Chapter 216

Listening to his wife's obviously angry words, Mr. Ye smiled and said, "Okay, I'll have someone contact Xiaoyuan."

"Can you contact him?" Mrs. Ye's tone was full of doubts.

After all, she had tried to get people to contact her eldest son Ye Xiaoyuan before, but the results were always unsatisfactory.

Her eldest son deliberately avoided contact with them so that no one could find him if he didn't want to.

"Let me try." Mr. Ye turned his head and looked at her, "Lest he doesn't show up again, you will disown him as your son."

Mrs. Ye glared at him lightly: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

No matter how angry she was with her eldest son for not contacting his family, she would not deny him. She had worked hard to give birth to these children during her ten-month pregnancy. Although they had different personalities, she had spent half her life giving birth to them. down.


A villa on the bay.

When Qin Suian returned here, it was already dark.

Her grandparents, and six brothers were waiting for her at the gate of the castle. As soon as they saw her getting out of the car, everyone swarmed towards her.

Qin Haochen is like a conspicuous light bulb, but everyone ignores his existence, and everyone only surrounds the small breasts.

"Good evening, An'an!"

"An'an, have you had dinner?"

"An'an, today's game was super cool! I made a copy of the video with the people at the game!"

"An An..."

"An An..."

Qin Haochen felt a little dizzy because of the small breasts.

Seeing that the little breast did not show any discomfort, Qin Haochen squatted down and put down the little breast in her arms so that she could better chat with her other family members.The Qin family crowded at the gate of the castle and were busy for a while before entering the castle and going to the living room.

Hearing the commotion, the big white goose also ran out from the flowers in the garden and ran into the castle while quacking:

"Gah~ An'an cub, why aren't you at home today?"

The squawking sound was particularly abrupt among the voices of the surrounding family members. Qin Sui'an looked towards the door of the living room and saw the big white goose hurriedly running in with flapping wings. He bent his eyes and smiled: "Big white goose~"

"Ga~ An'an cub, one day is like three autumns after not seeing each other!" This is the new human language that the big white goose has learned. It recently likes to learn some words that humans can say. It feels like it has become a human being.

Of course, the most important thing is that it wants to communicate better with the An An cub, so it works so hard to learn human speech.

Qin Sui'an hasn't gone to school yet, so he can't understand what it's saying at this moment. He blinked his round eyes blankly: "Big White Goose, An An doesn't understand~"

"Gah~ It doesn't matter, I'll teach you!" The big white goose was extremely happy. With its fat body, it successfully squeezed past the An An cub's family members and came to the An An cub.

It smiled and explained: "What the saying 'One day is like three autumns' means that I miss you! An'an cub!"

The little girl understood this sentence.

Qin Sui'an raised her round eyes happily and smiled: "Big White Goose, An An misses you too!"

The conversation between Xiao Naituan and Big White Goose seemed to be encrypted. Others were confused but curious.

Qin Qianyi stepped forward and pushed the big white goose away: "An'an, what are you talking about with the big white goose?"

Why don't you think about it?

As he asked, he glanced at the big white goose with a bit of sourness.

An An didn't even tell him that she missed him!

Qin Sui'an said in a sweet voice: "Little brother, the big white goose says, 'One day is like three autumns after not seeing you'. It wants to be safe!"

Not only Qin Qianyi was surprised, but others were also surprised. Where did this big white goose learn this sentence?
(End of this chapter)

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