Chapter 236 The little breasts bring them hope and happiness
"Wrong." Ye Rongyuan corrected him: "And my parents, my second brother, follow me."

Ouyang Fu just thought: Isn't what he said nonsense?
Is it possible that the little painter can go to the banquet alone?
Ye Rongyuan yawned again, "Is there anything else?"

"No more." Seeing his tired look, Ouyang Fu asked in confusion, "Didn't you go to work in the group today? Why are you so sleepy?"

Ye Rongyuan was not angry at all, and even a little proud. He raised his eyebrows proudly: "You don't know this. Playing with children is very tiring."

As far as he knew, the youngest child in the Ou family was Ouyang Fu, and Ouyang Fu was already 19 years old, so he was considered a little kid.

What he said was mostly showing off.

Ouyang Fu is not blind or deaf, he can see and hear.

He looked like he had seen a ghost and looked Ye Rongyuan up and down: "Have I never seen you so childish before?"

"Am I childish? I am the CEO of the Ye Group, am I childish?" Ye Rongyuan laughed exaggeratedly, "Maybe it's because I played too much with my family An An today, and I became childish while playing."

Very good, this is showing off again.

If it weren't for the sake of the little painter and if Ye Rongyuan really helped him today, he would still be scratching his head thinking about what gift to give to his father.

Ouyang Fu closed his eyes speechlessly, and then waved his hand towards him, indicating that he should leave quickly and stop showing off.

Ye Rongyuan's purpose of showing off was achieved. He raised the corners of his mouth in a sly voice and glanced at the car behind him, "Have you been keeping a low profile lately?"

"Take a taxi." Ouyang Fu just got off the plane and rushed directly to Yejia Hospital. He didn't have time to go home and drive here by himself.

"Oh." No wonder, I thought the young master had changed his gender.

Ye Rongyuan said nothing and turned around and walked to the hospital.

Ouyang Fu subconsciously stopped him, "Hey——"

When he turned around, he couldn't speak anymore. After holding it in for a long time, he asked softly: "Is your sister okay?"

The Ye family did not disclose their private affairs to the public, and matters related to Ye Chaosi were sealed. Outsiders only knew that the daughter of the Ye family was ill and unconscious, and knew nothing about the other circumstances.

Ouyang Fu also heard about Sister Ye Rongyuan's illness. A few years ago, he attended the wedding between Sister Ye Rongyuan and the CEO of the Qin Group, but he didn't have much contact with Sister Ye Rongyuan and only met a few times.

After his sister fell ill, he and Ye Rongyuan stopped having much contact. In Ouyang Fu's view, the Ye family seemed to have suddenly built a wall, refusing any outsiders to approach.

Although Ouyang Fu felt that he had a good relationship with Ye Rongyuan, he did not dare to ask more questions about the Ye family's private matters.

This rare meeting was also because of the "string" of the young painter.

Ye Rongyuan paused slightly, "It's pretty good."

There was no emotion in his tone, and he was very calm.

"That's good." Ouyang Fu scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and changed the subject: "Say hello to your sister and the little painter for me. By the way, can you please stop the little painter from calling me crazy uncle?"

Ye Rongyuan didn't look back. He raised his hand and waved. He seemed to have heard what he said, but whether he did it or not was another matter.

Until the person disappeared, Ouyang Fu got into the car and reported the address of a gallery.

The young painter's painting is just a piece of paper. He has to add a frame so that the painting can be delivered to his father's hands in the most perfect way.

Ye Rongyuan returned to the ward with very light steps.There is only one nursing bed in the ward, and the little girl has her own small bed. The nursing bed is placed near the door of the room.

Because they all wanted to stay, they finally decided by drawing lots that Ye Liyuan would sleep in the accompanying bed on the first night.

Ye Rongyuan stayed up on the comfortable bed in the lounge next door and came to sleep on the sofa in the living room here.

At this time, he first walked to the door of the room and looked inside.

Ye Liyuan was still asleep. When he heard the noise, he looked up at him and then lay back down.

Ye Rongyuan looked at the other two beds. In one bed, his sister Ye Chaosi slept, and in the other, the little girl slept.

After watching for a while, he returned to the sofa in the living room.

It was really uncomfortable to be squeezed into the sofa with his 1.8-meter-[-]-meter body, but he was still happy to do so. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the door of the room, with the corners of his lips raised slightly.

The appearance of small breasts brings them hope and happiness. Ye Rongyuan always feels that they will get better and better every day, including his sister.

Qin Sui'an woke up naturally from her sleep and rubbed her eyes drowsily. When she saw her mother on the bed next to her, she immediately raised her round eyes happily: "Ma Ma~"

Even though her mother was still sleeping and couldn't respond to her.

Qin Sui'an climbed up from the crib, stretched out her little hand to hold her mother's hand under the quilt, and said softly: "Good morning, Mom~"

Madam Ye woke up at dawn and came to the living room to wait for the little girl to wake up.

Faintly hearing some movement, she got up and opened the door to the room. When she saw the little breasts lying on the bedside holding her mother's hand, she raised her lips and smiled, "Are you awake?"

Qin Sui'an turned his little head and said in a soft voice: "Good morning, grandma~"

"An'an, good morning." Mrs. Ye walked up to Xiaonuituan. She knew that Xiaonuituan liked holding her mother's hand the most. She did not interrupt her, but gently touched the top of Xiaonuituan's hair. , "Are you hungry?"

Qin Sui'an replied seriously: "I'm just a little hungry~not very hungry~"

"Then drink some milk first." Mrs. Ye took out the milk that had been prepared in advance, held the bottle, and adjusted the angle of the little milk ball so that the little milk ball could hold her mother's hand while drinking milk.

After drinking the warm and fragrant milk into her belly, Qin Sui'an's belly slowly bulged, and she was no longer hungry.

After finishing a bottle of milk, Mrs. Ye put the bottle aside and held the little milk ball in her arms, "An'an, let's go wash up and change clothes first, okay?"

"Yeah, okay~" Qin Sui'an nodded and waved to his mother on the hospital bed, "See you soon~"

Mrs. Ye then carried her out of the room and went to the lounge next door to wash and change the little girl.

When they came back, Mr. Ye, Ye Liyuan, and Ye Rongyuan also came over. Breakfast was placed on the table in the living room.

Qin Sui'an held her mobile phone in her hand and made a video call to her father very skillfully.

Almost instantly, the phone screen flashed and Qin Haochen appeared in front of the camera.

"An'an, good morning. Have you had breakfast?"

The father and daughter had just made a video call before going to bed last night, but after all, they were separated by mobile phones, and Qin Haochen couldn't help but think about the little breasts all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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