Chapter 231: It’s crazy to make a random price

The confident and arrogant smile on Ye Rongyuan's face suddenly froze.

Wait, why doesn’t Xiao Nita Tuan’s answer follow common sense?

Don’t you usually give priority to your own family members?

Ye Rongyuan cheered up and thought that among Xiao Naituan's five meals, milk was indeed indispensable for every meal, so it was right to put milk in his favorite place.

He asked again: "Then, what is An An's second favorite food?"

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes and looked at the empty plates on the table seriously. His little face was very serious, as if he was recalling all the food he had just eaten.

Ye Rongyuan's heart couldn't help but lift as her gaze moved, waiting expectantly for the little nipple's answer.

"An'an's second favorite food is..." Qin Sui'an rounded his eyes, thought carefully and came up with the result, and replied in a sweet voice: "It's strawberry pancake~~~"

Ye Rongyuan:......

He pondered calmly and found a very suitable reason for the little nipple's answer.

The strawberry flatbread that Xiao Naituan refers to is an after-dinner dessert, a strawberry-filled waffle, carefully made by the chefs. The outer shell is soft and full of milky flavor. When you bite it open, you will find strawberry berries and strawberry jam inside.

It's sweet and milky, and the little nipples will definitely like it, hmm!

Losing to strawberry pie doesn’t count as a loss!That's dessert!

Ye Rongyuan struggled and asked again: "An'an, what is your third favorite food?"

Qin Sui'an just recalled the food he had eaten. This time he answered very quickly. He bent his eyes and said cheerfully: "It's sweet pork ribs~~~"

Ye Rongyuan:......

The sweet pork ribs are sweet and sour pork ribs. The ribs are stewed in advance and the meat and bones are easily separated with a sip. The taste is delicate and tender. Coupled with the sweet and sour taste, the taste buds are fully satisfied.

This kind of sweet and sour pork ribs with moderate sweetness and sourness is indeed something that little milk dumplings will like to eat.

Ye Rongyuan felt that it was understandable that the egg custard was lost to the sweet and sour pork ribs.

He continued to ask: "An'an, what is your fourth favorite food?"

Qin Sui'an just thought that his third uncle was playing a question-and-answer game with him, and Xiao Naiyin answered happily: "It's milk tofu soup~~~"

Ye Rongyuan:......

The milk tofu soup is one of the specialty soups of their chefs. The tofu is slightly fried, then simmered in the stock, and milk is added. It is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, leaving a full flavor of milk and stock. Fresh and sweet.

Losing to milk tofu soup is also a normal thing!Um!No shame!

Ye Rongyuan wanted to ask again: "An'an, what about the fifth..."

He had just said a few words when he was immediately interrupted.

Ye Liyuan squinted at him: "Do you want to ask them one by one, all the way to the No. 20?"

Their lunch is rich in food, because I want to give Xiao Naituan a taste of all the delicious food, but the portions are well controlled. There are six plates of vegetarian dishes, eight plates of meat dishes, five desserts, and four kinds of soups. kind.

It's also because there is so much food that the little milk ball needs to be seriously thought about.

The chefs of the Ye family are all famous chefs who have gone through layers of screening and won competition awards. Ye Rongyuan's egg custard is quite satisfactory. Among the delicious food carefully prepared by the chefs, it will naturally not be ranked among the top few. .Ye Rongyuan didn't want to face reality, his face changed from confident at first to bitter now.

Woo hoo hoo, his egg custard is not ranked at all by An An's little milk dumplings, woo woo hoo...

Ye Liyuan raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "Let yourself go." By the way, he also let their little An'an go.

Mrs. Ye looked at her third son's expression and couldn't help but smile, "Why don't you go and become a master? Maybe you can surpass those chefs next time, but I think it's not easy."

"Mom, why did you say the last sentence?" Ye Rongyuan heard her voiceover, which meant that no one could surpass the chefs.

Mrs. Ye replied: "If you don't tell me, I'm afraid if you really go to become a disciple, who will take care of the group's affairs?"

"I understand, I am just a small employee working for the Ye Group." Ye Rongyuan sighed, pretending to be pitiful.

Mrs. Ye followed his words and said, "Little employee, is there anything else going on in the group this afternoon? If you have anything else, you can go and get busy."

"It's okay, it's absolutely okay!" Ye Rongyuan shook his head hastily, "Mom, I worked overtime for several days to free up these days."

After he said this, he moved closer to the little breasts and held her in his arms, "I won't work these days to stay with us An'an."

Upon hearing this, Qin Sui'an bent his eyes and smiled happily. His big round eyes seemed to be filled with stars, twinkling and bright.

Suddenly remembering something, she hurriedly held Uncle Third's arm with her little hands and asked nervously: "Uncle Third doesn't work anymore, is there any money?"

"Yes! I have deposits! Deposits are money!" Ye Rongyuan wished he could take out all the bank cards and show Xiao Naituan his own money.

Qin Sui'an listened carefully and finally felt relieved after knowing that his third uncle was rich.

If you have money, you can eat well and wear warm clothes~
After taking a short rest in the living room, Xiao Naituan entered the room with the rest of the Ye family.

As if a tacit understanding had been reached invisibly, everyone began to consciously lower their voices when speaking, as if they were afraid of disturbing the woman in the hospital bed, even though she had been resting for several years.

Qin Sui'an still put her little hands into the quilt and gently held her mother's hand. Just holding her hand like this and looking at her mother quietly, her little breasts were very satisfied.

An An is not an orphan without a daddy and mommy. She has a handsome daddy and a beautiful mommy!

The phone in Ye Rongyuan's pocket vibrated several times. He didn't want to pay attention to it, but the vibrating sound was extremely loud in the room.

Mr. Ye couldn't help but look back at him, his eyes full of displeasure.

Only then did Ye Rongyuan take out his cell phone to see which noisy guy was making serial killing calls.

The caller ID was Ouyang Fu, a young master with the single surname of the Ou family, a proper young master. Before Ye Rongyuan took over the Ye Group, he often interacted with Ouyang Fu.

But after taking over the Ye family, his busy business schedule made him put down a lot of useless social entertainment, including various dinner parties with the young master Ouyang Fu.

He almost didn't remember who this person was, so he hung up the phone first and then flipped through the messages.

The missed calls were all from Ouyang Fu, and the messages were bombarded, but Ye Rongyuan pressed mute.

He glanced at it, frowned slightly, and tutted in a low voice, "Does this person have so much money that he has nowhere to spend it? Besides, our family is not short of his money."

Mr. Ye looked back at him again and asked, "What?"

Ye Rongyuan read the news and then replied: "Ouyang Fu, that young master of the Ou family said he wanted to buy the paintings painted by An An, our family. He was quite crazy. He asked me to set the price at will."

(End of this chapter)

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