Chapter 222 Use strength to break rumors
Mr. Qin couldn't help but look at Ji Yi, lowered his voice and said, "You know this, and you didn't tell me?"

Ji Yi explained: "If An An doesn't like playing the piano, I'm telling you, I'm afraid it will put more pressure on you. Besides, I also expected that if An An is interested in playing the piano, you will definitely come to me."

"Then your prediction is quite accurate." Mr. Qin snorted softly.

"Of course, I also have a little bit of selfishness." Ji Yi's selfishness was not hidden, it could be said to be on the table.

Mr. Qin didn't blame him for hiding things. He understood his concerns, so he didn't say anything more to him.

While they were talking softly, Gu Maowen was also chatting with Xiao Naituan.

Gu Maowen squatted down, arched his waist slightly, and kept his eyes level with the small breasts, "Has An'an never learned piano before?"

"No~" Qin Sui'an shook his little head, knowing that Grandpa Gu in front of him was the pianist who had just played on the stage. He had a pair of bright round eyes, and his soft little voice was full of admiration: "Hello, Grandpa Gu. Awesome! Grandpa Gu plays the piano very well!"

The straightforward and innocent praise of the little breasts made Gu Maowen feel happier than anyone else's praise.

"Hahaha..." Gu Maowen laughed loudly, "Thank you, An An. I watched the video online. An An's first time playing the piano, she has already surpassed me. You are also very good!"

When Qin Sui'an heard that he was praising her, she smiled happily and rounded her eyes, her little face flushed with shyness.

The scene of their harmony and friendship was particularly dazzling to Shao Xinxin.

Why did Gu Maowen treat her and Qin Suian differently?Just because of that video?
That video was so popular on the Internet that Shao Xinxin naturally saw it, but she didn't want to admit that Qin Suian played better than her.

Seeing Gu Maowen and Qin Suian chatting more and more happily, Shao Xinxin gritted his teeth and fixed his eyes full of resentment on Qin Suian.

She didn't believe that Qin Sui'an could surpass her in everything. Even if she was reborn, even if her soul was more than six years old, she could still lose to the three and a half year old Qin Sui'an.

When I saw that the onlookers had not dispersed yet and were looking at them curiously, Shao Xixin pursed his lips.

Suddenly, she raised her voice and asked loudly: "Teacher Gu, are you not accepting me as your disciple because of this little daughter of the Qin Group?"

There was a thick nasal sound in her voice, as if she was about to cry.

As soon as these words came out, the people around him were in an uproar and whispered to each other:
"It turns out that's the young daughter of the Qin Group!"

"No wonder he looks so noble, he looks so cute!"

"The daughter of the Shao family and the younger daughter of the Qin Group both know who to accept as their apprentices, right?"

"Let me tell you, the daughter of the Shao family played very well just now. Why is Teacher Gu so picky about not accepting her as a disciple?"

"I didn't expect that Teacher Gu's acceptance of disciples would depend on family background..."

The discussion was not loud, but the occasional glances and subtle expressions had revealed the content of their conversation.

Gu Maowen was a little angry and looked at Shao Xinxin with a frown: "Without her, I wouldn't have accepted you as my disciple. I never accept anyone with bad intentions as my disciple."

Shao Xinxin's small figure trembled, and she asked aggrievedly: "Teacher Gu, what do you mean?"

"You and I both know what I mean." Gu Maowen obviously didn't want to talk to her any more. He just felt that the Shao family was terrible at teaching children.

This child looks like he is only five or six years old. He is as thoughtful as an adult. He does not have the innocence and purity of a child at all. Children should act like children.At this moment, there were innocent and cute little breasts for comparison, which made Shao Xinxin too scheming, making Gu Maowen not want to talk to Shao Xinxin even more.

Shao Xinxin knew that she might not gain much favor from Gu Maowen, but she was not panicked at all. Instead, her eyes were filled with tears and her voice was choked with sobs:

"Teacher Gu, we all know that you are looking for the child playing the piano in the video, so how can you be so sure that the person in the video must be the young daughter of the Qin Group?"

She controlled the volume very well and emphasized Qin Sui'an's identity at the end. The crowd around her was in an uproar again:

"She is right. None of the children in the video showed up. How come Teacher Gu is so sure that the child in the video is the daughter of the Qin Group when she just met him?"

The discussion this time was even louder than before, and some people began to fight for the injustice of the daughter of the Shao family:

"It's a pity. I think the daughter of the Shao family plays the piano very well."

"Well, let me tell you, the most important thing is to be cast in the right child. No matter how good you are at playing, you still lose because of your family background."

“Teacher Gu’s reputation has been defeated by reality…”

"It's not like the Qin family took advantage of their family's money and pretended to be the child in the video, right?"

"God, it's not impossible..."

Gu Maowen heard some words directed at him, and his expression showed no reaction at all. But when he heard some people suspected that Xiao Naituan won not by strength, but by conspiracy, his expression couldn't help it.

Seeing this, Ji Yi spoke up at the right moment: "Old Qin, would it be convenient for An An to play the piano at this moment?"

Mr. Qin understood Ji Yi's intention, which was to break all the bad guesses people around him had about the little nipples.

He did not rush to respond to Ji Yi's words, but first asked Xiao Naituan: "An'an, can you play a piano piece for Grandpa Gu?"

"Okay~" Qin Suian agreed readily.

She looked around and saw a piano in the lounge. The piano looked much smaller than the beautiful grand piano on the stage, but it had the same black and white keys and was also very clean.

Qin Sui'an pointed to the piano and asked in a low voice: "Grandpa, can An An play on that piano?"

Mr. Qin immediately turned to look at Gu Maowen.

Gu Mao laughed and said, "An'an, that piano is an electronic piano. It's an antique. Don't you dislike it?"

Qin Sui'an showed a surprised expression and asked in surprise: "What is an electronic piano?"

It sounds cool, why would you dislike it?She doesn’t even own a piano, let alone an electronic piano.

"A plug-in piano is very cost-effective for novices." Gu Maowen explained briefly, and then said: "If An An doesn't mind, then use the electronic piano to play a song for me. Bar."

"I don't mind it~" Qin Sui'an immediately shook his head.

She stepped forward with her short legs, came to the electronic piano, climbed onto the small chair and sat down, proving with her actions that she was not lying.

(End of this chapter)

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