Chapter 228 My little painter
Ye Liyuan placed the notebook and paintbrush in front of the little nipple and said softly: "An'an, lunch won't be ready for a while, these are for you to play with."

"Thank you, second uncle~" Qin Sui'an raised his little face, his round eyes crescent.

She is no stranger to painting. When she "ran away from home", she used to draw the messages she sent to her family.

There was a box of paintbrushes in various colors in front of him. Qin Sui'an looked at it seriously, then raised his eyes to look at the third uncle and the chefs who were busy inside the bar.

She stretched out her little hand, picked one of the paintbrushes, and wrote and drew in the notebook while watching everyone busy.

Ye Liyuan hugged her and looked down at her paintings. At first, he just had the mentality of "seeing what An An would draw" with a smile in his eyes.

But slowly, his eyes showed surprise, and he looked more intently at the little breast painting.

Qin Sui'an lowered his head from time to time, and raised his face from time to time. He seemed to be busier than his third uncle and the chefs who were preparing lunch. His little hands never stopped, and occasionally he just changed the color of the paintbrush.

When lunch was almost ready, Xiao Naituan finally finished the work ahead of them.

She pursed her lips happily and carefully put all the brushes back into the brush box with her little hands. She picked up the book and looked up at her second uncle, "Second uncle, does An An's painting look good?"

Ye Liyuan stared blankly at the book held up in her little hand. It seemed like it took a long time before he recovered from the shock and said, "It looks good."

Hearing the compliment, Qin Sui'an did not show any joy, but just blinked in confusion, "Why does the second uncle keep staring at An An's paintings?"

"I just think An An is very good at painting." Ye Liyuan couldn't hide the surprise in his tone, "Has An An learned painting before?"

"Huh?" Qin Sui'an thought for a while and shook his little head: "I haven't learned anything before~ but An An has also painted before! Draw a message for daddy~"

Speaking of this, she was a little embarrassed, "An An can't write..."

"An'an hasn't gone to school yet, but she will be good at it." Ye Liyuan first rubbed her little head comfortingly, and then looked at the painting.

Ye Liyuan was not very good at painting either. He watched Xiao Naituan finish the painting stroke by stroke. What surprised him most was that every stroke of Xiao Naituan was not superfluous, as if he had never done it before. From the first stroke, she already knew how to complete the painting without making a single mistake.

Ye Rongyuan had finished lunch, although there was only one dish that was his masterpiece.

He took off his apron and ordered the other chefs to take his masterpiece with theirs to the top ward.

"Oh, An An, I just saw that you have been busy. What are An An busy with?" Ye Rongyuan quickly came behind the little nipple and bent down to take a closer look.

He immediately raised his hand and said excitedly: "This is me! An An is drawing me!"

Ye Liyuan glanced at him speechlessly and added: "There are other chefs who drew more than just you."

Ye Rongyuan turned a deaf ear, took out his cell phone, and took a quick photo of the painting, "An An's painting looks so similar! It looks like it's me now! So handsome!"

He still had some conscience, so he didn't just take a picture of his own part, but took a picture of the whole picture, and then quickly posted it on WeChat to show off:

【My little painter. 】

(End of this chapter)

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