Chapter 249 The Value of Gifts

The crisp and sweet little milky voice spread instantly, especially the last three words in a soft voice, as if a huge boulder had been dropped in a lake that was not calm.

A burst of uproar spread around, and shocked and stunned eyes were cast one after another at the small nipple.

"Did I hear it wrong?"

"dairy farm?!"

"Oh my God! The Ye family's little milk baby gave Mr. Ou an entire dairy farm!"


Not only the people around him, but also the person receiving the gift, Mr. Ou, were also stunned: "Milk, dairy farm?"

This is the most special gift he has ever received, and it is very important!
Qin Sui'an's round eyes were as curved as crescent moons, brighter than the moon hanging in the night sky. Her milky voice seemed to be coated with a layer of honey, "It's a dairy farm! A big dairy farm~Grandpa Ou, From now on you can drink milk every day!”

Mr. Ou was slow to come to his senses. There were only two words left in his mind: little milk baby and dairy farm.

Milkman actually gave him an entire dairy farm!Just to make him drink milk every day!
Mr. Ou quickly understood that at this age, Little Milkman likes to drink milk the most, and the reason why Little Milkman gave him the dairy farm was to give him her favorite milk.

The shock in his heart was indescribable. Mr. Ou's pupils trembled. He held the light document, but it was actually a gift that was so heavy that he couldn't help but want to cry. His hands couldn't stop shaking, "An An gave it to me, dairy farm……"

"Yes!" Qin Sui'an was extremely happy, even happier than receiving the gift. She blinked her bright round eyes and said, "Grandpa Ou, the milk An An drinks every day is the same as the milk from the dairy farm given to Grandpa Ou. , it’s the same!”

When Mr. Ou heard what the little milk baby said, he had a vague impression that the Qin family's Bay Villa had a dairy farm specially designated for the Qin family's little daughter.

Could it be that the little milk baby gave him the dairy farm in Bay Villa?Then he would definitely not dare to accept this great gift!

As if thinking about it together with him, Qin Sui'an said again: "Grandpa Ou, An An's family also has a dairy farm. Although it is a different dairy farm, my second brother promised An An that the milk is the same!"

She looked at Grandpa Ou, who had gray hair, seriously, and coaxed her like a little adult: "Grandpa Ou, drink more milk, so that you can be healthy, grow taller and bigger!"

"Okay! Okay!" Mr. Ou finally laughed out loud. It turned out that it was not the dairy farm of Bay Villa. It was a false alarm.

He rubbed the little baby's head and praised with a smile: "I accept this gift from An An without any courtesy. Thank you An An, I am very happy!"

"Hehe~ An'an is happy too!" Qin Suian's round eyes curled up.

Mr. Ou was about to put the documents back into the bag when suddenly, his movements stopped.

I seem to see a lot of zeros in my eyes...

There was a slight panic in his heart, and he quickly lowered his head and looked carefully at what was written in the document.

and many more!

This dairy farm is not an ordinary, small dairy farm? !

Mr. Ou took a breath and counted the zeros on the document with a serious mood for the first time.

One, two... six zeros in total!And the two numbers "one"!
This is an eight-figure, eleven million dairy farm!

"One thousand and one million?!" Mr. Ou exclaimed: "An'an, is this dairy farm worth one thousand and one million?"

(End of this chapter)

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