Chapter 233 The little angel who can draw

Ouyang Fu quickly sent a video, which was 1 minute long.

To be cautious, Ye Rongyuan read it himself first.

The video seems to be a few years old. The content is a birthday party. Mr. Ou is holding a baby boy and laughing happily, and there is a happy and harmonious atmosphere around him.

Ye Rongyuan saw that the face of the boy being held looked a bit like Ouyang Fu.

This kid, for his father's [-]th birthday, dug out videos from more than ten years ago.

After watching the video, Ye Rongyuan didn't think it was worth drawing.

He played the video again, this time watching it with the little nipples.

Qin Sui'an watched the video playing on his phone carefully, looking at every frame carefully, his big round eyes blinking from time to time.

After a video was played, Ye Rongyuan bent down and looked at the expression of the little breasts curiously, "An'an, you've finished watching the video."

Qin Sui'an's round eyes were crooked, and she held his arm with her little hands and asked, "Third uncle, do you still have a painting brush?"

Ye Rongyuan immediately understood that Xiao Naituan had thought of something to draw, "Wait for me."

He carried the little breasts to the sofa, got up and called Lu Xi, asking her to find drawing paper and brushes.

Lu Xi was very efficient in her work. She brought the drawing paper and brushes over in a few minutes: "Master Rongyuan, the drawing paper and brushes you want."

"Thank you for your hard work." Ye Rongyuan took the hand, turned back to the living room, and put the paper and pen on the table.

Qin Sui'an was so small that he couldn't reach the table while sitting on the sofa.

Ye Rongyuan asked Jehans to move the small portable tables and chairs in the lounge next door, which were just right for the height of the little breasts.

After doing all this, he sat next to the little girl and watched her focus on picking up the brush and swiping at the paper.

Ye Rongyuan couldn't help showing a doting look, looking at the little nipples with a smile in his eyes.

The phone vibrated several times with another message from Ouyang Fu.

Ye Rongyuan was not polite to him, and replied directly: The deposit is 100 million, please transfer it to me first.

[Ouyang Fu: Good Rongyuan Ba ​​Ba! [Love][Turn around]]

Not long after, Ye Rongyuan received a text message reminding that one of his bank cards had received one million yuan.

After collecting the deposit, he searched for the painting prices of some awesome painters. Although An An's family was still young, their paintings were indeed very beautiful, and they were even painted in such an emergency.

From a businessman's point of view, Ye Rongyuan made up his mind to help An An make a lot of money!Never let An An suffer!

in the room.

Mrs. Ye, Mr. Ye and Ye Liyuan listened to the noise outside. When it became quiet outside, they looked at each other.

As if reaching a silent tacit understanding, the three of them stood up at the same time, quietly approached the door of the room, and looked out carefully.

I saw the little girl sitting in front of the small table, drawing something seriously.

Ye Rongyuan also kept quiet, waved to them, and said silently: An An is painting.

No need for him to say anything, they all saw it.

Worried that their appearance would disturb Xiao Naituan's painting, Mrs. Ye, Mr. Ye and Ye Liyuan just stood at the door of the room and watched.

For nearly an hour, after Qin Suian finally put down his brush and stopped painting, they finally walked out of the room.Ye Rongyuan came forward and took a closer look at Xiao Naituan's painting, and then his eyes widened in surprise.

He also watched the video, but he was so confused that he couldn't think of anything interesting to draw.

But Xiao Naituan only watched the content of the video once, and then quickly drew this complete painting. He didn't even need to modify it, just put pen to paper.

Originally he planned to charge Ouyang Fu a few million more according to the market price, but now after seeing this painting, Ye Rongyuan decided to increase the price!

Mrs. Ye came to the little nipple, took the little nipple into her arms, and asked softly: "Are you tired, An'an?"

She painted two paintings in one day, and she felt distressed just looking at them.

"Hehe~" Qin Sui'an smiled with crooked eyes and did not answer. He just leaned his little body in her grandmother's arms and relaxed comfortably.

Mrs. Ye immediately gently squeezed her little hands to relieve the soreness in her fingers, "You haven't taken a nap today, are you sleepy?"

This time the little girl answered quickly, "Grandma, I'm a little sleepy~"

"Good boy, let's take a nap first." Mrs. Ye smiled and entered the room holding her little breasts.

The small bed for the small breasts was ready. She bent down and placed the small breasts on the small bed.

Knowing that the little girl wanted to sleep next to her mother, she carefully pushed the crib toward the hospital bed to close the distance between the two beds.

Qin Sui'an lay on the bed, turned her little head sideways, and looked at her sleeping mother, her round eyes as curved as crescent moons: "Good afternoon, Mom~ Good afternoon, grandma~"

Mrs. Ye leaned over and kissed her forehead, "Good afternoon, go to sleep."

It was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and I had just finished painting a painting, so I fell asleep soon.

Mrs. Ye sat on the chair beside the bed, reluctant to leave, looking at her sleeping granddaughter and sleeping daughter in the room with a gentle look.

outside the room.

Ye Rongyuan sent a message to Ouyang Fu to tell him that the painting was completed and asked him to transfer the remaining payment of 1000 million.

Ouyang Fu happily transferred 1000 million to him again. After the money was transferred, he realized it later and had a reaction:

[Ouyang Fu: Is the painting finished? !So fast? !Didn’t it take less than an hour for my video to be sent to you? !What happened during this hour? ! 】

There were question marks and exclamation marks, which were enough to show that he was stunned at this moment.

A young man like Ouyang Fu is the best at eating, drinking and having fun. He usually goes to some art exhibition halls to receive the influence of ink culture.

Recently, in order to give his father a gift for his [-]th birthday, he racked his brains and flew around to find some gifts that would make his eyes shine.

Unexpectedly, after searching for so long, the gift that made his eyes light up actually existed in the circle of friends.

The picture Ye Rongyuan posted on Moments immediately hit his heart. It was the feeling he was looking for.

When he saw Ye Rongyuan saying that the painting was done, Ouyang Fu wished he could flash directly in front of him.

[Ouyang Fu: Can you take a look at it first? ! 】

Ye Rongyuan checked the balance of his bank card and made sure that the full amount of 100 yuan had been received. Then he took a picture of the painting drawn by Xiao Niao Tuan and sent it to him.

A minute later, Ye Rongyuan received another bombardment of messages from Ouyang Fu:
[Ouyang Fu: Ahhhhhh!I knew it!I saw the right person!An An is simply my angel! 】

Ye Rongyuan set his messages to not remind him, allowing him to quietly go crazy in the list.

Hum hum, of course their An An is an angel!Do you still use Ouyang Fu?
(End of this chapter)

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