Chapter 250 Like a novice and like a master

Ouyang Fu almost lost his footing and hurriedly grabbed Ye Rongyuan beside him to steady himself.

His eyes widened in shock, "Did I hear correctly? One hundred and eleven million?"

Isn't this exactly the price he paid for the painting?
Coincidence or...

His expression had revealed his inner thoughts. Ye Rongyuan glanced at him and explained: "It's not a coincidence. You spent 100 million to buy An An's paintings as gifts. An An felt that she would spend that much to give gifts to others. money."

Ouyang Fu took a breath and whispered: "I spent 100 million because An An's paintings are worth it!"

Of course, he did not think that his father was not worthy of receiving a birthday gift worth 100 million yuan, but he just felt that the little baby had a huge misunderstanding about gift-giving.

Ye Rongyuan was very calm and did not feel that the gift given by An An was too valuable. 100 million was nothing to them.

Mr. Ou's hand holding the document trembled again and again, "This, this gift is too expensive!"

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes in confusion, and said in a cute voice: "The painting that Uncle Crazy gave to Grandpa Ou also cost 100 million, it's the same!"

"Crazy uncle?" Mr. Ou turned to look at his youngest son.

Why did his youngest son become a crazy uncle?Forget it, it's not important.

Mr. Ou looked at the little milk baby in front of him with gentle eyes and whispered softly: "An'an, just give me a bottle of milk. A dairy farm worth 100 million yuan is really too valuable!"

Qin Sui'an slowly frowned and shrugged his head in frustration, "Does Grandpa Ou not like the gift An An sent?"

"How could it be!" Mr. Ou took a look and shook his head quickly, "I like it very much! I like it very much! Among the birthday gifts I received, the one from An An is my favorite!"

"Grandpa Ou, there is no need to comfort An An." Qin Suian's expression was listless, as if the beautiful dress on her body was no longer sparkling, and had dimmed along with its little master.

Mr. Ou's heart suddenly felt as if someone had punched him hard, and he felt terribly uncomfortable.

He immediately clenched the document in his hand, put it back into the bag very preciously, and said seriously: "An'an, I really like the gift you gave me. This is the most thoughtful gift I have ever received. I won't be polite with this gift." The land has been collected!”

Qin Sui'an raised his little face and his voice trembled slightly: "Really?"

"Really!" Mr. Ou promised with a smile: "From now on, I will drink one cup, no, two cups of milk every day! I will drink the milk from the dairy farm An An gave me! I will not drink a drop of other milk. drink!"

When Qin Sui'an heard what Grandpa Ou said, his round eyes curled up. His little body seemed to be filled with happiness in an instant, and even the slightly raised hair on the top of his hair was filled with happiness.

She giggled, her brisk laughter as sweet as honey.

The smile on Mr. Ou's face deepened even more, and he wished he could hold the cute little baby in his arms.

After delivering the gifts, Xiao Naituan's "mission" to attend the banquet today was over. Madam Ye led Xiao Naituan away from the crowd, without delaying Mr. Ou's social interaction with others.

Qin Sui'an's little steps were bouncing, and he did not hide his happiness: "Grandma, Grandpa Ou said he likes An An's gift very much!"

"Yes, he likes it very much." Mrs. Ye had a smile in her eyes, and it was hard not to be infected by her good mood. "The gift An An chose is very good."

"Hehe~" Qin Sui'an's round eyes were curved and bright, dotted with tiny spots of light.

The banquet was not over yet. After Mr. Ou had collected the gifts, the stage was rearranged and a music group came on stage to play melodious music for the guests to dance.

Ye Liyuan saw Xiao Naituan looking at the guests dancing in the middle of the lawn with great interest, and stepped forward and asked, "An An, do you want to dance?"

Qin Sui'an pursed his lips in embarrassment, "Second uncle, An An can't jump by herself."

The last time she attended a banquet, her father and brothers held her and danced together because she was too small and couldn't reach the adults' shoulders.

"It's okay, I'll hold you." Ye Liyuan stretched out his hands and held the small breasts in his arms.

Just like last time, Xiaonuituan danced a simple dance over and over again with her second uncle and third uncle, and had a great time.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye also entered the dance floor and danced together next to them.

