Chapter 255: Heart palpitations out of his control
Ye Liyuan rubbed the top of Little Milk Ball's hair before leaving the room, leaving Little Milk Ball in her own private space so that she could video chat with her parents.

Qin Sui'an held her pink mobile phone. She saw adults using their mobile phones to check the time. She was smart and learned this little skill.

The little girl lowered her head and looked at the numbers displayed on the phone screen seriously. The little girl mumbled in her voice: "[-]... It's [-]:[-] in the morning. Has Daddy gone to work?" "

She thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "Not yet~ Daddy should be having breakfast!"

After coming to a conclusion, the little girl curled her round eyes happily, tapped on the phone screen skillfully with her little hands, and made a video call to her father.

The screen just jumped to the interface where the video call was being dialed. The next second, the interface flashed, and then Qin Haochen appeared on the screen.

What followed was his deep voice, which contained unconcealable longing: "An'an."

"Daddy~ An'an fell asleep early yesterday and just woke up!" Qin Suian's little face showed a cheerful smile, her little mouth came close to the screen, and she kissed her father's face through the phone: "Daddy, morning good!"

Qin Haochen's deep eyes were filled with smiles for an instant, and his doting eyes stared closely at the cute little breasts on the phone screen, "Good morning, An'an, daddy has just woken up."

"Hey~" Qin Sui'an tapped the screen with her little finger and pointed at her father's background, "Is daddy having breakfast?"

Qin Haochen glanced at the delicious breakfast on the table in front of him, and patiently answered the little girl's question: "Well, daddy is just about to have breakfast."

Xiao Naituan is not at home these days, and Qin Haochen only returns to Bay Villa to sleep at night.

If Qin Haochen hadn't videotaped with Xiao Naituan every morning, Qin Haochen was afraid that Xiao Naituan would be worried when he saw him in the office early. He wouldn't even have to go back to Bay Villa and just rest in the lounge over there in the office.

Qin Haochen's eyes moved slightly behind the small breasts. It didn't look like the living room where he usually video chatted with him.

He was a little confused and asked Xiao Naituan first: "Have An An had breakfast?"

"Not yet~" Qin Sui'an held the mobile phone, turned his back to the door of the room, and pointed to the door, "Second uncle is going to get milk for An An! Second uncle also said that grandma, grandpa, and third uncle will be here soon I'm home!"

The little girl spoke clearly, and Qin Haochen nodded clearly. As she moved, her background was completely white, and she could see the corner of the hospital bed, and a small bed with many cute dolls on it.

During the moment of silence between the father and daughter, there was still the beep beep beep of medical machines around them.

No matter what you see or hear, there is a message.

Qin Haochen reacted instantly and was stunned.

Are these small breasts...

Qin Haochen's heartbeat suddenly soared inexplicably very fast, and he felt like he was about to get out of his control, which made him breathe harder.

The hand holding the phone trembled slightly. Qin Haochen tried hard to maintain a normal tone and asked the little girl softly: "Is An'an in your mother's room?"

"Yes~" Qin Sui'an responded very quickly, nodded his little head gently, and said in a sweet voice: "Daddy, Mommy is still sleeping~"

(End of this chapter)

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