Chapter 226 How much is a few billion?

There was no wardrobe in the room, so Mrs. Ye took the suitcase of Xiaonuituan to the lounge next door.

She bought a new wardrobe in advance, and it was already filled with the beautiful clothes they bought for Xiao Naituan. This new wardrobe could no longer hold the clothes Xiao Naituan brought from Bay Villa.

Mrs. Ye made room in the wardrobe where her own clothes were originally hung, and then hung up the clothes in Xiaonuituan's suitcase one by one.

After finishing, she stood in front of the closet and looked at the two styles of clothes in the closet. The corners of her lips slowly rose unconsciously.

Her precious granddaughter is back.

And she has always believed firmly that her daughter will come back.

Mrs. Ye gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, collected her emotions, and then returned to the ward next door.

There are only small breasts, but the atmosphere in the ward is extremely warm, as if every inch of the air exudes a pleasant smell.

At this moment, the little girl Qin Sui'an was playing chess with her second uncle Ye Liyuan.

Ye Rongyuan sat on one side and watched. After discovering that his second brother's chess skills were not very good, his expression became increasingly aggressive: "Second brother, you're the only one, so don't waste our An An's time. An An is just letting you, you can Down to now.”

Ye Liyuan was not irritated by his words at all, but a layer of joy appeared on his brows, "I know that An An gave up to me on purpose."

He had watched the live video of An An's chess match. As long as it was an opponent that An An liked, she would deliberately give way to the opponent.

As it is now, An An likes him, so she lets him.

Seeing that his blatant "preference" was seen through, Qin Sui'an's little face turned red, and he still comforted his second uncle with a sweet voice: "Second uncle is also very good at chess~"

Compared with some of the opponents she has encountered, her second uncle can be ranked in the top ten with her!
"Thank you An An, I will continue to work hard." Ye Liyuan raised the corners of his lips and smiled in his eyes.

Ye Rongyuan approached An An and asked pitifully: "An An, what about me? Am I powerful?"

Qin Sui'an immediately nodded his head, his big round eyes full of sincerity: "The third uncle is also very powerful~"

Ye Rongyuan exaggeratedly covered his heart and laughed happily: "An An's words are enough!"

Mr. Ye looked at them and shook his head helplessly.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned around and saw that his wife was back. He stood up and went to greet him, "Have you packed up?"

"Well, An An doesn't have many clothes." Mrs. Ye looked at the little breasts and her eyes curved, "An An just finished the game, and you two uncles pestered her to play chess with you. Are you embarrassed? ?”

What if I get tired of my little breasts?Playing chess is a mental activity, especially if you have small breasts and you have to think of ways not to beat them, which requires a lot of brain cells.

Ye Rongyuan immediately distanced himself from his relationship with his second brother, "Mom, I didn't play chess with An An!"

Ye Liyuan glanced at him, "Can you shut up? It's making me think."

"You can't win against An An if you don't think about it." Ye Rongyuan smiled proudly, as if he had defeated his second brother.

Qin Sui'an looked at his third uncle for a while and then at his second uncle for a while. His round eyes were crooked with joy and he thought it was fun for the two uncles to quarrel.

Mrs. Ye watched their chess game for a few minutes, and it turned out to be pretty much what she had imagined. She was trying hard to think of a way not to win against Li Yuan.She got up and entered the room, then checked the small bed where the baby girl was going to sleep. Then she came to the bedside and gently held her unconscious daughter's hand.

"Chaosi, I've been sleeping for three years, it's time to wake up."

Mrs. Ye looked at her daughter's peaceful sleeping face, and her expression couldn't help but be filled with sadness.

Mr. Ye walked into the ward gently, put his arm around her shoulders, and stayed with her and their daughter in silence.

in the living room.

A game of chess lasted for nearly half an hour before it finally ended.

If it weren't for An An, Ye Rongyuan would have been unable to sit still. When he saw that the chess game was over, he quickly put away the chessboard and said, "Second brother, I suspect that you are delaying time on purpose."

The purpose is to sit face to face with An An and play chess.

"Then your suspicion is indeed valid." If it weren't for his poor chess skills, Ye Liyuan would be willing to keep playing chess with An An like this.

Ye Rongyuan gently squeezed An An's little hand, "An An, don't give your second uncle too much face next time. You can eat up all his chess pieces in five or six minutes."

Qin Sui'an bent his eyes and smiled cheerfully, "Third uncle, you can win without eating everything."

"Ah, yes, I forgot about it." Ye Rongyuan patted his forehead, "Anyway, just control the game to end in five or six minutes. It's been almost half an hour, how tiring it is."

The little team has never played such a long round in a competition.

Ye Liyuan looked at his third brother with disgust, "Our group is managed by people like you, but it's not bankrupt yet? Thank God."

"Second brother, you should thank me. Thank God it's useless." Ye Rongyuan pretended to be worried, "I can't help it, I'm too capable. Not only did the group not go bankrupt, its market value has also increased a lot in the past few years."

Ye Liyuan didn't show much reaction, and he said he disliked him, but he also knew that the third brother had some strength, otherwise the group would have gone bankrupt in the first year of his management.

Turning his head, he suddenly found that Xiao Naituan's expression was very serious, as if he was very interested in the group's affairs.

He raised the corners of his lips, bent down slightly, looked at her and asked, "Are An'an curious about our group?"

Qin Sui'an shook his little head, nodded again, and said in a soft voice: "Daddy also has a group, and third uncle also has a group, are they the same group?"

Ye Rongyuan laughed and explained patiently: "It's different, but the method is similar. My brother-in-law is An An's father. An An's father belongs to the Qin Group, and mine belongs to our Ye Group."

The little girl blinked her round eyes in confusion: "Oh~~~" It's because the names are different~
"An'an, in our Ye's Group, you also have shares, monthly dividends, and year-end dividends, all the money is saved!" Ye Rongyuan calculated, "From the time you were born to now, no matter what, you have to have a small wife. One billion in dividends.”

An An's shares account for a large proportion, including the additional shares they each gave her, as well as the shares their sister transferred to An An's name. Together, these shares are enough to make the little milk dumpling dominate the shareholders' meeting. , you can do whatever you want.

Qin Sui'an listened carefully, but he didn't seem to understand it very well, and he hadn't really felt the concept of money yet.

She tilted her head in confusion and asked, "Third uncle, how much is a few billion?"

(End of this chapter)

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