Chapter 246 Thank you for this painting

Ouyang Fu turned to look at the other brothers, thinking of asking them for help.

Unexpectedly, several of his brothers were also staring at the painting, fascinated, and they were all immersed in the past and couldn't extricate themselves.

Now, Ouyang Fu finally felt confident.

Just say it!The paintings painted by the little painter are very good!
Look, not only his dad was moved to tears, but his brothers were also moved!
Ouyang Fu felt that he should wipe away some tears at this time, and the family hugged each other and cried. Tomorrow's newspaper headlines would probably be news about their family.

It's a pity that he couldn't cry. He only felt very proud and proud. This was the little painter he had "discovered" with his keen eyes!Much better than any great painter!
The Ou family on the stage kept looking at the painting, and the distinguished guests in the audience were still discussing which great painter the painting was from.

When the people around them were caught up in this painting, the Ye family seemed particularly calm and abrupt.

Qin Sui'an held her grandma's hand tightly, her round eyes looking at Grandpa Ou who was quietly wiping tears on the stage from time to time, and from time to time looking at the crowd next to him.

With excellent ear power, the little girl can hear everyone's discussion clearly.

She was a little confused, partly because Grandpa Ou and other Uncle Ou were on the stage looking at her paintings and wiping away tears, and partly because everyone was talking about how amazing her paintings were.

If there really was such a gift, why did Grandpa Ou and the other uncles Ou cry?

Mrs. Ye knew that the little nipples must have listened to the rumors around her, and she only vaguely heard part of it, so she was not sure whether they were all praising the little nipples.

Seeing confusion written all over the face of the little nipple, she squatted down and gently rubbed the little head of the nipple, "An'an, what are you thinking about? Can you tell me?"

Qin Sui'an's little voice was full of doubts, and he asked her in a sweet voice: "Grandma, are An An's paintings ugly?"

"Of course it's not ugly." Mrs. Ye couldn't help but take a breath, anger flashed in her eyes, and that anger was quickly covered by more worries. She asked softly: "An'an, did you hear someone coming?" Do you think your paintings are ugly?"

Who dares?She will never let him go!

Qin Sui'an shook his little head and explained seriously: "Everyone is praising the painting for being beautiful and awesome."

Mrs. Ye breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one dared to say anything bad about her little breasts.

She asked again: "Then why does An An think her paintings are ugly?"

Qin Sui'an lowered his little head and whispered, "Grandpa Ou and uncle Ou are crying. Grandma, are An An's paintings ugly?"

"How could it be?" Mrs. Ye held her in her arms and comforted her: "An An misunderstood. Mr. Ou and his sons were moved to tears by An An's paintings, not because they were ugly. "

"Moved?" The little girl raised her face and blinked twice in confusion.

"Yes, they were very touched." Mrs. Ye patiently explained: "An'an drew Mr. Ou's wife. Mr. Ou also told you just now that his wife went to a very far away place."

Mrs. Ye raised her eyes and glanced at the Ou family on the stage, and then continued: "In An An's painting, there are also Mr. Ou's parents, and his parents have also gone to a very far away place."

Qin Suian seemed to understand. He pursed his lips and thought about what his grandmother said.

"An An's paintings are very good and vivid. When Mr. Ou and the others saw An An's paintings, they thought of their family members who had gone to far away places, so they cried." Mrs. Ye touched her little one with her fingertips. Face, "It's not so ugly that I cried, does An An understand?"

Grandma made it very clear. Qin Sui'an understood this time and immediately nodded his head: "I understand~" Seeing that the face of the little breasts had regained its luster, Mrs. Ye felt relieved and raised her lips with a smile: "good."

On the stage, Ouyang Fu was thinking about how to make his father and his brothers stop crying. Finally, he saw his father return the handkerchief to him.

Mr. Ou stuffed the crumpled handkerchief into his youngest son's dress pocket. His eyes were moist, but he stopped crying.

Ouyang Fu's expression was stiff, and he looked down at his pocket. He wanted to dislike it but didn't dare to, so he could only shout weakly: "Dad..."

"Here you are, what are you shouting for?" Mr. Ou cheered up and took a deep breath to regain his emotional stability.

Ouyang Fu sighed secretly, hey, forget it, the dress will only be worn once anyway, it will get dirty if it gets dirty.

Mr. Ou calmed down his emotions, then smiled again on his face, looked at the distinguished guests in the audience, and said with a smile: "I'm very sorry for making everyone laugh."

In the audience, the distinguished guests responded to him:
"Mr. Ou, you're welcome."

"It's human nature, we can understand it."

"This painting depicts Mr. Ou's family members so realistically, let alone Mr. Ou, we feel the same after seeing it..."

The smile on Mr. Ou's face widened a bit, and he said with a smile: "Yes, this painting is so good! Really, I never thought that there would be a day when my family would look like this. It’s alive again.”

"After seeing this painting, I felt like I suddenly became twenty years younger, as if I was back at my youngest son's birthday party many years ago..." Mr. Ou choked up for a moment, held back, and with tears in his eyes, was very happy. He said movedly: "I like this painting very much! Thank you to my little son for giving me this painting!"

Ouyang Fu didn't expect that his father would take him out alone to thank him. He was stunned for a moment, then grinned brightly, stepped forward and hugged his father's shoulders: "You're welcome, Dad!"

He looked at the seat of the Ye family under the stage and said with a smile: "Although it is true that I spent your money, I found the little painter of this painting after a long time of searching!"

He deliberately wanted to raise the atmosphere of the birthday party and changed the topic.

Sure enough, as soon as Ouyang Fu finished speaking, someone in the audience immediately asked loudly:

"Young Master Ou, can you tell me which artist this painting is from?"

"Yes, tell me, Young Master Ou!"

"Which painter is so good? We really want to know!"


The smile on Ouyang Fu's face froze slightly, and he looked at the Ye family in the audience, "Uh, this..."

Everyone knows that the Ye family is very protective of their little milk ball, not to mention that behind the little milk ball is the Qin family.

If it was a slightly famous or very famous painter, Ouyang Fu would definitely not hide it.

But the young painter is still young, and he is not sure whether to make it public because he is worried that revealing the identity of the young painter will have some impact on the young painter.

(End of this chapter)

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