Chapter 257 Daddy talks to Mommy first
"An'an doesn't know~" Qin Suian shook his little head honestly.

She really didn't know why the third uncle didn't let the crazy uncle say that she painted that painting.

She just happened to see the eye contact between the crazy uncle on the stage and the third uncle off the stage.

Qin Haochen saw the confused expression on the face of the little girl, and said softly: "Are An'an curious?"

"Well..." Qin Sui'an thought for a few seconds and nodded his head: "I'm a little curious. The third uncle didn't tell An An, and grandma didn't tell An An why."

Qin Haochen really wanted to hold the little breasts in his arms at this moment, but unfortunately he was thousands of miles away through his mobile phone.

He raised his hand, gently rubbed the edge of the phone with his fingertips, and then said: "An'an, maybe your third uncle is worried that after everyone knows that you painted the painting, he will want you to paint it too."

Qin Suian understood immediately and let out a long cry: "Oh~~~"

"Third uncle is worried that An An is too tired!"

When she was helping her crazy uncle paint before, her third uncle always stayed with her, for fear that she would be too tired.

The little girl didn't want the adults to worry about her, so she patted her little belly with her little hands and muttered: "Then An An won't draw~"

Qin Haochen looked at the little nipple with a smile in his eyes, "Then An An gave Grandpa Ou a gift, does he like it?"

"Grandpa Ou likes it very much! Grandpa Ou also said that he will drink two cups of milk every day in the future~" Qin Sui'an blinked his big round eyes, mentioned his favorite milk, and hissed with saliva, "Milk is very good Drink~”

Her little belly also cooed, as if she agreed with its little master's words.

Qin Sui'an lowered his head, looked at his baby belly, and then looked at the door of the room.

The second uncle went to get milk, but he didn't come back for a long time.

As if there was a connection, the next second, there was a light footsteps outside the room.The little breasted eyes suddenly lit up, full of anticipation.

After a while, the ajar room door was carefully pushed open.

Ye Liyuan did not walk directly into the room, but stopped at the door of the room and looked inside.

As soon as he poked his head in, he suddenly met the bright round eyes of the small breasts. He suddenly laughed and asked, "An'an knows that I'm here?"

"An'an heard the sound of second uncle walking!" Qin Suian's eyes couldn't help but move to the bottle in his hand, looking at it eagerly.

Ye Liyuan walked into the room and handed the bottle to Xiao Naituan's arms, "An An, drink it first. After finishing this bottle, you can almost have breakfast."

"Yeah! Thank you, uncle~" Qin Sui'an put the phone away, stretched out his two little hands, hugged the bottle, took a sip eagerly with the pacifier in his mouth, and then squinted happily: "It tastes good~"

"Drink slowly." Ye Liyuan rubbed her little head.

Seeing that the video call on Xiao Naituan's cell phone had not ended yet, he did not stay in the room and found an excuse before leaving the room.

The pink mobile phone was tilted against the pillow, just enough to take a picture of the little girl holding a bottle and drinking milk.

Qin Haochen did not disturb her. He quietly watched her drink milk. He picked up the black coffee on the table and drank it slowly.

The little girl drank a third of the milk. Suddenly she remembered something and put the bottle in the corner of the bed. She crawled again and picked up the phone.

"Daddy, An An is hungry. An An drinks milk. Daddy, please talk to Mom first!"

After the cute little girl finished speaking, the camera switched from the front camera to the rear camera.

(End of this chapter)

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