My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 256: The attentive little girl also has a super memory

Chapter 256: The attentive little girl also has a super memory
The voice of the little girl is soft and brisk, and is filled with excitement and happiness, which makes people unconsciously raise the corners of their lips when listening to it.

Normally, Qin Haochen would have been amused by the cute little milky sound of the little breasts, but at this moment, his expression could not hide his nervousness.

He did not take the initiative to ask the little girl to turn the camera to his wife. He just slightly raised the corners of his lips and said softly: "Then let's keep the noise down so as not to disturb your mother's sleep."

Qin Sui'an immediately lowered his voice obediently, almost breathlessly, and said, "Yeah! Dad is right! An'an, keep your voice down~"

"Good boy." A smile appeared in Qin Haochen's deep eyes, and his expression gradually returned to normal, no longer the same as before.

Qin Sui'an sat back down on the crib, holding the mobile phone in his two little hands, and hanging his little feet on the edge of the crib. When he spoke, his little feet swayed on the heels.

She looked at her father on the phone screen, then turned her little head to look at her mother in the hospital bed next to her, curved her round eyes, and said:
"Daddy~Mom~ An An went to Grandpa Ou's birthday party last night! Grandpa Ou is 60 years old!"

Qin Haochen knew that Xiao Naituan had gone, and Xiao Naituan had told him about it.

Last night, news also reached his ears.

Many people like their small milk balls, and many people lament that the birthday gift given by the small milk balls to Mr. Ou is a special and thoughtful gift.

The smile on Qin Haochen's lips unknowingly widened, and his eyes reflected the cute little face with small breasts. He pretended not to know and asked curiously: "Is the banquet fun?"

"It's fun! There are a lot of delicious food!" Qin Sui'an's cheeks were so excited that she blinked her bright round eyes, "Grandma, grandpa, second uncle, and third uncle are dancing with An An! Just like last time Daddy and An An dance the same dance together!"

Qin Haochen could almost imagine the scene of little breasts dancing.

Mr. Ou's banquet not only invited the Ye family, but the Qin family also received an invitation letter.

Just considering that it was the Ye family who went with Xiaonuituan, Qin Haochen thought about it again and again and decided not to participate.

Xiao Naituan talked about what happened at the banquet, and she also clearly remembered the gifts given by Mr. Ou’s sons:
"Papa~Mom~Uncle Ou gave Grandpa Ou a beautiful, multi-million dollar, blessed jade of fortune, wealth and longevity~"

Except for the beauty of the small breasts, which she saw with her own eyes, the rest were all said by the adults around her during discussions at the time. She had always had very good ears, so it was inevitable that she could hear everything clearly.

"The gift that Uncle Ou Er gave to Grandpa Ou is the calligraphy of Teacher Xu Rongqing, 'Shoubi Nanshan'~"

She also remembered Xu Rongqing, a famous calligrapher.

"Uncle Ou San gave it to Grandpa Ou..."

The third young master of the Ou family’s purple clay teapot and the fourth young master of the Ou family’s record player, Xiao Naituan also clearly remembers them.

She didn't forget to add: "Grandma Ou likes to listen to vinyl records~"

It’s the last one’s turn, the youngest son of the Ou family.

"There are also paintings that crazy uncle gave to Grandpa Ou~" After saying this, Xiao Naitan pursed her lips in embarrassment, "Hehe~ It was painted by An An, but the uncles and aunts around thought it was painted by Teacher Chu Youlin. .”

Qin Sui'an suddenly pretended to be mysterious and lowered the already quiet milky voice by a few decibels, "Papa~Mom~Uncle Crazy originally said that it was An An who painted it, but Third Uncle disagreed."

Qin Haochen couldn't help laughing when he saw her cute expression, and asked pretending to be curious: "Why?"

(End of this chapter)

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