Chapter 271 Will Wake Up

"Daddy misses you too." Qin Haochen held the little breast in his arms and gently rubbed her little head with the palm of one hand.

He kissed the top of the hair of the little nipple, then looked at the people in the car, and called politely: "Dad, Mom."

Mr. Ye nodded towards him, and then said, "It's getting late, so we'll go back first."

Thanks to his third son Ye Rongyuan, he drove so slowly that it was already past nine o'clock when he arrived at Bay Villa, so he didn't have to stay and sit for a while to chat with the Qin family.

"Okay, be careful on the road." Qin Haochen responded.

Mrs. Ye glanced at him, and then her eyes fell on the little breasts. The smile on her face was a little brighter, "Goodbye, An'an."

Qin Sui'an's little girl waved to everyone in the car and said in a soft and cute voice: "Goodbye, grandma~Goodbye, grandpa~Goodbye, second uncle and third uncle~"

Ye Liyuan lowered the passenger window and said, "Goodbye, An An."

Ye Rongyuan leaned towards the passenger window, held the edge of the door tightly with his long hands, and shouted to An An: "An An, please don't forget me!"

"An'an won't forget it!" Qin Suian nodded his head with great certainty.

After reluctantly saying goodbye, the Maserati slowly started and drove away from Bay Villa.

When the Maserati had completely driven out of Bay Villa, the six brothers of the Qin family standing at the gate of the castle immediately surrounded the little girl.

Before Qin Haochen and Xiao Naituan had a good chat, each of them took the conversation away.

He was a little helpless, seeing the excited and happy expression on the pink face of the little breast in his arms. He squatted down slightly and let the little breast be led into the castle by her brother.

The big white goose couldn't squeeze through these tall guys with long legs, so it stomped its feet angrily.


This goose also wants to keep its cubs safe!I'd rather give him a seat to see An'an's cub!
Its squawk drowned out the voices of An An's six brothers. Undeterred, the big white goose followed them into the castle.

Mrs. Qin was taken away before she could hug her granddaughter. She was angry and helpless, "These boys, don't scare An An!"

Mr. Qin was also angry and stared at their backs, "No matter how big or small!"

Angry as they were, missing their little granddaughter was more important. They supported each other and followed them into the castle.

Qin Haochen stood there, and the bustle at the gate of the castle gradually moved into the castle. He could still clearly hear everyone's noisy conversations, mixed with a cute little milky voice.

He smiled and just walked into the castle when he heard footsteps behind him.

He Yan stepped forward and said respectfully: "President, we have found out the matter about the painter Chu Youlin."

Qin Haochen paused and looked into the living room.

The Bay Villa, which had been quiet for several days, finally regained its proper warmth when the little nipples arrived.

In the living room, the little girl was sitting on the sofa, but she was still surrounded by her brothers. She looked at the six brothers with her big round eyes brightly, her eyes full of smiles, and she pursed her mouth happily.

Qin Haochen looked at it for a few seconds, then raised his hand towards He Yan, "Go to the study and talk."

"Okay, President."

The two of them went upstairs one after another and entered the study.As soon as the study door is closed, the sound insulation effect is very good, and it becomes much quieter instantly.

Qin Haochen frowned slightly, feeling uncomfortable, and asked He Yan to open the study door. He could vaguely hear the lively movement in the living room downstairs.

Qin Haochen's furrowed brows relaxed slightly, and then he began to listen to He Yan's report.

The atmosphere in the study room upstairs was not relaxed, but the living room downstairs was still warm and happy, with a smile on everyone's face.

Even when they arrived in the living room, Mrs. Qin and Mr. Qin could not get close to their precious little granddaughter. The precious little granddaughter was surrounded by several grandchildren, making it difficult to even take a look.

Seeing that the clock on the wall had passed ten and a quarter in the evening, Mr. Qin took the lead in putting on a straight face, raised his voice, and snorted: "You don't have to go to school or go to work tomorrow?"

It was almost obvious to tell them to get out. If it weren't for the presence of his little granddaughter, Mr. Qin would have wanted to drive them away himself.

Qin Qianyi was the first to respond, "Grandpa, I'm asking for leave tomorrow! I don't have to go to school!"

Mr. Qin's eyes instantly glared over, "Can you set a good example for An An and ask for leave from school at every turn!"

"Nothing's wrong. I haven't asked for leave this semester!" This sentence was somewhat false, but Qin Qianyi said it confidently and without any guilt.

Mr. Qin now feels that it is very convenient to have a crutch. At least at this time, he can smash the crutch towards his little grandson.

Mrs. Qin looked at her husband who was so angry that he couldn't speak, and smiled, "Qian Yi, don't add fuel to the fire."

Immediately afterwards, Mrs. Qin looked at the other grandchildren and said, "You have been surrounding An An for more than half an hour. It is our turn to talk to An An, otherwise An An will have to go to bed."

Fortunately, Qin Suian had slept in the car just now and was still in good spirits.

As soon as Mrs. Qin opened her mouth, everyone else had no choice but to say goodbye to An An one by one and go back to their respective rooms.

With six people missing, there seemed to be a lot of space in the living room, and it suddenly felt spacious.

Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin changed their positions and moved to the side of their precious little granddaughter.

Mrs. Qin gently hugged her little body, her eyes full of kindness, "Has An An eaten and slept well recently?"

"Yes~" Qin Sui'an leaned softly into her grandma's arms, her round eyes curved, "Grandma and grandpa prepare a lot of delicious food for An An to eat every day, and An An is full~"

She said obediently: "Grandma and grandpa also prepared a small bed for An An, right next to Mama's bed. An An can sleep with Mama~"

Mrs. Qin heard about these things from her son Qin Haochen, and heard her little granddaughter talk about them with her own ears, and her heart fluctuated a little.

Mrs. Qin asked as naturally as possible: "An'an, are you awake yet?"

The little girl shook her head in disappointment, "No, Mommy has been sleeping, and the doctors and aunts have to give Mommy injections every day."

Mrs. Qin rubbed her little head distressedly.

"Grandma, the numbness is very powerful!" She stretched out a little hand and gestured with her thumb and index finger, "The needle is so big and long, but the numbness doesn't hurt at all! I don't cry either~"

The little girl felt that if such a big and long injection was injected into her body, she would definitely cry.

"Yes, your mother is very powerful." Mrs. Qin bent down slightly, kissed her little head, and comforted: "Your mother will wake up after she has had enough sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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