Which great painter does Chapter 245 come from?

People attending the banquet were very curious about what kind of birthday gift the young masters of the Ou family would give Mr. Ou. They gathered around the stage and looked curiously.

Qin Sui'an was still sitting at the dining table, but her view in front was suddenly blocked, and she immediately climbed down from the dining chair.

But once she stood on the lawn, her eyes narrowed even further.

She lowered her little head, looked at her short legs, and then looked at the tall adults in front of her.

Alas, I can't see it. An An can't see anything.

Mrs. Ye was so curious when she saw the little breasts that she couldn't help laughing. She gently held her little hand and said softly: "Come on, let's go to the front to see."

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an immediately nodded his head happily and followed his grandmother.

The originally crowded crowd seemed to suddenly sense something, and everyone made way at the same time.

Mrs. Ye walked forward slowly, holding her little breasts, and came to the front of the stage under the respectful gaze of everyone.

Qin Sui'an's sight was finally no longer blocked and he could see the entire stage clearly.

On the stage.

Mr. Ou's eldest son was giving their father a [-]th birthday gift, which was a statue of Fortune, Luxury and Shou carved from precious jade.

This statue of Fu, Lu and Shou was consecrated by the master of the temple, and the Buddha's light shines everywhere. Just looking at it makes people feel peaceful.

The distinguished guests in the audience were in an uproar:

"Isn't this the rare piece of jade that was auctioned a while ago? Oh my god, including the carving work and the consecration, this must be several million!"

Mr. Ou smiled from ear to ear and patted his eldest son on the shoulder with satisfaction.

Then Mr. Ou's second son, Mr. Ou's second son, gave a gift which was a hand-written pen by the famous calligraphy master Xu Rongqing.

The four words "Shoubi Nanshan" are powerful, calm in structure and flying in stipples. Xu Rongqing's sincere congratulations can also be clearly felt from the handwriting.

As soon as this calligraphy came out, the distinguished guests in the audience were in an uproar again:

"Hasn't Teacher Xu Rongqing retired for many years?"

"Young Master Ou is so thoughtful. It will take a lot of effort to find Teacher Xu Rongqing..."

Mr. Ou was smiling even more at this time, looking at his second son with great relief.

Next, there was a set of out-of-print purple clay tea sets presented by Master Ou San.

Mr. Ou usually spends a lot of time drinking tea, so this tea set made him smile constantly.

What Mr. Ou Si gave him was a retro vinyl record player.

Some people in the audience whispered in confusion:

"Why did Fourth Young Master Ou give you a record player?"

"Haven't you heard of it? Mrs. Ou used to be a fan of vinyl record players. The Ou family has a display cabinet full of record players. Mrs. Ou bought it."

Mr. Ou also loved his house and his wife. After his wife passed away, he tinkered with the record players at home that his wife had left behind.

And the one given by Young Master Ou Si happens to be a style that is not available at home.

Mr. Ou had tears in his eyes, staring at the record player in trance, as if thinking of the past.

Ouyang Fu stepped forward at this time and said jokingly: "Dad, my gift hasn't been delivered yet, please don't skip me."

Mr. Ou quickly wiped the corners of his eyes and glared at his younger son, "Your gift is worth 100 million yuan."

For such an expensive gift, he wanted to see what kind of painting his younger son bought that cost as much as 100 million yuan.

Not only Mr. Ou himself is looking forward to it, but also the distinguished guests in the audience are also waiting to see what kind of paintings the young master of the Ou family has given: "There are tens of millions of paintings, I have to look at them a few more times, and I will make money when I see them." ah!"

"Young Master Ou is the only one who is willing to spend money on it. The most expensive painting in my family is only about [-] yuan."

"The main reason is that I haven't heard of any major painters having their works auctioned recently."

"Teacher Xu Rongqing has already been invited, and there must be some great painters, but we haven't heard the news."

"Could it be the work of Teacher Chu Youlin?"

"Although Teacher Chu Youlin has retired for many years, isn't Teacher Xu Rongqing the same? So it's not completely impossible!"


Amid increasingly excited discussions, Ouyang Fu clapped his hands, and two bodyguards carefully carried his gifts.

Mr. Ou didn't have high hopes. When he glanced at his youngest son's smiling and proud face, he just wanted to roll his eyes.

The distinguished guests were all watching, but Mr. Ou still showed respect to his younger son. With a smile on his face, he opened the cloth covering the painting.

What caught everyone's eyes was a lifelike painting.

Mr. Ou was stunned when his eyes touched this painting.

In the painting, he, who is about twenty years younger, is holding a child and smiling happily. Standing next to him is his wife, who is also about twenty years younger. Around him, there are his four other sons. As well as his mother and father.

Taking a closer look, there are nine people in this painting, and Mr. Ou can recognize each one of them at a glance.

He remembered that the time in the painting was the birthday party held when his youngest son turned one year old.

At that time, his wife was in good health, his father and mother were still alive although their temples were white, and his sons were young and young, with the eldest son only in his teens.

That time was also the happiest time for him.

When he saw the record player given by his fourth son, Mr. Ou's mood fluctuated a bit. Now when he saw this painting, he couldn't help but shed two lines of tears.

Ouyang Fu was startled. The expected scene of laughter and haha ​​did not appear. Instead, he made his father cry. He quickly handed over the handkerchief: "Dad, what's wrong? Isn't this painting very good? Why are you crying? Yeah? Don’t you like it?”

Mr. Ou took his handkerchief and wiped his tears, but was reluctant to blink. He stared at the painting, looking back and forth carefully.

What a great painting! What a great painting!

The scene of that day seemed to be replayed in front of him, making him burst into tears.

In the audience, other people also saw the painting, and the discussion gradually increased:

"Who is this artist? This painting is so amazing! The painting is so realistic!"

"No wonder it costs 100 million. With such painting skills, I would be willing to give up 100 million!"

"Young Master Ou is so filial. I heard that he flew to many countries and places to find a painter before he found this painter who satisfied him!"

"I've visited hundreds of art exhibitions, if not thousands. But this style of painting looks very powerful and has a unique aura. Which painter is it from?"

"There are many details in this painting. It will take at least a week to finish them all!"

"Could it be Teacher Chu Youlin? Teacher Chu Youlin's paintings are also very spiritual."

"But Teacher Chu Linlin has also retired for a long time..."

The audience was lively, and the atmosphere on stage was also heated.

When Ouyang Fu saw his father staring at the painting and wiping away tears without saying a word, he felt panicked and worried.

(End of this chapter)

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