Chapter 227 The curiosity of the little nipple

"Well..." Ye Rongyuan didn't know how to answer Xiao Naituan's question.

He has always been a lavish spender, and he was afraid that this concept of using money would distort the little breasts, so he had to turn his eyes to his second brother for help.

Ye Liyuan calmly avoided his sight and pretended not to hear anything.

Ye Rongyuan had no choice but to rack his brains and think seriously, and after a while, he explained: "A few billion is enough to feed and clothe An An, not to mention a lifetime, at least until you, you don't have to worry about money to buy anything. .”

Qin Suian's eyes widened: "? An'an is only three and a half years old now, so there are still 14 and a half years left~"

"Yes." Ye Rongyuan changed the topic at the right time to avoid the little girl from asking herself similar questions, "An'an's math is good, isn't he not in kindergarten yet? Who taught you math?"

"It's the big white goose~" Qin Sui'an curled his round eyes and said happily: "The big white goose is so smart~ It taught An An arithmetic~"

Ye Rongyuan subconsciously felt a little uncomfortable at the ankle.

He has not forgotten the embarrassing memory of being regarded as a thief by the big white goose.

That big white goose has become such a spirit?Can you also teach little titties arithmetic?
Ye Liyuan frowned slightly and asked curiously: "What big white goose? Does An An raise geese?"

Ye Rongyuan remembered what his second brother had done before, and deliberately did not answer his question. He just snorted, "You don't know that."

Seeing that he didn't answer, Ye Liyuan turned to look at Xiaonuituan and asked softly: "Does An An raise a goose?"

"Yes~Big White Goose~" Qin Sui'an opened his small hands and gestured in the air: "Such a big goose~ The first time I came to see Mama, it was the Big White Goose that brought An An. "

Ye Liyuan heard this from Special Assistant Lu Xi. The first time the little nipple came to the hospital, he walked step by step from the Bay Villa. Fortunately, his mother met him halfway, otherwise the little nipple would have been much more. It’s a long walk.

He stared deeply and whispered: "That big white goose... is indeed quite smart. He actually knows which hospital my sister is in."

Ye Rongyuan said: "He is extremely smart. Not only can he recognize the road, he can do calculations, but he can also catch thieves."

Ye Liyuan glanced at him and said, "Is it possible that you are the thief who was caught by it?"

The hospital is heavily guarded, and no one is likely to get close, unless "an acquaintance commits the crime." When his third brother said this, he seemed to be gritting his teeth.

Ye Rongyuan laughed exaggeratedly: "Hahaha, are you kidding! I came here upright! How could I be regarded as a thief?"

Qin Sui'an blinked her round eyes and moved her small mouth. She was about to say something when her third uncle suddenly covered her small mouth.

"Ahem, um, An'an, shush, don't talk yet, listen carefully -" Ye Rongyuan diverted the attention of the little nipple.

Qin Suian looked at his third uncle in confusion, wondering: What are you listening to?

He said matter-of-factly: "My stomach is growling with hunger, does An An hear it?"

The little girl's eyes moved down, looked at the third uncle's belly, and shook her little head honestly: I didn't hear you~
"I didn't hear you, I thought I was cooing too loudly!" Ye Rongyuan released his hand covering her little mouth and squeezed her cute little face, "Are An'an hungry? It's time to prepare for lunch. "

Qin Sui'an didn't feel hungry at first, but when his third uncle suddenly said this, he immediately felt a little hungry.

She pursed her lips and smiled sheepishly, "I'm a little hungry~"

"Great, I'm a little hungry too!" Ye Rongyuan first looked at the time. In fact, it wasn't lunch yet, and it was only around eleven o'clock now.

He had an idea: "What does An An like to eat? Let me cook a big meal for An An!"

Ye Liyuan said helplessly: "I declined. With your cooking skills, don't harm An'an."

"My cooking skills have improved a lot! Second brother, just wait and be amazed by my cooking skills!" Ye Rongyuan was very confident.

He did mess around with cooking at home before and almost burned down the kitchen, but things are different now. He is no longer the Ye Rongyuan he used to be.

Listening to his third uncle's excited words, Qin Sui'an also became excited: "An'an is not picky about food! Does third uncle really know how to cook?" Ye Rongyuan smiled: "It must be! I say second in this aspect, no one dares to follow I'll take second place."

This sounds strange, but I don't think so, and I'm even proud of it.

Ye Liyuan stroked his forehead, "Why are you looking for something to do for yourself? Wouldn't it be better to leave lunch to professionals?"

Ye Rongyuan just wanted to show off in front of An An.

He stood up happily and was about to walk out.

Qin Sui'an also stood up happily and said in a soft voice: "Third uncle, An An wants to go together~"

"Okay! Let's go!" Ye Rongyuan became more energetic, bending down and picking up the little breasts, "Let's go, let An An witness my awesome... ahem, my amazing cooking skills!"

Seeing them leaving the ward happily, Ye Liyuan stood up, went to the door of the room first, and knocked on the door, "Mom and Dad, Rongyuan said he wanted to cook for An An, I'll go and have a look."

Mrs. Ye heard something in the room and warned: "Go, take good care of An An, and don't let An An get too close to dangerous places."

Mr. Ye added: "You should also watch over the melting pot. Don't let him make some messy things for An An to taste. An An is still young and has a fragile stomach."

"I will."

Ye Liyuan quickly followed Xiao Naituan and the others.

The hospital has an open self-service kitchen and restaurant for the family members of hospitalized patients, as well as a staff canteen and an exclusive restaurant dedicated to serving the Ye family.

It was also the first time for Ye Rongyuan to come to the exclusive restaurant of the hospital. Usually, the two special assistants Lu Xi or Jie Hans would directly instruct the restaurant chef to bring the prepared food to the ward.

This time, Jehans led the way and led them to the back kitchen of the restaurant dedicated to serving the Ye family.

At this time, several famous chefs in the back kitchen were busy preparing lunch for the Ye family.

When her little breasts came with her second uncle and third uncle, she could smell the fragrant smell of food, which aroused her greed.

The chefs greeted their arrival with trepidation: "Little miss, Master Liyuan, Master Rongyuan."

Ye Rongyuan was the first to speak: "You continue to do your work, leave the seat over there to me."

"Okay, Master Rongyuan."

The chefs did not have any objections and cooperated to clear up the place designated by him.

Ye Liyuan held his little breasts in his arms and sat outside the bar in the kitchen, watching them work from a distance, including his third brother Ye Rongyuan.

Ye Rongyuan wore an apron over a clean and tidy haute couture formal suit, and was busy in style.

Qin Sui'an watched with great enthusiasm. Everyone was busy running around. She could easily cook good-looking and delicious food with just a move of her hands. She felt it was amazing.

Then, her eyes moved to the notebooks that several chefs were flipping through and writing in from time to time.

Ye Liyuan was always observing the little nipple. When he saw her staring at the notebook curiously, he immediately waved to Jehans and whispered to him: "Go get the exact same notebook."

"Okay, Master Liyuan."

The notebooks written by the chefs are the Ye family's daily food menu. Basically in the morning, they will receive the day's menu from Assistant Lucy, and they record the menus in the notebooks.

Jehans not only brought the same notebook, but also a pen. Thinking that the young lady was still young and might not be able to write, the pens he brought were colored paintbrushes.

(End of this chapter)

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