Chapter 235 Two hours equals a nap~
Qin Suian only attended one banquet, and it was a banquet held at their own home.

Her curiosity was suddenly aroused by her third uncle's words, and her round eyes were full of doubts: "Banquet?"

Ye Rongyuan was afraid that she wouldn't understand, so he explained patiently: "It's similar to the banquet held by the Qin family at Bay Villa before, but this time it's the Ou family's sixtieth birthday party for Mr. Ou."

Qin Sui'an didn't know who this old Mr. Ou was, but she understood what he meant.

Ye Rongyuan took out his mobile phone and clicked on the video he had shown An An before, "The person holding the child is Mr. Ou, and the one he is holding is his youngest son Ouyang Fu."

"Oh~~~" Qin Sui'an looked at the person holding the child in the video and blinked his round eyes: "You are not old~"

Ye Rongyuan couldn't help laughing and said with a smile: "An'an, this video was recorded when Mr. Ou was 41 years old. It has been almost 20 years now."

Mrs. Ye listened to their conversation and turned to him and asked: "When is Mr. Ou's banquet?"

Ye Rongyuan flipped through the message Ouyang Fu sent him and replied: "Mom, at five o'clock the day after tomorrow."

Mrs. Ye looked at Xiao Naituan, who was at this age when she was curious about everything. Her voice softened and she asked: "An'an, let's go to this birthday party, okay?"

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes, a little confused: "Grandma, do you want to participate for a long, long time?"

She would rather stay here than at the party because her mother is here.

"It won't take long." Mrs. Ye held the little girl in her arms, "It will only take two hours at most."

Qin Sui'an lowered his little head, flexed his little fingers seriously, and then nodded his head twice: "Okay~two hours~"

It's her usual nap time, so as long as she spends her nap time with Mommy, that's all!

Madam Ye smiled and scraped the tip of her nose affectionately, "Okay, then I'll let Lu Xi arrange your skirt."

When Ye Rongyuan heard this, he immediately said: "Mom, let Lu Xi help me arrange it. I want a dress and suit similar to An An's. It's best if others can see that An An and I are a family!"

Mrs. Ye glanced at him sideways, but frowned, but did not reject his request.

Ye Liyuan spoke at the right time: "Mom, I also want a dress suit similar to An An's."

Mr. Ye: "Wen Ting, I too..."

Madam Ye glanced at them helplessly, "Okay, we have everything, let Lu Xi arrange it all."

The matter of attending the banquet was decided.

Ouyang Fu was thinking about his painting and wanted to see the little painter who painted it. He flew back to City A that day and hurried to Ye's hospital on the pretext of picking up the painting.

Ye Rongyuan was very considerate and took the painting directly to the hospital gate to prevent him from running up and down.

As soon as Ouyang Fu saw his posture, he knew that he would never see the little breasts. He curled his lips and muttered loudly: "Is it necessary to be so guarded against me? You don't even want to take a look at your niece?"

Ye Rongyuan rolled his eyes and said, "Why don't you take a look at what time it is?"

Ouyang Fu raised his hand and looked at the time on his wrist. It was 11:30 in the middle of the night.

He coughed awkwardly, "It seems a little late."

"It doesn't seem like it." Ye Rongyuan yawned, "See you the day after tomorrow."

"The day after tomorrow?" Ouyang Fu's mind turned around slowly, and when he came to his senses, his eyes widened in surprise: "Is the little painter going to attend my dad's birthday party?"

(End of this chapter)

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