Chapter 254 No reason, no qualifications
Ye Liyuan was stunned for a moment, restraining his expression not to be too obvious, but he still noticed something from the little nipple.

For a while, he felt a little annoyed and blamed himself.

Whether it is the Qin family or the Ye family, Xiao Naituan has the blood of both families. They, the adults, do not want the affairs between the adults to affect Xiao Naituan.

But it seems that reality always backfires.

Ye Liyuan's silence made Xiao Naituan understand something.

Qin Sui'an lowered his head, his voice no longer as energetic as before, and his mood suddenly became extremely low, "Second uncle, why can't daddy and mom meet?"

Xiao Naituan asked two questions in succession that Ye Liyuan could not answer.

The dark pupils reflected the dejected look of the little breast. Ye Liyuan couldn't help but feel depressed, as if someone was pinching his heart and covering his mouth and nose, making it difficult for him to breathe.

He stretched out his other hand, covered her little head with his palm, rubbed it gently and comfortingly, and coaxed warmly: "An'an, your parents, it's not that they can't meet, it's just that it's possible, and a little more is needed. time."

Qin Sui'an raised his little face, a pair of bright round eyes filled with tears at this moment, looking at him wetly, "Why?"

Just four words, but Xiao Nai's voice was covered with a nasal sound, which made Ye Liyuan feel even more uncomfortable.

Ye Liyuan raised his hand and wiped the moisture from the corners of his eyes with his fingertips, and said softly: "An'an, your mother hasn't woken up yet. Even if your father comes to see her, it's of no use. It's unnecessary."

Qin Sui'an sobbed softly and thought seriously about what his second uncle said.

Ye Liyuan patted her back quietly, accompanying her silently and not disturbing her.

After a while, Qin Sui'an figured it out, and Xiao Naiyin muttered: "Second uncle is right, Daddy is not a doctor, Mommy is still sleeping, and Daddy still has to go to work."

So it will take time before her parents can meet.

Ye Liyuan took a breath and saw that the bright smile returned to the little face of the little breasts, and finally felt relieved.

He was very worried about what to do if the little nipples got into trouble.

But the little breasts don't know how to do it. She is smart and well-behaved.

Getting back to the topic, Qin Sui'an looked at his second uncle again and asked again: "Second uncle, An'an will send a video to Daddy. Can Daddy see Mommy?"

Ye Liyuan couldn't refuse Xiao Naituan's proposal, and he had no reason or qualification to refuse.

He no longer hesitated to avoid overthinking, and nodded to her: "Okay."

"Yeah~" Qin Sui'an immediately cheered happily, his round eyes curled up, and the sadness from the previous moment no longer existed.

She put her two little hands around her second uncle's neck, put her soft little face against his neck, and rubbed it happily: "That's great!"

Ye Liyuan laughed as his breath was filled with the heartwarming fragrance of milk, and he walked into the room with her in his arms, his steps becoming extra brisk because of her active intimacy.

Ye Liyuan saw that her cot was still close to the hospital bed, so he put her in the cot, "I'll get the milk. An'an, you make a video call first."

He warned again: "An'an, if you call me for anything, you might press the red button on the bedside, you know?"

Qin Sui'an nodded his little head vigorously and responded in a sweet voice: "An'an knows~"

(End of this chapter)

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