Chapter 258 Don’t misunderstand Mama

The camera suddenly flipped, and the picture on the phone screen changed accordingly.

Qin Haochen was caught off guard, he paused slightly, and his movement of drinking coffee suddenly froze.

His breathing was stagnant, his mind went blank, and he completely lost the ability to think.

A pair of deep eyes stared closely at the person appearing on the phone screen.

His wife, Ye Chaosi.

It had been three years since the accident, and the image of his wife in his memory slowly overlapped with the woman lying unconscious in the hospital bed in the cell phone lens.

The Ye family took good care of their daughter Ye Chaosi. Except for being a little thinner than before and her complexion was inevitably a little worse, there were no other changes, giving people the illusion that she was just asleep and not yet awake.

The black coffee in his hand suddenly spilled, Qin Haochen suddenly came back to his senses, put the coffee down in a hurry, picked up the napkin, and wiped away the coffee stains on his body.

He raised his eyes again and moved his thin lips, but couldn't say a word for a while. He just looked at the sleeping woman on the screen quietly.

Qin Haochen did not speak, Qin Sui'an's little breasts drank her milk obediently, and Ye Chaosi also lay on the hospital bed as if in a deep sleep.

The room was quiet and had a relaxing atmosphere, as if this was just an ordinary video call between their family of three.

Qin Sui'an held the small bottle and drank most of the milk. As if during an intermission, she let go of the pacifier.

There was confusion and confusion in her big round eyes at this moment. She seemed to be very curious, moving her little buttocks and touching her pink mobile phone.

Her mother was asleep so she couldn't talk. What about her father?Why is Dad so quiet?
Qin Suian has a lot to say to her mother every day, and she also has a lot to say to her father during the video call.

So now that her father saw her mother, he didn't say a word, which she couldn't understand.

Half of the face with cute little breasts pops out from the corner of the camera.

Qin Sui'an tilted her head, as if looking at her father through the camera, and asked curiously: "Why doesn't Daddy talk?"

Qin Haochen was stunned, and was left speechless by the question, "I..."

He narrowed his eyes in confusion. Even though the little breasts were not in front of him, he still didn't dare to look directly into the bright, clear round eyes of the little breasts even though they were separated from the screen of his mobile phone.

He opened his thin lips lightly, and his slightly hoarse voice contained a subtle tremor: "An'an, your mother hasn't forgiven me yet."

It was because he failed to protect Xiaonuituan that he suffered in the orphanage for three years. It was because he failed to protect his wife that his wife is still unconscious in the hospital bed.

Qin Haochen tried his best not to show his depressed mood in front of the little breasts, and gently pulled up a smile on his lips, "Maybe your mother doesn't want to see me yet."

The confusion in Qin Sui'an's round eyes deepened. She blinked her round eyes, turned her little head and looked at her sleeping mother, "Why do you think so?"

From Xiao Naituan's point of view, her mother was sleeping obediently, and she didn't say things like "I haven't forgiven you" or "I don't want to see you" to her father.

"Daddy, you can't misunderstand Mommy!" Qin Sui'an pouted her little mouth and said in a sweet voice: "Daddy, you are acting like this now, just like An An misunderstood grandma and second uncle before! This is wrong! !”

(End of this chapter)

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