My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 251 The Ou family wants to recognize Little Milk Tuan as their own child

Chapter 251 The Ou family wants to recognize Little Milk Tuan as their own child

Ouyang Fu's face turned red and his neck turned red from drinking, and everything he looked at seemed to be swaying.

He stretched out a finger and pointed at the painting on the wall, shaking his finger: "That's the little painter, the little painter who painted this painting! Dad, you didn't drink too much? Are you drunk? ?”

Mr. Ou frowned and his expression was extremely disgusting. This little son has a really bad drinking ability!

Fortunately, he warned his sons in advance and waited until the Ye family left before letting them drink enough. Otherwise, if they acted drunkenly in front of the Ye family, the entire Ou family would have to pay for it.

Mr. Ou pushed his youngest son's face to the side, "Stay away from me, don't touch me dirty."

"Dad, why do you still dislike me? I am your precious little son!"

Ouyang Fu clung to him again, and the alcohol made him even more chatty and bold: "I finally asked the little painter to paint you such a painting. That boy Ye Rongyuan hung up on me several times! I almost didn't. Put me on the blacklist!"

Mr. Ou wanted to ask the servant to pull his youngest son away, but when he heard what he said, he suddenly stopped, "Ye Rongyuan? The third young master of the Ye family? You are looking for a young painter, why is it related to the third young master Ye? This young painter, Is he someone Mr. Ye knows?"

"More than just acquaintance! Blood is thicker than water!" Ouyang Fu seemed to have thought of something and laughed out loud: "The little painter is so cute! He's so plump and plump, if Ye Rongyuan hadn't guarded him like a thief. I, I will definitely take the little painter away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Ou seemed to have been struck by lightning, and his expression was dull for a few seconds.

Wait, is it possible that the little painter the younger son talks about is the cute little baby from the Ye family?

The little baby is only three years old, and whether he can hold the paintbrush firmly is a problem!

Ouyang Fu held his head high and admired the painting with satisfaction, "The little painter is so awesome! He is simply my god! Dad, don't you think so?"

Mr. Ou asked him: "Is the young painter An'an?"

Ouyang Fu's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at his father in shock: "Dad, how did you know? This is a secret! Ye Rongyuan didn't let me tell it, and I didn't tell anyone!"

Mr. Ou took a big breath.

She really is a little baby!
This, how could this be... how could this be possible!

Little Milkman turned out to be the one who drew this painting!
Mr. Ou looked at the painting again.

No wonder, no wonder he felt that the writing was a little immature, but the completion was perfect!
It turns out that the painting was drawn by the little baby herself!
Then I think about the fact that the little milk baby also gave me a dairy farm worth 100 million yuan...

Mr. Ou's feet suddenly became weak, he was a little unsteady and staggered.

This 100 million yuan was obviously money for his youngest son to buy paintings, but after going around in circles, it ended up in his pocket again.

Not to mention that all future profits from the dairy farm will belong to Mr. Ou alone, and the value of this painting is far more than 100 million.

How can the Ou family repay such a heavy gift?

In the end, Mr. Ou couldn't stand still and fell down on the sofa, with a sad look on his face: "How can I repay this!"

Ouyang Fu also fell down on the sofa and burped: "Dad, tell me, if I accept the young painter as my goddaughter, will the Ye family and the Qin family agree?"

Ouyang Fu couldn't help but giggle when he thought about having such a lovely daughter.

Mr. Ou glared at him: "Where is your turn? You don't even look in the mirror!"

If you want to identify your relationship with a relative, no matter what, he has to do it!

(End of this chapter)

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