Chapter 234 An An has a lot of money

While Qin Sui'an was taking a nap in her room, her third uncle had already sold her painting at a very good price.

Ouyang Fu was not in City A. He couldn't wait to fly over to see this painting with his own eyes. Of course, the focus was to see the little breasts that could paint this painting.

Originally, he wanted to video chat with Xiao Naituan on his mobile phone, but Ye Rongyuan rejected it, even for a very appropriate reason.

[Ye Rongyuan: You look like a crazy weird uncle now. My niece will be scared by you. 】

Ouyang Fu felt that he was going too far. Although he was a little excited, he definitely couldn't be called "crazy"!
But Ouyang Fu didn't force it anymore, and just invited their family to attend his father's birthday party.

Ye Rongyuan didn't rush and agreed. Mr. Ou's birthday party was the day after tomorrow. If Xiao Naituan was interested, they would take Xiao Naituan with him.

Qin Sui'an took a nap, and when he woke up again, it was early four in the afternoon.

None of the Ye family members left. As soon as they saw her waking up, several people immediately surrounded her.

Mrs. Ye first took the little breast ball from the quilt into her arms, and gently combed her messy hair with one hand, "Are you awake?"

"Wake up~" Qin Sui'an's big round eyes rolled up, and the sound of her milk squeaking made people feel heartbroken.

Ye Rongyuan immediately came up and reported the latest progress to Xiao Naituan: "An'an, your paintings have been sold, and the total income is 100 million!"

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes in confusion: "One thousand and one million?"

She tilted her little head in confusion, how much is it?
Seeing the puzzlement written all over the face of the little girl, Ye Rongyuan raised his lips and smiled, and said patiently: "It's not much, but it's not a lot either, probably..."

He thought about it and said, "It's probably An An's No. 1000 prize for participating in more than 1 small chess competitions."

Qin Sui'an counted carefully with his little fingers, and his already round and big eyes became even wider.

She opened her mouth in surprise, "Wow~ An An has a lot of money!"

"Hahaha..." Ye Rongyuan didn't expect that the small breasts would be so easily satisfied. He stretched out his hand and gently pinched her soft little face, "It's only 100 yuan."

Mrs. Ye slapped his hand away, "An An is still young, don't instill some wrong values ​​​​into her." The weight of 100 million in cash, combined, is already several times heavier than the Xiaodai Group.

Ye Rongyuan was beaten, but still did not take back his hand. He squeezed it a few more times and then reluctantly took it back.

Considering that Xiao Naituan will be living here in the next few days, the living room was originally just a table and sofa. Now, some new furniture has been added, and the space has been simply adjusted.

As soon as Qin Sui'an left the room, his eyes were attracted by an extra circle of colorful foam fence in the living room.

She blinked her round eyes curiously: "Grandma, what is that?"

"Your second uncle bought it for you." Mrs. Ye hugged her and walked over there.

One-third of the living room is surrounded by a colorful foam fence, which contains soft animated floor mats, as well as various children's toys and dolls, making it a small and cute entertainment area.

The childlike nature of the little girl is still intact, and her eyes are full of curiosity about these extra toys.

Mrs. Ye took her over and sat inside. Her gentle eyes fell on the small breasts, "What do you want to play with?"

Qin Sui'an pursed her lips happily, feeling extremely shy, "Grandma, An An even wants to play~"

"Then let's play slowly." Mrs. Ye smiled fondly and played with these new toys one by one.

Ye Liyuan stood aside, seeing that An An liked her very much, and the smile on his lips became deeper and deeper.

Ye Rongyuan was in high spirits and sat inside, playing with An An on toys suitable for children.

Qin Sui'an didn't come out of this small entertainment world until dinner was ready.

The dinner was still as rich as ever, the food was full of color and flavor, and with the presence of small milk balls, everyone couldn't help but eat more.

When resting after the meal, Ye Rongyuan remembered the Ou family's banquet and asked An An, "An An, there is a banquet the day after tomorrow. Do you want to go?"

(End of this chapter)

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