Chapter 264
Ouyang Fu was shocked by his father's love for small nipples. He gave a friendly reminder: "Dad, I think you will be blacklisted by An An's family."

Mr. Ou was successfully splashed with cold water by his own son, and the smile on his face became stiff.

But he still didn't get angry, and even felt that what his younger son said was not completely unreasonable.

How much the Ye family protects the little baby can be seen from the banquet. Not only do they have several bodyguards, they also personally stay with the little baby.

He believed that the Ye family would come to his banquet, all thanks to the little milk baby's favor, otherwise the Ye family would not come due to their temperament.

Furthermore, he had taken the liberty to mention that he wanted to adopt Little Milkman as his goddaughter in the morning, but the Ye family had politely rejected it. If he continued to push the envelope, he might really be dragged into trouble by Little Milkman’s family. List.

Ouyang Fu felt a little happy when he saw his father's face gradually becoming serious, "Dad, please stop thinking about the little baby. The message Ye Rongyuan sent me this morning was not as nice as what the little baby said."

He selectively only intercepted the cute voice messages of the little baby and forwarded them to his father, so that his father would not lose face.

Mr. Ou knew that he was a little anxious this morning. Now that his younger son mentioned it, he was a little panicked.

He wiped a cold sweat and said: "Did the Ye family misunderstand me? I don't want to use the little baby to become relatives with them."

"It's not that serious." Ouyang Fu ate his lunch slowly, picked up a piece of meat and put it in his bowl, "Just remember, don't always think about seeing the little baby, then It’s someone else’s baby, not yours.”

Mr. Ou frowned, but said nothing more.

Ouyang Fu glanced at the time and stuffed a few more mouthfuls of rice into his mouth. He was in a hurry, as if he was rushing to do something.

When Mr. Ou saw this, he frowned again and asked him casually, "What's important for you waiting for? Are you worried about your appearance?"

"Oh, I made an appointment with Ye Rongyuan to go find him later." After Ouyang Fu finished speaking, he smiled again and said, "Meet the little baby by the way."

Mr. Ou suddenly slapped the table, "Then you just had the nerve to say that I shouldn't even think about seeing the baby?!"

I bet this little son is deliberately showing off to himself!
"Oh, I have something to do with Ye Rongyuan, so I can meet the little baby." Ouyang Fu emphasized without blushing.

Mr. Ou was so depressed that he rolled his eyes at him.

"It's really something." Ouyang Fu hurriedly finished the rest of the food in the bowl, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, "Okay, dad, eat slowly, I'll leave first."

"Remember to say hello to the little milk baby for me." Mr. Ou added.

"no problem."

Ouyang Fu strode out of the restaurant without looking back and went straight to the garage.

One minute later, a bright yellow GTR drove out of the garage and left the Oujia Manor directly, the sound of the engine filling the sky.

Ouyang Fu did have something to do with Ye Rongyuan, but he just asked him to meet him in a coffee shop near the hospital.

The environment of the cafe is very quiet. It has just passed lunch time and there are not many customers. The background music is also soothing and sensational piano music, which makes people drowsy.

Ouyang Fu ordered a cup of black coffee for himself, sipping it sip after sip, lowering his head slightly while scrolling through his phone, and occasionally looking up at the door of the coffee shop.

(End of this chapter)

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