Chapter 224 The little milk ball arrives at Ye’s house
When Gu Maowen heard Xiao Naituan's words, he was so excited that he almost flew up.

He was instantly in high spirits and smiled happily from ear to ear, "Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Ji Yi looked really bitter and envious, "Old Gu, you really found a treasure!"

"Hahaha..." Gu Maowen hugged the little breasts happily, "From today on, I, Gu Maowen, will teach you how to play the piano!"

Qin Sui'an bent his round eyes and said, "Thank you, Grandpa Gu~"

Mrs. Qin reminded her with a smile, "An'an, you should call the master."

"Master?" She blinked in confusion, then realized what she was doing, and immediately sweetly called Gu Maowen: "Master~"

"Master is here, Master is here, hahaha..." Gu Maowen's face was filled with unstoppable joy. He turned to look at Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin, and said solemnly: "Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin, don't worry. I will never delay An An's talent! Let alone let her strength be hidden!"

Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin looked at each other, and then laughed at the same time.

The lounge was fun and the atmosphere was great.

Outside the lounge, Shao Xinxin's back was straight and her posture was arrogant, but her hands hanging by her sides were clenched into fists, and she stared at Qin Sui'an with hateful eyes.

Despite all the efforts, Qin Sui'an was allowed to become Gu Maowen's apprentice!
She couldn't accept the fact that she lost to Qin Sui'an. She only felt that Qin Sui'an stepped on her deliberately and was accepted as a disciple by Gu Maowen.

But no matter whether she can accept it or not, the fact is the fact. The trajectory of this life or the previous life has not changed at all.

When Gu Mao heard that he had accepted a young apprentice, word spread all of a sudden.

Although the Qin family deliberately suppressed the news, more and more people knew about it, which also made more people curious about who Gu Maowen's young apprentice was. However, the identity of the young apprentice was well protected. There is no way to dig up some information.

Qin Haochen still remembered what he had promised Xiao Naituan. The day after the chess match, he started to help Xiao Naituan pack her small luggage so that she could live comfortably with her mother. For a few days.

As soon as Qin Sui'an woke up, he heard some subtle noises coming from the locker room.

Her little body got out of the quilt, with a cute hairstyle like a chicken coop, and her round eyes looked around in confusion.

After making sure that her father was not in the bedroom, Qin Suian rubbed her eyes, climbed out of bed and walked to the dressing room.

Her footsteps were so light that they were almost inaudible. Qin Haochen sensed something and turned to look at the door. He saw the little girl with a dazed face as if she had just woken up, looking at him curiously.

Qin Haochen raised his lips and smiled, put her small clothes in his hand into the suitcase, stood up and walked towards her, holding her in his arms, "An'an, good morning."

"Daddy, good morning~" Qin Suian's voice was soft, and she asked doubtfully: "What are you doing, daddy?"

Qin Haochen held the small breast with one hand, and gently combed her soft hair with the other hand, while saying patiently: "I'm helping you pack your luggage."

"Pack your luggage?" The sleepy little head slowly came to his senses. Qin Sui'an raised the corners of his lips happily, "Are you going to live at Mama's place?"

"Well, An An will go live with your mother for a few days." Qin Haochen laughed, "Are you happy?"

"Happy~" Qin Sui'an leaned into his arms, her round eyes shining brightly with excitement.

Immediately afterwards, she remembered something again, and her happy mood suddenly faded a little, "Daddy, aren't you going to live with Mommy with An An?"

"Well, I'm too busy. There are a lot of things in the group." Qin Haochen's expression remained unchanged. He stood up with her in his arms and cleverly changed the subject, "How do An'an and your master get along?"

"Master is very kind~" Qin Sui'an's round eyes curled up again, and she said in a sweet voice: "Master said that An An is still young and can learn piano slowly~ slowly~"

Qin Haochen listened to her cute little voice, the smile on his lips deepened, and he nodded the tip of her nose lovingly, "Then An An will learn slowly, we are not in a hurry."

He did not continue to pack her luggage. He took her to wash and change clothes, went downstairs to have breakfast, and then went upstairs with her to continue packing her luggage.

Because he knew that the Ye family also bought a lot of dolls for Xiao Naituan, Qin Haochen did not put any sleeping dolls in her suitcase this time, but basically just some changes of clothes, pajamas and the like.

The father and daughter packed their luggage together. "An'an, do you want to wear this little dress?"


"An'an, why don't you bring this set with you?"


"An'an, where is this dress?"


The two of them cooperated very happily.

If the suitcase wasn't so small, Qin Haochen would have put almost all the clothes in the dressing room into it, worrying that she would have nothing to wear.

Of course, his worries were unnecessary. The Ye family had already prepared a lot of new clothes for Xiao Naituan.

After filling the suitcase to the top, it was finally packed.

Qin Haochen walked downstairs slowly, holding her small breasts in one hand and carrying her suitcase in the other.

In the living room on the first floor, Qin Sui'an's grandparents and six brothers already knew that she was going to stay at Ye's house for a few days. They all had heavy expressions and reluctance written on their faces.

But when Xiao Naituan went downstairs happily, they tacitly switched to happy expressions, not wanting to burden Xiao Naituan.

The Ye family's car was waiting at the entrance of Bay Villa.

During the distance from the castle to the door, the Qin family walked together with the little nanny, and even the big white goose kept up with the pace of An An's cub.

When Qin Fuga meditated with the big white goose in the morning, he had discussed it with the big white goose in advance. This time, the big white goose would not go to Ye's house with An An's cub, but would stay in the Bay Villa.

The big white goose can predict the future danger of the little milk ball. If it senses it, it can inform the Qin family in time.

Considering the An An cub, the big white goose reluctantly agreed to Qin Fuga's proposal and did not bother to follow the An An cub.

The door of Bay Villa was open, and a Maserati was parked outside.

Mrs. Ye, Mr. Ye, Ye Liyuan, and Ye Rongyuan stood beside the car, looking forward to it.

They had been waiting here early in the morning, but they just didn't want to put pressure on the little nipples, so they didn't let the little nipples know.

When the figure of the small breast appeared in the field of vision, the four of them smiled at the same time and said, "An An is here."

When she was approaching the door, Qin Haochen put down the small breast in her arms and let her go by herself.

When Qin Sui'an saw the person outside the door, he immediately called out in a sweet voice: "Grandma~Grandpa~Second uncle~Third uncle~"

Ye Rongyuan ran the fastest and rushed to the little nipple. He couldn't hide his happiness and said, "An'an, good morning!"

He knelt down and looked at her up and down.

After not seeing each other for a few days, An An seems to have become a little more mellow.

He didn't say it out loud, but there was a slight smile in his eyes.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes in confusion, "Third uncle?"

(End of this chapter)

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