My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 253 Can’t the parents of the little breasts meet each other?

Chapter 253 Can’t the parents of the little breasts meet each other?

The two brothers had a quarrel over a sofa.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.

In the end, it’s a childish game of rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets the couch tonight.

After two out of three games, Ye Rongyuan won and happily spread his pillow and quilt on the sofa.

He was tall and looked a little cramped lying on the sofa, but he was not aggrieved at all, and was even very proud. He whispered to his second brother:
"Second brother, just go and sleep on the big bed in the lounge next door. How can I force a big star like you to squeeze into this small sofa?"

Ye Liyuan showed a rare expression of displeasure upon hearing this strange atmosphere.

He pursed his lips and looked down at his brother lying on the sofa.

I really want to drag my brother out of the sofa, but I hope he will admit defeat and go back on his word.


Ye Liyuan turned his head and saw the entertainment area specially set aside for small breasts next to the living room.

The floor was cold and hard. Ye Liyuan was worried that the baby would be uncomfortable when playing with it, so he specially selected the most comfortable children's floor mat.

Unexpectedly, thanks to the small breasts, I don’t have to sleep on the cold floor.

Ye Rongyuan was waiting to see his second brother leave the ward in despair. The next second, he saw his second brother cross his long legs and walk directly into the entertainment area of ​​​​Little Nipples.

Ye Rongyuan stared suddenly and watched as his second brother put the pillow and quilt on the children's floor mat, as if he was ready to spend the night there.

He spoke righteously and pointed in a low voice: "Second brother, that's where An An plays! How can you have the nerve to sleep on An An's territory!"

"I'll tell An An tomorrow and she will agree." Ye Liyuan lay down, his feet unable to relax freely and he needed to bend his knees slightly, otherwise he would hit the foam fence surrounding him.

Even so, he still had a smile on his face, facing the room, very happy.

Ye Rongyuan glanced at the sofa under him and suddenly felt uneasy.

It feels more comfortable to sleep on the floor mat than on the sofa.

This may be the mentality that other people's is always the most fragrant.

Mrs. Ye saw that the two sons were not sleeping in beds, one was sleeping on the floor mat and the other was sleeping on the sofa, but she did not stop them.

The two sons had finished their "quarrel" and each had their own place to sleep. Mrs. Ye whispered to them to pay attention to the situation in the room, and then returned to the lounge next door.

Mr. Ye sent her there and then came back here to sleep on the accompanying bed in the room.

After struggling for a while, the Ye family finally regained the tranquility at night.

Qin Suian's little baby fell asleep and woke up naturally. After a long sleep, the little human cub was fully charged.

As soon as she opened her eyes, the little girl saw the white surrounding her clearly and knew that she was in her mother's room. She immediately climbed out of the bed skillfully and lay down beside her mother's bed.

"Mom, good morning~" Qin Sui'an curled up his eyes, his big round eyes still filled with confusion that had not dissipated when he just woke up, and his little voice was soft and waxy.

Thinking of Grandpa Ou's birthday party he attended yesterday, Qin Sui'an suddenly let out a soft "Ah" and ran out of the room with his short legs.

In the living room outside the room, Ye Liyuan was sitting on the sofa, looking through some scripts that his agent had brought to him early in the morning.He heard a slight movement in the room, covered the script with his backhand, stood up and walked towards the room.

Before she even arrived, she was rushed towards her by the little breasts that rushed towards her.

Because Qin Sui'an was anxious, she ran very fast and hugged her second uncle's leg.

The little head was dizzy, and then he raised his little face, grinning and puckering his lips: "Second uncle~"

"An'an, do you have a headache?" Ye Liyuan crouched down quickly and took a closer look at her forehead. He also blamed himself for being in a hurry to enter the room and not paying attention to the small breasts running out.

"It doesn't hurt~" Qin Sui'an shook his little head and looked around the living room with his big round eyes, "Second uncle, grandma, grandpa and third uncle are not here?"

"Well, they will be back soon." Ye Liyuan gently rubbed her little head, and then hugged her into his arms, "An An, do you want to find your mobile phone?"

Qin Sui'an's round eyes suddenly widened, and his mouth opened in surprise, "Yes! How did the second uncle know? An An hasn't said anything yet!"

Ye Liyuan was amused by the cute expression of the little breasts and chuckled. He couldn't help but reached out and pinched her little face gently, "I guessed."

The little girl hurriedly ran out of the room without any panic on her face, indicating that she suddenly thought of something and wanted to go out to get something.

There was something belonging to the small nipple in the living room, and she was eager to find it. Apart from the mobile phone, Ye Liyuan could not guess the second possibility.

Holding the small nipple in one hand, he walked to the table in the living room, squatted slightly, and picked up the pink mobile phone on the table.

Ye Liyuan handed the phone to Xiao Naituan and asked her softly: "What does An An want with the phone?"

"I want to call daddy~" Qin Sui'an couldn't hold her mobile phone firmly with one small hand, and stretched forward with two small hands to catch the mobile phone handed over by her second uncle.

She giggled with her eyes bent, and said in a sweet voice: "An'an wants to tell Daddy and Mommy that it's fun to attend Grandpa Ou's banquet~"

It was about one thing, so An An wanted to have a video chat with her father, and then tell her father and her mother together, so that she could say it once and it would be enough!Mom and dad can hear it!

Xiao Naituan couldn't hide her excitement. Ye Liyuan knew her plan as soon as he saw it.

His expression did not change, he was still looking at the small breasts in his arms with a smile, but there was a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

If Xiao Naituan had his way, he would not be able to avoid it and let President Qin see his sister.

An accident three years ago resulted in An An being kidnapped and missing for three years before she could return home. However, how much An An had suffered in the past three years made them feel heartbroken every time they thought about it.

Not only did An An suffer, but the jewel in their Ye family's eye also fell into a coma due to the accident, and there is still no sign of waking up.

Accidents are not what anyone wants to happen, but accidents happen because everyone has their own omissions.

The Ye family cut off contact with the Qin family for two reasons. First, they saw that the Qin family was upset and could no longer face the Qin family with the same friendly feelings as in the past. Second, they themselves blamed themselves. If they had not been so If you trust the Qin family, this kind of accident might not happen.

Now that the little breasts are back, everything seems to have new hope.

Qin Sui'an was very sensitive. Even though her second uncle looked at her with a smile, she seemed to feel something.

She looked at her phone, pursed her lips, and asked softly: "Second uncle, is it true that daddy can't see Mommy?"

(End of this chapter)

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