Chapter 232 The flexible and flexible crazy uncle
"Ouyang Fu?" Mr. Ye seemed to have some impression of this person. He often played with his third son before, "Oh, Mr. Ou's youngest son."

He and his wife were also worried that their third son would be led astray, so they went out of their way to check the details of the Ou family. They found that they were a well-established family and would not touch things that they should not touch.

This is the young master of the Ou family. He is the son of Mr. Ou, and he is indeed pampered a bit indulgently.

Mrs. Ye glanced at her third son and asked, "Why does he suddenly want to buy the paintings painted by An An?"

"His dad is going to celebrate his sixtieth birthday." Ye Rongyuan typed a reply to Ouyang Fu's message to prevent him from calling again. He said, "This kid wants An An to draw a painting and let him take it as a gift." A birthday present for his dad on his [-]th birthday.”

It's pretty smart.

Qin Sui'an listened carefully, his big round eyes blinking curiously.

Seeing that she didn't seem to understand, Ye Liyuan explained to her in a low voice: "An'an, someone likes your paintings very much and wants to buy your paintings."

Summarized simply and directly.

"Oh~~~" Qin Sui'an nodded his little head in understanding, his round eyes curled up, and he was very happy: "Are the paintings An An painted good-looking?"

Ye Liyuan rubbed her little head and said with a smile: "Of course, it's very beautiful."

Mrs. Ye remembered that Lu Xi had indeed mentioned to her that the Ou family had sent several banquet invitations.

She thought for a while, "If I remember correctly, Mr. Ou's sixtieth birthday is the day after tomorrow?"

Ye Rongyuan nodded and said, "Yes, that's why he is so anxious, as if he is crazy."

As soon as he finished speaking, he received another call from Ouyang Fu.

He rolled his eyes speechlessly, stood up and walked out, then answered the phone outside the ward: "You are sick, didn't you say it's impossible?"

"I want to talk to your niece! I won't talk to you!"

Ouyang Fu is only 19 years old this year, and his voice is obviously that of a teenager. "Can you please stop blocking your niece's financial path? Money is really not an issue. If you give me a price, I can transfer it directly to your niece!"

"You are seriously ill." Ye Rongyuan raised his hand and glanced at the time on the watch on his wrist. "I'll send you to the brain department at my hospital. The director of the brain department hasn't gotten off work yet, so he has time to check it out for you."

"I'm serious! I've been thinking about gifts like crazy these days! The painting your niece painted will definitely make my dad 20 years younger! He will definitely be happy!"

Ouyang Fu saw that he didn't want to take money, so he softened and asked nicely: "Just let me meet your niece, and I'll talk to her. If she doesn't want to, I will never pester you! "

He wanted to see An An Xiaonaituan, but Ye Rongyuan didn't agree, but he could barely let him talk to Xiaonaituan on the phone.

Ye Rongyuan thought about it for a while, "Wait a minute."

He put his cell phone on the living room table in the ward and entered the room.

Ye Rongyuan did not complicate the matter, but first told Xiao Naituan that a crazy uncle wanted to call her.

Qin Sui'an blinked in confusion, his curiosity piqued by the word "crazy uncle", and followed his third uncle to the living room.

Ye Rongyuan hugged her and sat on the sofa, then pressed the phone and said to the person on the other end of the phone: "Okay, I'll give you one minute to call my An'an home."

Ouyang Fu shouted: "Only one minute? Why don't you give me face?"

Ye Rongyuan ignored him: "The timer starts."

Ouyang Fu swallowed back the curses in his stomach in an instant, and first called out tentatively: "Is An An nearby now?"

Qin Sui'an raised her little face and looked at her third uncle. Seeing that her third uncle was gesturing for her to speak, she responded softly: "Crazy uncle, An'an is here."

Ouyang Fu was stunned for several seconds by the cuteness of the little nipple voice. He even forgot to correct the name the little nipple called him. He smiled cheerfully and said: "Hello An'an! It's our first time meeting you. Although I haven't met you yet, I am a good friend of your third uncle, Ouyang Fu."

Qin Sui'an's little face showed a puzzled expression. This crazy uncle was not crazy.But if Third Uncle said he was a crazy uncle, then Third Uncle must have his reasons.

She said cutely: "Hello, crazy uncle."

Ouyang Fu scratched his head in confusion. Was there something wrong with his pronunciation?

Why did the little girl call him crazy uncle?

He smiled and said, "An'an just calls me brother."

Ye Rongyuan immediately responded: "Are you trying to take advantage of me or my niece? You are more than ten years older than her. Isn't it right to call you uncle?"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Rongyuan said again: "There are only the last 30 seconds left."

"You..." Damn it, you are worthy of being the president of Ye's family, and you really won't suffer any losses!
Forget it, it's just a title, it doesn't matter, just be crazy uncle.

Time was running out, and Ouyang Fu quickly got down to business: "An'an, uncle, I want you to do something for me. I'll help you draw a painting, and then your uncle will give you money. How much do you want, I'll give it to you directly. The content of the painting is also very simple. I’ll send you a video, and you can just look at the painting!”

The words were very long, and Qin Sui'an only remembered one word after listening to them: "Money?"

Ouyang Fu knew there was hope as soon as he heard this, and said excitedly: "Yes! It's money! An'an, how much does a painting cost for you? Uncle, I'll buy it from you!"

Ye Rongyuan checked the time, "One minute is up, bye."

As soon as he finished speaking, he ended the call without saying another word.

Ouyang Fu was so angry at his operation that he jumped on the spot. When he hit him again, the cold mechanical female voice said:

"The phone you are calling is off..."

The living room returned to silence.

Ye Rongyuan temporarily turned off his cell phone, anticipating that Ouyang Fu would call again to "harass" him.

He looked at the small breasts in his arms and asked softly: "An'an, do you have any questions?"

Qin Sui'an really had a problem and asked seriously: "Third uncle, crazy uncle, do you mean to pay An An to paint a painting?"

"Well, that's what I mean. The time is still very tight. There is only about a day, because he has to give it away the day after tomorrow."

Ye Rongyuan held her little hand. Drawing was tiring for both hands and eyes. He didn't think it was worth the money, unless it was just a hobby.

"What does crazy uncle want An An to draw? Is it difficult?" Qin Suian pursed his lips and shook his head, "An An can't draw."

She has only painted two paintings so far, which are not paintings in the strict sense, and she has never learned anything.

Ye Rongyuan observed her expression and saw that she seemed a little interested, so he turned on his phone and said, "I'll go and ask."

As soon as I turned on the phone, there were a bunch of messages, all of which were Ouyang Fu's angry curses.

[Ouyang Fu: You ***, don’t turn off your phone if you can!you***! [Get angry] [Get angry] [Go crazy]]

Ye Rongyuan replied: Where is the video you are talking about?Send it over.

[Ouyang Fu: Rongyuan Baba, you are my reborn parents!I!like!you! ! ! [Love][Love]]

It can be called a unique face-changing skill. It can stretch and bend.

(End of this chapter)

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