Until early nine o'clock in the evening, Qin Sui'an was extremely tired from playing. She was held in the arms of her grandmother and left the Ou family manor before the end of the banquet.

Mr. Ou and his sons stood at the door as usual and personally escorted the Ye family away.

Qin Sui'an leaned on her grandmother's shoulder, raised her little hand, waved to the Ou family, and said happily: "Grandpa Ou, bye~ Uncle Ou, crazy uncle, bye~" "Goodbye, An'an!"

"An'an, come and play with us anytime you have time!"

After saying goodbye to the Ou family, Mrs. Ye first put the little breast ball into the child seat in the back seat and fastened the seat belt for her.

The Ye family members got into the car one after another, and drove away from the Ou family manor under the watch of the Ou family.

The Maserati drives smoothly.

Qin Sui'an's little body fell asleep in the child's seat. She forced herself to raise her heavy eyelids. The excitement after attending the banquet was not over yet: "Grandma, Grandpa Ou likes An Anye very much~"

Mrs. Ye moved towards the little breasts, supported her shaky little head, and said with a doting smile in her voice, "Everyone likes An An very much."

Qin Sui'an suddenly thought of something and laughed, smacking his lips, "The lollipop that crazy uncle gave An An was delicious~ Grandpa Ou's cake was also delicious~"

"Little greedy cat." Mrs. Ye couldn't help but chuckle, and tapped her little nose with her fingertips, "Sleep peacefully, we'll be there soon."

Qin Sui'an really couldn't hold it anymore, but she wanted to go back to her mother, and she also wanted to call her father and tell her parents about the banquet. This was her first time attending someone else's banquet. Woolen cloth.

The thoughts in her heart were very long, and the little girl only had time to say in a daze: "Mom... daddy..."

She fell asleep with the unfinished words behind her.

Mrs. Ye carefully adjusted her position so that she could sleep more comfortably.

When we returned to the hospital, the little breast ball was completely asleep.

Ye Liyuan took the lead to carry the little breasts out of the car, and then carried her upstairs.

Ye Rongyuan was walking beside them, and his phone suddenly vibrated. It was a message from Ouyang Fu.

He glanced briefly, then lowered his voice and said, "Dad, Mom, Ouyang Fu transferred 100 million to me, saying he was embarrassed to accept such an expensive gift from An An."

Mr. Ye also lowered his voice and said, "Let the Ou family accept it well. This is An An's wish."

"Okay." Ye Rongyuan relayed the original words to Ouyang Fu and returned the money.


The Ou family's banquet lasted until past eleven o'clock in the evening. Mr. Ou, who was getting older, left the party and went back to the villa to rest, while his other sons continued to entertain the guests.

Mr. Ou asked the servant to hang the painting given by his youngest son on the wall of the living room on the first floor, and then went back to the room to wash up.

When I came out again, the painting was already hung on the wall.

There was a smile on his face, which had not fallen down almost all night. He crossed his hands behind his back and looked at the paintings on the wall with great satisfaction.

The younger son was uneducated and incompetent, but he did a better job than the other sons in pleasing him.

I just don’t know which painter this painting was from. Mr. Ou also has a collection of paintings by famous artists in his study. He doesn’t have an in-depth study of paintings, but he can understand a lot if he looks at them a lot.

This painting is full of measured strokes. The artist seems to know what to paint in the whole painting from the first stroke, and he is refreshing and smooth in one go.

But it also gave Mr. Ou a very immature feeling. He could be said to be a novice. This painting is so perfect. How can a novice complete it?

There was a sound of footsteps outside, and someone entered the living room, followed by a careless voice:

"Dad, are you still reluctant to rest? This painting is already yours. You can't run away. Come and see it tomorrow." Ouyang Fu came in with a smile, smelling of alcohol.

Mr. Ou looked back and saw that his face was red after drinking. He was disgusted and said, "You have no sense of propriety. If you can't drink well, don't imitate your brothers in drinking."

"Not too much, just three drinks? Four drinks?" Ouyang Fu put his arm around his father's shoulders and looked at the paintings on the wall, "Isn't it nice? It's a painting by a young artist, it's amazing!"

Mr. Ou immediately asked: "Little painter? Who?"

(End of this chapter)

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