed over the Qin Group to Qin Haochen early and lived a relaxed and free retirement life with Mrs. Qin.

"He just talks about it. I've never seen him really like anything." Mrs. Ye has become accustomed to her third son's unconventional temperament. Even after becoming the president of the group, he is still so willful.

She was actually quite happy that her third son's original temperament had not been wiped out just because he became the president of the group.

The second son's career is also going very smoothly, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

Only the missing eldest son Ye Xiaoyuan and her daughter Ye Chaosi lying unconscious in the hospital bed made her worried.

Mr. Ye noticed the change in her mood. When he saw her expression, she suddenly became solemn and sad. He quickly held her hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mrs. Ye sighed: "I just thought of Xiaoyuan. This child ran away to who knows where and didn't tell us any news."

He immediately comforted him: "Xiaoyuan has always been measured. In short, he is much more reliable than Rongyuan. Don't worry about him."

Mrs. Ye snorted softly, "The idea is so big that I can't worry even if I want to."

(End of this chapter)

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