Chapter 248 has nothing to do with the Ye family
At this moment, the discussion reached its peak again:

"What would that be?"

"It looks like a document bag!"

"We can't just give Ye and Ou the project contracts, right?"

"I'll go! That can't be worth millions!"

"How generous! The Ye family has such a good relationship with the Ou family? They actually gave such a big gift!"


Ye Liyuan walked through the crowd holding the small breast, and then bent down to put the small breast down.

As soon as Qin Sui'an's little feet landed on the ground, he turned his head to look for Aunt Lu Xi.

Lu Xi immediately stepped forward and handed over the bag in her hand: "Little miss."

"Thank you, Aunt Lu Xi~" Qin Suian's round eyes curved, and her sweet smile made people feel soft.

Lucy couldn't help but laugh, "You're welcome, little lady."

Qin Sui'an carried the bag, opened his short legs, and walked in the direction of Grandpa Ou.

Mr. Ou had just accepted the gift from his old friend and was chatting with him with a smile. Suddenly, he felt that the atmosphere around him was unusual, and everyone was looking in the same direction.

Mr. Ou also kept looking sideways.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the little baby girl from the Ye family wearing a beautiful little dress walking towards him.

Mr. Ou seemed to be in disbelief. The expression on his face was first stunned, then flattered.

Before the baby could walk in, Mr. Ou hurriedly greeted him, squatted down, and kept eye level with the baby: "An'an, are you coming to see me?"

"Yes~" Qin Sui'an nodded his little head, handed the bag in his hand, and said softly and sweetly: "Grandpa Ou~ Happy birthday~ This is An An's birthday gift to Grandpa Ou~"

"An An's birthday gift to me?!" Mr. Ou's eyes widened in shock and he was stunned.

Little Milkman actually prepared a birthday gift for him? !
To prevent Mr. Ou from misunderstanding, Mr. Ye explained: "Mr. Ou, this gift is the birthday gift An An wants to give you."

The meaning is very clear, this gift has nothing to do with their Ye family, it belongs to An An.

Hearing what Mr. Ye said, Mr. Ou was even more shocked. It took a while before he finally came to his senses.

He quickly caught the bag in the little baby's hand, "Oh my god, thank you so much! An'an, I'm already very happy that you can come to my birthday party!"

It was very rare for the Ye family to attend banquets in the past. What's more, the changes in the Ye family in recent years have caused the Ye family to completely cancel all banquets.Today, the Ye family not only honored Mr. Ou to come to attend, but even brought their precious little baby.

For this reason alone, when other people meet the Ou family in the future, they will have to worry more about the friendship between the Ou family and the Ye family.

Mr. Ou didn't expect that he would receive a birthday gift from the Ye family's little milk baby!

His expression was slightly moved. Looking at the cute little baby in front of him, his eyes slowly turned red, "Thank you An An. Alas, I'm just an old man. An An was so polite. He even prepared a gift for me. !”

Qin Sui'an started to cry when she saw that Grandpa Ou hadn't seen the gift yet. She clenched her little hands anxiously: "Grandpa Ou, you haven't seen the gift yet! Grandpa Ou, don't cry, it's a good gift!"

"I won't cry, I won't cry." Mr. Ou hurriedly wiped the corners of his eyes. He was also curious about what gift the little milkman would give him, and carefully took out the contents of the bag.

There was also a colorful gift paper bag. When Mr. Ou saw it, he couldn't bear to open it. This was a gift paper bag wrapped by the little baby himself!

Seeing Grandpa Ou staring at the paper bag without moving, Qin Sui'an thought it was because he didn't know how to open it. She immediately taught her in a sweet voice: "Grandpa Ou, start with the bow! An An tied the bow~"

When Mr. Ou heard this, he froze even more, "Oh, this, I can't do this..."

"Grandpa Ou, don't be afraid, bows don't hurt anyone." Qin Sui'an took his hand and motioned for him to pinch one of the bow straps, "Pull here and the bow will fall apart!"

Mr. Ou hesitated for a moment and saw his youngest son standing next to the young master of the Ye family. He immediately waved to him and called him: "Ouyang Fu, come here quickly and take a picture for me first!"

"Okay!" Ouyang Fu walked over quickly, took out his mobile phone, and took several photos of the gifts from his father and the baby.

Only then did Mr. Ou be willing to open this beautiful and cute gift paper bag, and the true face of the gift appeared in everyone's sight.

"I said like a document!"

"It can't really be a project contract between Ye and Ou, right?"

"No, Mr. Ye just said that this gift was given by their little baby himself and has nothing to do with the Ye family."

"What kind of document is that?"

For a moment, everyone stretched their necks and looked over here, wanting to find out.

Mr. Ou took out the contents of the gift paper bag.

is a document.

He was stunned again: "This, this is..."

Qin Sui'an bent her round eyes and said in a cute voice: "Grandpa Ou, this is the dairy farm that An An gave you~"

(End of this chapter)

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