Chapter 223 No Contrast No Harm

Their conversation was not loud, but their expressions and reactions were clearly visible to others.

Not long ago, the daughter of the Shao family had disliked the electronic piano, but now, the daughter of the Qin family, who had a better family background than the Shao family, didn't care.

Such an obvious contrast instantly made the people around him feel strange emotions.

Qin Sui'an sat in front of the electronic piano, his two little hands placed obediently on the piano keys.

After thinking seriously for a few seconds, she slowly played a piano piece.

The beautiful piano sound came from the lounge, and the tune slowly rose, making people unable to help but become immersed.

This piece of music Tani Shigen has played on the stage is the famous "Summer of Kikujiro". Qin Sui'an's playing is more like her child's mentality, making people feel lively and joyful.

When a piano piece ended, the onlookers were the first to react, applauding enthusiastically and excitedly:
"Oh my god, is this really played by that little milk baby?"

"I feel like my whole body has been purified!"

"When I play it with Teacher Gu, it seems to be two emotions!"

"This is played so well! It makes me so happy for no reason!"

"No wonder Teacher Gu chose the little baby instead of the daughter of the Shao family just now."

"There is no harm without comparison..."

These words reached Shao Xinxin's ears one by one, and her expression became very ugly in an instant.

Gu Maowen strode to Xiao Naituan and couldn't help but praise: "An An plays so well! An An, where did you learn this piece of music?"

"Grandpa Gu, have you forgotten?" Qin Sui'an raised her little face and looked at him with bright round eyes. She said happily: "Grandpa Gu played it on the stage just now, and An An liked it!"

Gu Maowen was startled, "I've played it before, and you know how to play it once you hear it?"

"Well... I'm not very good at it yet." Qin Sui'an just remembered the notes and the piano keys that Grandpa Gu moved his fingers over when he played.

It was also her first time to play this piece, so she felt that she was not very good at it yet.

Gu Maowen opened his mouth in surprise.

Sure enough, not everyone has such a thing as talent.

He looked down at his hands. He had long, slender hands that could easily reach ten degrees. This talent allowed him to reach this point on his piano journey.

As for Xiao Naitan, she is only three and a half years old now. Even though her hands are small, her sense of hearing, musicality and memory are almost unmatched by anyone.

This cannot be said to be talent, it is even more powerful than talent. It is like God superimposed the advantages on her body crazily and gave her all the preferences.

Seeing that he suddenly stopped talking, Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes in confusion, "Grandpa Gu, is An An not playing well?"

"Okay! You played so well!" Gu Maowen came to his senses immediately, and then, as if he was worried that Xiaonuituan would refuse, he lowered his voice and asked nervously: "An'an, do you want to learn piano? I think you I’m a piano teacher, okay?”

Qin Sui'an pursed his lips and looked towards his grandparents.

Gu Maowen said softly: "You can think about it slowly, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry."

"Then, An'an will answer Grandpa Gu later." Qin Sui ran up to his grandparents.

Mr. Qin knelt down and gently hugged her little body.He thought she would agree directly because she really liked the piano, so he couldn't help but asked curiously: "An'an doesn't want to learn?"

Qin Sui'an shook his head and frowned, "Grandpa, An An wants to call daddy~"

She couldn't make up her mind and wanted to discuss it with her father.

Mrs. Qin smiled, took out her mobile phone, dialed her son Qin Haochen's number, and then handed the mobile phone to her: "An'an, here it is."

"Thank you, grandma~" Qin Sui'an stretched out her hands and held the phone. Her small body leaned on her grandfather's arms, waiting patiently for her father to answer the phone.

Seeing that Gu Maowen was restless and anxious, Ji Yi quickly walked over and comforted him softly: "Don't worry, An An is still young. If she doesn't want to learn, don't put too much pressure on her."

"I know." Gu Maowen said this, and his heart became more and more anxious every second, because he was afraid that Xiao Naituan would not want to learn the piano.

He had never been so eager to take on a disciple, even if the disciple was only three and a half years old.

Ji Yi looked at Gu Maowen with envy.

Alas, it was a pity that he met Xiao Naituan too late. Xiao Naituan already had a master who taught her how to play chess. Otherwise, he could have fought for it and accepted Xiao Naituan as his apprentice.

The beeping sound in the handset of the mobile phone continued for a while, and then someone slowly picked it up.

Qin Haochen thought it was his mother and was about to call someone when he heard the soft and cute call of the little nipple coming from the mobile phone:

In an instant, Qin Haochen's whole body softened, and a faint smile covered his eyebrows, "An'an, have you finished the concert?"

"Finished reading~" Qin Sui'an bent her round eyes happily, "Dad, An An met Grandpa Gu who plays the piano very well~"

Qin Haochen had learned about Gu Maowen's information, and listened carefully to the little nipple talk. He was infected by her joyful mood, and the smile on his lips slowly deepened.

After chatting for a while, Qin Sui'an said seriously: "Daddy, An An has something to ask you."

When Qin Haochen heard this, his expression became more serious, "What's wrong? Ask An An, dad, listen."

"Can An An learn piano from Grandpa Gu?" Her voice became much softer.

Qin Haochen breathed a sigh of relief and then laughed, "Of course you can. Whatever An An wants to do or whatever she wants to learn, dad will support you."

Qin Sui'an said softly: "Grandpa Gu is so good. Learning piano from Grandpa Gu may be very expensive, and An An's bonus may not be enough."

Qin Haochen was stunned. After realizing her worries, he couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't worry, An An, dad is rich."

Knowing that Xiao Naituan felt sorry for him that he had to work hard to make money, he thought about it and said, "An'an, after you learn the piano, you can also participate in piano competitions. Just like chess competitions, there are bonuses."

Qin Sui'an's big round eyes suddenly lit up.

Qin Haochen said patiently: "If you don't want to spend dad's money, you can wait until you win the game and get the bonus, and then return the money to dad. Is that okay?"

Qin Suian nodded his head happily, "Okay~!"

Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin looked at each other silently. They could not hear what their son Qin Haochen said to Xiao Naituan, but they also knew that Xiao Naituan agreed to learn piano.

After ending the call with her father, Qin Sui'an returned the phone to Grandma, and then came to Grandpa Gu. Her cute little voice said happily: "Grandpa Gu~ An'an wants to learn piano from you~"

(End of this chapter)

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