Chapter 270: Looking at the useless Maserati
He Yan received instructions from his CEO and notified several young masters of the time that Miss An An would return home, allowing them to make arrangements in advance to ensure that they could go home before Miss An An came home.

Qin Yanyi's surgery schedule is very busy these days. When his sister An An is not at home, he spends all his time in the hospital.

After receiving the call from Assistant He Yan, he immediately arranged the next work to ensure that he would not delay the patient or delay his return home to see An An.

Qin Luzheng and Qin Niexun even returned to Bay Villa one day early to adjust their schedules and want to be in the best condition to welcome their sister home.

The Qin family members were all standing at the gate of the castle. Fortunately, the gate was big enough and didn't look cramped.

The Maserati did not just park at the entrance of Bay Villa like last time, but drove directly into Bay Villa and drove slowly towards the castle.

The driver this time was Ye Rongyuan, Ye Liyuan was sitting in the passenger seat, and in the back seat, Qin Suian, Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye were sitting.

The rest of the Ye family's bodyguards were in two other cars, staying at the entrance of Bay Villa and did not follow them in.

Ye Rongyuan controlled the steering wheel with one hand and lowered the speed to the lowest level. The driving speed displayed on the dashboard was only 10km/h, and even those walking next to him could go faster than their car.

If possible, Ye Rongyuan didn't want to step on the accelerator at all, because the faster he arrived, the faster he would be separated from the little milk ball.

It's not the first time I've been to Bay Villa, it's just that the last time I came here was at least three years ago.

"It doesn't seem to have changed much." Ye Rongyuan looked around. The street lights dotted the entire bay villa, as if they were shining with the stars in the dark night in the sky.

Ye Liyuan also looked out the car window.

In terms of scenery and environment, there is no choice. After all, this is Bay Villa, a veritable Bay Villa.

Ye Rongyuan drove the car at the lowest speed, slowly and steadily. Qin Sui'an sat in the child safety seat and almost fell asleep all the way.

Vaguely, the little nipple seemed to hear a familiar goose call.

"Ga~ An'an cub~~~You're back~~~"

Qin Sui'an's eyelids moved slightly, and he opened his eyes drowsily. His round eyes were covered with a layer of water mist when he just woke up, and he looked around blankly.


She slowly blinked her round eyes, and then she recognized that she was in a villa on the bay. The corners of her mouth curled up consciously, and she curled her eyes happily.

"Gah~ An'an cub~~~ I miss you so much~~~"

The cry of the big white goose is getting closer and closer.

Ye Rongyuan raised his chin, looked at the front of the car, and then at the rearview mirrors on the left and right, "Why do I feel like I heard a goose call?"

"You heard that right." Ye Liyuan pointed to the garden on the left, "That's where the sound came from."

At the same time as he finished speaking, a short and white shadow ran out of the garden with flapping wings. In such a posture, some people thought that it was a big white goose about to peck and chase away people.

The shadow of Ye Rongyuan's trousers bitten by the big white goose last time was still there, and he was still frightened, so he asked anxiously: "What is it calling? Doesn't it not welcome us?"

Although Ye Liyuan couldn't understand what the big white goose was quacking, he could distinguish it based on the current situation.

He didn't know whether they were welcome or not, but he was certain that "the big white goose was welcoming An An."

Ye Rongyuan looked confused, "It? Welcome An An?"

At this time, a soft, waxy, milky and sweet voice came from the back seat: "Yes~ Big White Goose wants to be safe!" Ye Liyuan and Ye Rongyuan immediately turned to look at the back seat.

The little girl woke up after sleeping all the way. The light from the street lamp outside shone into the car from time to time. Suddenly, the bright light illuminated the cute red face of the little girl. Just one glance made the two brothers laugh at the same time.

Ye Liyuan said softly: "An An is awake? Were you disturbed by us?"

"No~" Qin Suian shook his little head, "Anan heard the sound of the big white goose."

"Did you sleep comfortably?" Ye Rongyuan didn't forget to brag about his driving skills, "I drive very steadily!"

Mrs. Ye glanced in his direction and said, "Still driving. Please watch the road carefully and don't turn around."

Ye Rongyuan quickly turned around, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, "Oh, mom, don't worry, this car is going very slowly, and it's in Bay Villa again."

That being said, there were small breasts in the car. Ye Rongyuan didn't dare to be distracted anymore and looked at the road ahead seriously.

After the big white goose ran out of the garden, it was about to run straight to the car carrying An An's cub, when he heard a whistle coming from the castle.

"Big white goose! Come here and wait!" Qin Qianyi waved to it, "You don't want the goose's life! You still want to run to the car!"

The big white goose-shaped eyes glared at Qin Qianyi with great dissatisfaction: "Gah!"

What did this human being say?This goose will live a long life!

It looked at the road the car was driving on and saw that it was indeed going to the castle. Then it turned around and ran to the gate of the castle to join the Qin family's "large army" and wait for the cub An An.

Qin Qianyi watched the Maserati drive toward them bit by bit at a snail's speed, and couldn't help but mutter in a low voice: "Is that car broken down? Why are you driving so slowly!"

He wanted to run over and stop the car and bring An An back!

"Maybe, this car is useless." Qin Yaoyu frowned, wondering if he should sponsor a new car for the Ye family to replace the slow car in front of him.

A few minutes later, the extremely slow Maserati finally stopped at the main entrance of the castle.

The brothers of the Qin family wanted to swarm forward, but Mr. Qin stopped them in advance: "Stand still! Don't scare An An!"

An An's six brothers had no choice but to endure it patiently and stood there, staring at the back seat door with their six pairs of eyes.

Qin Haochen didn't wait for the car door to open. He walked forward and waited in front of the back seat door.

With a slight "click", the door opens automatically.

The cute little girl was sitting in the child seat, lowering her head and carefully undoing the seat belt wrapped around her little body.

As the car door opened, she seemed to sense something. She raised her face and saw her father, whom she had not seen for a while.

She didn't bother to completely unbuckle her seat belt. She looked at the person with her big round and bright eyes. She raised her two little hands and said with a sweet and soft voice from her crisp little breasts: "Daddy~!"

"An'an." Qin Haochen bent down, quickly untied the seat belt on the little girl, and then carefully picked her up.

Qin Sui'an hugged her father's neck hard, pressed her little face into his arms, and cooed: "Daddy, An An misses you so much~"

(End of this chapter)

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