Chapter 281 Boyce
When Ouyang Fu called Ye Rongyuan, Ye Rongyuan was busy in the office of the president of Ye Group.

During the few days he spent with Xiao Naituan, he handled all the official matters that could be handled in advance, and postponed everything that could not be handled in advance. These days were his busiest days.

He barely had time to get his phone, so he put it on the desk in his office and pressed the button: "Just tell me what's going on. I'm very busy."

Ouyang Fu also knows that as the president of the group, he has heavy responsibilities and his time is precious.

Without any foreshadowing, he bluntly stated his purpose: "Teacher Chu Linlin seems to know that your An An is the painter he is looking for! I swear, I really did not reveal any information about An An! Including An An's age!"

Who could have guessed that the painting was painted by a three-year-old little breasted dumpling?

This is why Ouyang Fu was shocked. How could Teacher Chu Tuolin know, or know so accurately, that it was An An's little breasts?

Ye Rongyuan stopped turning the documents in his hand and glanced at his phone, "He knew? What did he say?"

"Just now, a minute ago, teacher Chu Youlin called me and asked me if that painting was painted by the little daughter of the Qin family. He asked me very directly, and I was confused!"

Ouyang Fu said and reiterated again: "I really didn't reveal An An's identity. I'm also curious about where Teacher Chu Linlin knew about it."

Ye Rongyuan frowned slightly.

He remembered that his assistant said that the Qin family bought tickets for Mr. Chu Linlin's art exhibition. This afternoon, Mrs. Qin took her little breasts to the art exhibition.

Ye Rongyuan had the answer in his mind. Perhaps it was at the art exhibition that Xiao Naituan met Teacher Chu Tonglin, and an artist like Teacher Chu Tonglin probably saw something.

"I'll go check it out here." Ye Rongyuan glanced at the time and said, "I'll see you in a few days. I'm very busy these days."

"Okay, get on with your work."

Ouyang Fu didn't dare to waste his time. After he finished talking about the business, he stopped talking nonsense and simply ended the call.

He felt a little emotional. In the past, Ye Rongyuan was just as idle as him. Who would have thought that he would suddenly become the president of a large group, and he would be very busy even if he wanted to go out and have fun.

Ouyang Fu almost thought about trying to work hard in his own group, but he almost thought that he could still have some fun.

If something hadn't happened to Ye Rongyuan's sister, he felt that Ye Rongyuan wouldn't have changed so much.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Fu thought of his sister's daughter, the cute little breast dumpling.

If not for anything else, he also hoped that the mother of the little breast dumplings would wake up soon.


After leaving the parking lot of the art exhibition, the Maserati headed towards the Bay Villa.

Qin Suian sat obediently in the child safety seat.

After visiting the art exhibition all afternoon, my little body was beginning to run out of "battery". My big, round eyes slowly blinked at a slower rate, and my eyelids gradually became heavier.

Mrs. Qin was busy making milk for her little granddaughter, and then handed the bottle to her, "An'an, drink slowly. You can have dinner when you get home."

Qin Sui'an raised his eyelids in a daze, hugged the bottle with both hands, and said sweetly: "Thank you, grandma~"

"Drink." Mrs. Qin looked at her little granddaughter lovingly, stretched out her hand and gently rubbed her little head.

Qin Suian held the pacifier in his mouth and sucked the milk.

When the milk in the bottle bottomed out, the little milk ball couldn't hold back the heavy sleepiness and fell into a deep sleep.

Mrs. Qin carefully took away the milk bottle and brought a cute rabbit doll pillow to cushion her little head to prevent her neck from getting tired from sleeping.

Mrs. Qin glanced at the clock in the car, and then asked Lu Xi in a low voice: "How long until we get to Bay Villa?"

Lu Xi also lowered her voice and replied: "Old madam, there are still about two and ten minutes."

Mrs. Qin nodded slightly and then ordered her: "Let the people in Bay Villa prepare dinner in advance."

"Okay, madam." Lu Xi immediately took out her cell phone and explained the matter.

at the same time.

Four luxury cars drove into the traffic one after another. The license plate numbers seemed random, but coincidentally the last number was "1".

The bodywork is a popular and simple black, but it still cannot reduce their sense of presence, frequently attracting curious attention from the surrounding vehicles.The four luxury cars were covered with anti-peeping black films. From the front windshield, you could only vaguely see the men in black suits and serious faces sitting in the driver's seat and the passenger seat.

But they could only glimpse so much. No one could see who was in the back seat or who the owners of these luxury cars were.

At the intersection ahead, the red light comes on.

Four luxury cars stopped.

Maserati, who happened to be waiting at the red light, also stopped.

Mrs. Qin accidentally turned her head and looked to the side, and immediately saw these four unusual black luxury cars.

She couldn't help but frown, and whispered to Lucy, "Let them pay attention."

If she were to go out by herself, Mrs. Qin would never be so wary of passing strange vehicles, but this time she was with her little granddaughter, so she had to be more vigilant.

Lu Xi also saw the four luxury cars next to her and immediately responded: "Okay, old lady."

It was close to six o'clock in the evening, but the sun had not yet set. The orange-red sunset was shining slantingly, and the temperature on the road was not low. Driven by the red light, it seemed as if someone had pressed the pause button, and there was a moment of peace.

In the back seat of the second black luxury car.

Even sitting in the car, you can still see the man's slender and straight figure.

The man has a delicate and clean appearance. He is wearing a simple but valuable black shirt. He is young and noble, with a natural coldness and an aura that cannot be underestimated.

His expression was indifferent, and he seemed to catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head slightly and saw the Maserati parked side by side.

Dark green Maserati.

A little familiar.

The man opened his thin lips lightly, his voice was gentle and calm, but his eyes were sharp: "Whose car is that?"

The man in the front passenger seat turned to look, and then replied respectfully: "Boyce, this is the car of the Qin Group and the second elder of the Qin family."

"Qin family?" The man's expression suddenly became unpredictable, and he looked at the dark green Maserati again.

The windows of the Maserati were also covered with privacy black film, making it impossible to see who was sitting inside.

He looked back.

Thanks to the "blessing" of the Qin family, his sister is still unconscious and his niece's whereabouts are unknown. These two things alone are enough for him to treat the Qin family as his enemies.

The man's face was gloomy.

The two men in the driver's seat and the passenger's seat in front felt the sudden pressure in the car, and were so frightened that they did not dare to express themselves, and carefully reduced their sense of presence.

The red light turned green and the temporarily stopped vehicles started moving again.

In Malasadine, Mrs. Qin couldn't figure out who owned the four black luxury cars next to her. She didn't dare to let her little granddaughter encounter any potential danger, so she cautiously told the driver: "Let's take a detour."

Being able to miss the row of black luxury cars of unknown origin is the safest plan.

"Okay, madam." The driver immediately turned on the turn signal and took advantage of the green light to turn right onto another road.

The four black luxury cars are completely different from Maserati.

The man sitting in the back seat glanced in the rearview mirror and saw the Maserati suddenly changing lanes.

If he remembered correctly, going straight to the Qin family's Bay Villa was the shortest and most convenient route.


It turned out that she was avoiding him.

A sneer escaped the man's lips.

The atmosphere in the car dropped to freezing point, as if winter was coming.

(End of this chapter)

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