Chapter 282 Look down on small breasts?

On the way Qin Sui'an and Mrs. Qin returned to Bay Villa, Qin Haochen was also leaving the Qin Group.

He Yan stood in front of the Bentley's back seat door, opened the back seat door respectfully, and escorted his president into the car.

As soon as Qin Haochen got into the car, the personal mobile phone he carried with him rang.

He took out his cell phone and looked at the caller ID. Unexpectedly, it was his wife's brother, Ye Rongyuan.

This seemed to be the first time he received a call from Ye Rongyuan.

Realizing that something might have happened, Qin Haochen immediately picked up the call.

Ye Rongyuan's voice came from the receiver.

He was not polite, and he was worried about the small breasts, so his tone was not so cold: "My friend said that Teacher Chu Youlin might have recognized An An. Did An An go to Teacher Chu Youlin's painting exhibition this afternoon?"

"Yes, Grandma An An went with her." Qin Haochen frowned slightly. Has Chu Haolin recognized it?How did you recognize it?

His mother sent a message telling him that she met Chu Tulin at the art exhibition, but she didn't say anything else. This also shows that their identities had not been revealed when they met Chu Tulin.

Ye Rongyuan paused for a few seconds and then said: "My friend didn't leak it. It should be Teacher Chu Tonglin who discovered something himself. Maybe he will go to An An in the next few days."

"Okay, I understand." Qin Haochen's expression returned to calmness, and there didn't seem to be much ups and downs. "I'll pay attention here."

"Nothing else, that's it."

After Ye Rongyuan said this, he simply hung up the phone. They didn't need too many polite words anyway.

Qin Haochen put away his phone and stared in deep thought.

At this moment, He Yan, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, also received a call.

After the call ended, He Yan turned sideways and reported: "President, Teacher Chu Youlin called and said that he would like to find time to come to Qin's house to meet Miss An An and personally give Miss An An a small gift."

Qin Haochen raised his eyelids and asked him calmly: "Just to give gifts?"

"Yes, President, Teacher Chu Linlin just said that." He Yan asked cautiously: "President, how should I reply?"

Qin Haochen was silent for a moment, then gently raised his hand.

He Yan nodded clearly, "President, I won't reply to Teacher Chu Linlin yet."



Maserati took a detour, and when Bentley arrived at Bay Villa, Maserati had not returned yet.

Bentley stopped firmly at the gate of the castle.

Qin Haochen got out of the car, but when he saw the little girl, he took out his cell phone and sent a message asking about his mother.

Mrs. Qin responded quickly and sent an instant location.

It's only 5 minutes away from Bay Villa.

Qin Haochen was a little confused. The journey from the art exhibition to Bay Villa did not seem to take such a long time.

He couldn't help but feel worried and stood at the gate of the castle waiting for the little breast to come home.

Five minutes later, the Maserati drove into Bay Villa and stopped at the gate of the castle.

Qin Haochen immediately strode forward to greet him. Without waiting for the bodyguard to come forward, he opened the Maserati's back seat door himself.

Seeing that the little breasts were safe, my anxious heart finally fell to the ground.

Qin Sui'an hadn't fully woken up yet, when he heard the sound of opening the door, he opened his round eyes in a daze.

In her hazy vision, she seemed to see her handsome father approaching her. Her two little hands stretched out to him automatically, and she called out in a sleepy voice: "Daddy..." "An'an." Qin Hao Chen unfastened the seat belt on Xiao Naituan and picked her up from the child seat.

Qin Sui'an leaned into her father's safe embrace, pursed her lips and smiled, then slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

Qin Haochen couldn't help but chuckle, lowered his head, and kissed her little head lovingly.

Lu Xi got off the passenger seat, stood next to the back seat door, and carefully helped Mrs. Qin get out of the car.

Qin Haochen hugged the small breasts, took a step to the side, and then asked her in a low voice: "Mom, did something happen on the way?"

Mrs. Qin explained: "It's nothing, don't worry. I just wanted to be cautious and took a detour."

Qin Haochen breathed a sigh of relief. He thought he had encountered something that delayed his return home.

Dinner has been prepared, and Mr. Qin and Xiao Naituan's brothers are sitting in the restaurant waiting.

The smell of food awakened Little Milk Ball's belly, and Little Milk Ball's little nose moved, and her heavy eyelids finally slowly opened again.

Qin Haochen was carrying her towards the restaurant. When he noticed that the little breasts in his arms were gradually waking up, he smiled softly and said softly, "Are you hungry?"

"Well... I'm a little hungry~" Qin Sui'an rubbed his eyes, smelled the fragrant smell, and swallowed.

As soon as I walked into the restaurant, I stood up immediately when I was sitting down, and there was a roar.

Mr. Qin had been waiting at home for a long time. He stepped forward and looked at his granddaughter and his wife respectively.

He had been thinking about his little granddaughter and his wife, fearing that something would happen to them when they went out, but fortunately they all came back fine.

Mrs. Qin saw his expression of frown and relief, and smiled, "Didn't I report to you the whole process? Are you still so worried?"

Mr. Qin wiped the sweat from his forehead and sat in the dining chair with her again, "I feel relieved when I see you."

Qin Haochen put the small milk ball in the children's dining chair, and her brothers gathered around.

Qin Qianyi squeezed in at the front, looking at An An up and down, and then asked: "An An, is the art exhibition fun?"

"Little brother, it's not fun, but it's good-looking~" Qin Sui'an replied in a sweet voice.

Qin Yaoyu immediately asked her: "Is it good-looking? Have you bought any paintings?"

"I bought it~" Qin Sui'an nodded her little head and raised a cute little index finger, "I bought a painting and I want to give it to Mama~"

"One piece?" Qin Luzheng was slightly surprised and looked towards his grandma, "Did you just buy one piece?"

Receiving the gaze of her third grandson, Mrs. Qin nodded slightly, "An'an bought one, and I bought a few. If you want them, you can take them when the time comes."

Qin Niexun glanced at the brothers and exposed them unceremoniously: "Grandma, what they want is the painting An An sent."

Mrs. Qin naturally knew this and shook her head with a smile, "You guys, An An only has a little money, so don't worry about letting An An buy it."

Qin Sui'an listened to the conversation between his brothers and grandma, his big round eyes blinked twice, "Brothers, do you want to draw?"

The six brothers shook their heads at the same time and said in unison: "I don't want it anymore."

After grandma said this, they didn't have the nerve to ask An An to buy paintings for them.

Mr. Qin patted the table and said, "Okay, everyone, sit down. An An must be hungry."

The brothers quickly returned to their respective dining chairs and sat down, not daring to let their baby sister go hungry.

Qin Haochen sat next to the little milk ball, feeding the little milk ball small mouthfuls for dinner, while asking his mother: "Did you meet Chu Tuolin at the art exhibition?"

Mrs. Qin ate slowly. After swallowing the food in her mouth, she nodded and said, "We met. At first, I thought it was someone who was following us. Lu Xi told me that that person was Teacher Chu Lin."

Qin Haochen paused and his tone changed instantly: "Is he following you?"

(End of this chapter)

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