Chapter 217 Talent needs to be cultivated well

The big white goose raised its head very proudly, and its small, bean-sized eyes narrowed into a straight line proudly.

This goose is very powerful!

It is working hard to evolve itself every day so that it can better accompany the growth of the An An cub. On the other hand, the An An cub is also its reborn parent. Without the An An cub, it would have become a human being. Plate lunch.

When Qin Qianyi saw it showing this "goose is the most awesome" attitude, he thought it was easy to pull, but it did have the ability to pull it off.

It was already late when Qin Sui'an got home. She played in the living room for a while, then went upstairs with her father to rest.

In the living room, other people did not leave immediately.

Before, because An An had not returned home yet, they were all looking forward to her return home. Now that she had returned home, they started to mention the piano playing video that had been circulating on the Internet.

Qin Yaoyu was the first to speak: "I hired someone to keep an eye on the comments on the Internet. So far, I haven't found anyone who wants to mess with our family."

Qin Luzheng chuckled: "Who dares?" His lawyer's letter is waiting at any time.

Qin Nexun turned to look at their grandparents and asked in a serious tone: "I have found out the first person who posted the video. Grandpa and grandpa, do you need to arrest him first?"

Mrs. Qin was not as good at surfing the Internet as they were. She was confused and asked anxiously: "What video? What's wrong with this?"

Qin Yanyi comforted her, "It's not a serious matter."

Qin Fuga took out his phone, clicked on the video that had been saved in the photo album, and handed the phone screen to their grandma, "Grandma, this is the video."

Mr. Qin also approached and looked at it curiously.

I thought it might be a video of a chess match, but after taking a closer look, I realized it was a video of their granddaughter An An playing the piano.

Mrs. Qin opened her eyes wide in surprise, "An An can also play the piano?" They didn't even know!
He even plays so well!

Qin Qianyi explained, "Grandma, I asked someone to go to that restaurant and asked for the whole process to be monitored. An An doesn't know how to play. This is her first time playing the piano."

"First time?" Mr. Qin couldn't hide his surprise. The next second, he immediately patted the armrest of the sofa, "Do you still have a piano at home? How about buying a new one? Don't delay An An's talent!"

Perhaps he was brainwashed by his old friend Ji Yi. He now feels that as long as his granddaughter has talented skills, such as chess or piano, she can't delay them!If you should cultivate it well, cultivate it well!

Thinking of this, Mr. Qin took out his mobile phone and forgot that it was already late. He was so excited that he called Ji Yi directly.

At this moment, Ji Yi was just about to lie down and rest when he saw a rare call from Lao Qin.

Thinking that An An might want to become his teacher, Ji Yi happily answered: "Old Qin."

"Lao Ji, aren't you a chess master? Do you know any piano masters? Recommend a few to me." Mr. Qin smiled from ear to ear, and the pride in his tone was almost overflowing: "I'll tell you the truth. , my little granddaughter An'an, she is particularly talented at playing the piano!"

Ji Yi was stunned, unable to move up or down in one breath.

He guarded his old classmate Gu Maowen, but he didn't expect...

Mr. Qin continued: "Old Ji, didn't you say before that talent should not be wasted? I think what you said makes sense."

Ji Yi could only hold back a sigh: "Alas!"

But he can no longer stop others from wanting to cultivate her well. Before, he could refuse to tell Gu Maowen about the little nipples out of selfish motives because he knew Gu Maowen's temperament and could find the little nipples without him.

Now that Xiao Naituan's biological grandfather has come to him in person, Ji Yi has no reason to refuse. He just begs pitifully: "Old Qin, promise me that after you learn the piano, you won't let An An give up chess, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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