Chapter 252 Fighting for the Sofa
Ouyang Fu was severely criticized by his own father. He looked aggrieved and reached out to touch his face, "I look in the mirror every day, and I'm not ugly at all!"

Mr. Ou was speechless and called two servants to take his drunken son away so that he would not continue to go crazy in the living room.

Ouyang Fu was helped away, and he kept shouting: "Dad! Happy [-]th birthday! Dad! I will tell Ye Rongyuan tomorrow, I..."

Before his youngest son could speak arrogantly, Mr. Ou quickly ordered the servant: "Close his mouth immediately!"

"Misfortune comes from the mouth" is definitely not an empty word. Even in his own home, Mr. Ou did not dare to let his youngest son say something that could easily offend the Ye family.

The servant immediately covered their young master's mouth neatly, turning his subsequent words into mumbled and unclear screams.

As soon as the youngest son left, the living room returned to its original tranquility.

Mr. Ou sat on the sofa and wiped away a cold sweat.

He looked up at the paintings on the wall again, feeling more happy than before.

He whispered softly, with an obvious smile in his voice: "It turns out that it was An An who drew it. An An is so awesome."

Smiling, Mr. Ou's expression slowly became serious again, and he sighed, feeling a heavy burden in his heart.


After returning to the hospital, Mrs. Ye briefly washed the little breasts and helped her change into comfortable pajamas.

Qin Sui'an did not take a nap in the afternoon and played for a long time at the banquet. Her battery was completely low. She allowed her grandmother to help her take a bath and change clothes throughout the whole process. She only occasionally opened her eyes to take a look, and soon fell asleep again.

Mrs. Ye held her in her arms, put her on the small bed dedicated to the little breasts, covered her with a quilt, bent down and kissed her forehead: "Good night, good night."

The little breasts were sleeping soundly, breathing slowly, and the little cheeks were healthy and pink.

Mrs. Ye stood by the bed and looked at it for a while, then raised her lips and smiled silently.

She walked to the other bed, twirled her daughter Ye Chaosi's quilt, looked at the people on the two beds, and walked out of the ward after a while.

There was a little noise in the living room.

The two brothers Ye Liyuan and Ye Rongyuan are fighting for the position on the sofa in the living room, because Mr. Ye will be sleeping with them tonight.

When Mr. Ye saw his wife coming out, he walked over and shrugged helplessly, "Both Li Yuan and Rong Yuan want to stay here."

Mrs. Ye frowned, but she also knew that they wanted to spend more time with the mother and daughter in the ward, so she just said: "Please keep your voice down, don't disturb Chao Si and An An."

Brothers Ye Liyuan and Ye Rongyuan stopped at the same time.

The two looked at each other, still unyielding in their eyes.

Ye Rongyuan gritted his teeth and lowered his voice and said: "Second brother, you slept in there last night, why are you still robbing me?"

"You also slept in the living room last night. It should be my turn to be in the living room today." Ye Liyuan said.

Ye Rongyuan was speechless, silent for a few seconds, and then said: "But you slept in there last night! You should go and compete with dad for the seat inside! What kind of hero do you think you are to compete with me on the sofa?"

"I'm not a hero." Ye Liyuan insisted on the sofa without moving an inch, "You can sleep on the floor, I'm your brother."

"I'm still your brother! You're the brother, so you should let me go!" Ye Rongyuan was so anxious that he didn't expect that one day someone would be competing with him to sleep on the sofa.

That person is still his second brother!

(End of this chapter)

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