Chapter 263 Listen to the wishes of the little nipple group
Qin Sui'an listened quietly to the conversation between the adults, and his cute little head turned to the left and right as they talked.

She listened in a daze, but she understood something. Grandpa Ou seemed to want to regard her as his daughter.

Although Grandpa Ou is a very nice person, An An already has a dad~
As if she was afraid that the adults would "sell" her, Qin Sui'an waved her little hands anxiously, and said nervously: "An'an is Mommy's daughter, not someone else's!"

After speaking, she also raised a small index finger, opened her round eyes vigorously, and emphasized: "An'an only has one daddy and one mommy!"

Everyone did not expect such a reaction from the little breasts. They were stunned in surprise, and then they raised their lips and laughed at the same time.

Mrs. Ye stretched out her hands, took the cute little breasts into her arms, rubbed her little head, and said softly: "Of course An An is your father and your mother's daughter, and no one can replace her."

With a smile in his eyes, Mr. Ye explained patiently: "An'an, what Mr. Ou means is that he wants to be recognized as a blood relative."

Qin Sui'an still couldn't understand what he heard, and there was confusion in his big round eyes, "Is it because Grandpa Ou doesn't have a daughter, so he accepts An An as his daughter?"

Ye Liyuan smiled and said, "I believe it's more because Mr. Ou likes our An'an, but it just happens that our An'an is a girl."

After all, their family An'an was so outstanding that even Mr. Ou couldn't help but look down on him and asked his youngest son Ouyang Fu to talk to Ye Rongyuan.

Qin Sui'an's little head could barely understand what the adults were saying, and he was thinking seriously with a serious expression.

A few seconds later, she shook her little head, raised her little index finger again, and her milky voice was very serious: "An'an only needs one daddy, and one mommy is enough."

Mrs. Ye looked at her lovingly, then turned to look at her third son, "Did you hear that? Do you know how to reply to the Ou family?"

Ye Rongyuan made an "OK" gesture, "I understand, I understand! Strictly follow An An's wishes!"

They had no intention of agreeing to Mr. Ou's proposal, but Xiaonaituan didn't have the intention either, so they could reject the Ou family more readily.

Qin Sui'an was also worried that Grandpa Ou would be sad, so he used his third uncle's mobile phone to send a voice message to Uncle Crazy, asking Uncle Crazy to forward it to Grandpa Ou:
"Grandpa Ou is very good~ But An An only needs one daddy and one mommy! Thank you for your love, Grandpa Ou. An An also likes Grandpa Ou!"

The glutinous voice of the little breasts seemed to have been rolled in honey, which was so sweet that it made my heart sing.

Even the Ye family couldn't help but want to hug their own little breasts after hearing this, let alone Mr. Ou.

Ouyang Fu recorded this voice and forwarded it to his father, Mr. Ou. Mr. Ou started playing it in a loop. He was so happy that it didn't look like he was being rejected. He was smiling from ear to ear.

Ouyang Fu was hungover all night, and it wasn't until lunch that he had the energy to go downstairs.

As soon as he entered the restaurant, he saw his father's old face smiling like a flower.

Ouyang Fu opened the dining chair and sat down, and said unbearably: "Dad, have you been tapped on your smile?"

Normally, if he heard his youngest son say this, Mr. Ou would have rolled his eyes, but at this moment he was still in a very good mood, "The Ye family's little baby is so cute. Tell me, what if I open another one?" How about inviting her to our house for a party?"

(End of this chapter)

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