Chapter 247 The gift from the little milk ball

"Young Master Ou, just tell me, which artist is this painting from?"

The distinguished guests in the audience urged him frequently.

Ouyang Fu's eyes were fixed on the audience. He finally found Ye Rongyuan's position and saw Ye Rongyuan frowning.

He understood in his heart, smiled, and said to everyone: "I'm very sorry. Everyone, forgive me for not revealing the identity of the painter of this painting for the time being, but I believe that one day, everyone will know!"

There was a sigh of regret from the audience.

"Who is the painter?"

"Why does it need to be so mysterious?"

"God, I'm so curious! Could it be that it really came from Teacher Chu Linlin?"

"If it's Teacher Chu Youlin, there's no need to hide it! We all know him!"


The discussion gradually expanded, pushing the excitement of the birthday party to its highest point.

After Mr. Ou received the gifts from his sons, he smiled so hard that his face froze, but he was also sincerely happy, and the smile in his eyes was undisguised.

He ordered the bodyguard to collect the gifts and then walked down the stage.

Seeing this, the other distinguished guests promptly handed over the gifts they had brought, one by one to Mr. Ou, and also offered their congratulations.

Mrs. Ye took the little nipple far away from the crowd, so that the little nipple would not feel uncomfortable when surrounded by the dark crowd.

Ouyang Fu stopped following his father, pushed through the crowd, and came to find the Ye family.

He ran to Ye Rongyuan first and winked at him proudly, "Is the answer I just gave you okay?"

Ye Rongyuan glanced at him with disgust, "It's not bad."

"Yes, it's not easy to hear compliments from Mr. Ye." Ouyang Fu raised the corners of his lips happily, and then asked him in a low voice: "Why don't you let me say that it was your An An who painted it? ?”

If others knew that this painting was painted by a three-and-a-half-year-old girl, it would not only cause a sensation, but there would definitely be many great painters who would want to take her as their apprentice.

If it was his small breasts, Ouyang Fu would like to let everyone in the world know about it. How could such a thing be kept low-key?
Ye Rongyuan looked at the small breasts in front of him, his eyes softened, and his voice unconsciously became doting: "An An is still young."

"You're still young..." Ouyang Fu raised his hands, "They also have one pair of hands, why is the difference so big!"

He held back his words again and asked Ye Rongyuan, "I remember, I showed An An the video and the painting was completed that afternoon. Did An An paint so fast?"

"Well, I watched An An draw it, and it only took more than two hours." Ye Rongyuan didn't pay attention to the specific time it took, but he only knew that it was no more than three hours.

After finishing this painting, Xiao Naituan took a long nap. You can imagine how tiring it is to paint.

Thinking of this, Ye Rongyuan looked sideways at Ouyang Fu: "I'll tell you first, you are not allowed to come to my An'an home to paint again!"

Ouyang Fu really planned to let the little painter paint a picture for him again, and suddenly frowned: "What? It's not like I won't pay."

Ye Rongyuan rolled his eyes and said, "Does our family lack your money?" Ouyang Fu was speechless. Indeed, the Ye family does not lack this money.

Qin Suian stood outside the crowd with her grandparents and second uncle. She watched curiously as everyone went to find Grandpa Ou one by one. She also heard everyone talking to Grandpa Ou:
"Mr. Ou, I wish you blessings like the East Sea and longevity as long as Nanshan Mountain!"

"Mr. Ou, happy birthday!"

"Mr. Ou, this is my little thought. Please accept it. I wish you good health and all the best!"


Qin Sui'an's view was blocked, but from their words, it could be heard that everyone was giving gifts to Grandpa Ou.

She immediately raised her little face, looked at her grandma with her round eyes, and said in a soft voice: "Grandma, everyone is giving gifts to Grandpa Ou~"

The big eyes of the little girl are not only bright but also smart, almost revealing her inner thoughts.

Mrs. Ye couldn't help but raise her lips and smile, rubbing her little head, "Yes, An An, you also have a gift for Mr. Ou."

Qin Suian looked around.

Lu Xi immediately reacted, stepped forward, and raised the bag she had been carrying, "Little miss, here is the gift you want to give."

Seeing that the crowd in front of her had not dispersed, Mrs. Ye said softly: "An'an, let's wait and see you off."

"Okay~" Qin Sui'an nodded obediently, then continued to look at the crowd curiously while listening.

Seeing this, Ye Liyuan bent down and picked her up, "I'll hold you, An'an."

Qin Sui'an's vision suddenly broadened. Her second uncle was very tall, and she suddenly saw Grandpa Ou who was surrounded by a crowd.

Now, she can not only hear what everyone said to Grandpa Ou, but also see the gifts everyone gave to Grandpa Ou.

Beautiful jade ornaments were given the most, followed by calligraphy and paintings, because Mr. Ou didn't lack anything. The gifts everyone picked were basically quite satisfactory, some worth millions, and they didn't dare to give them if they were too cheap.

Although the Ou family does not have such high-status famous families as the Qin family and the Ye family, it is still well-known in the circle of wealthy families, otherwise there would be no Ou family manor.

When the crowd was no longer so crowded, Mrs. Ye said, "Okay, let's go over."

Ye Liyuan hugged the little breast, carefully protected her, and walked towards the birthday boy of the party, Mr. Ou.

Seeing this, the people around them all cast gossipy glances and spoke in low voices:
"The Ye family is giving gifts!"

"What gift will the Ye family give Mr. Ou?"

"Is it calligraphy and painting, or jade? Or is it some other practical gift?"

"Look, Mrs. Ye's special assistant has been holding that bag. Could the gift be in that bag?"

Everyone who heard this sentence looked at the bag in Lu Xi's hand.

It looks very thin and light, and it's impossible to guess what gift is inside.

(End of this chapter)

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