Chapter 283 Who Came Back

"Yes, he said it later. It probably meant that he thought An An was still young and was curious about whether An An could read or understand painting, so he followed us."

Mrs. Qin said it tactfully, but Qin Haochen still felt uncomfortable after hearing it.

The brothers of Xiao Naituan immediately frowned and looked coldly.

Although they endured their displeasure and lowered their voices restrainedly, six people spoke at the same time with great momentum: "Is he looking down on An An?!"

The little mouth that chewed the little milk balls froze in an instant.

She blinked her round eyes in confusion, and her eyes widened slightly because of their words.

Qin Sui'an looked at his angry father, and then at his six brothers who were even more angry. He quickly chewed the food in his little mouth and swallowed it in his belly.

Then, she hurriedly stretched out her little hands and patted them twice in mid-air, as if to persuade her father and brothers not to be angry.

Qin Suian's soft little voice said seriously: "Daddy, brothers, uncle has already apologized to An An, and he knows he was wrong!"

Mrs. Qin also nodded, indicating that they should not be angry, "He and An An took the initiative to apologize."

Qin Haochen managed to dissipate the anger in his heart, calmed down, and continued to feed the little milk ball.

Qin Fuga saw that Xiao Naituan was not angry because of Chu Youlin's impoliteness. He put down the tableware, gently turned the beads on his wrist, and said, "Although Chu Youlin is arrogant, he dares to admit his mistakes."

It can be regarded as being "taught a lesson" by their sister.

Seeing that the other brothers were still angry, Qin Yanyi said very calmly: "If you admit your mistakes, correct them and apologize again. Let's not hold on to his mistakes anymore."

While eating the food, Qin Sui'an nodded his little head and looked at his second brother in approval. His big clear eyes seemed to be saying: Second brother is right~
Qin Yanyi couldn't help but smile, feeling that his sister was so cute and kind.

Qin Niexun, Qin Luzheng, Qin Yaoyu, and Qin Qianyi looked at each other, and when they saw that their sister was still worried about what made them angry, they immediately put away their angry expressions.

Qin Haochen changed the topic to prevent his sons from "obsessing" about this matter and doing bad things.

As everyone was present, he said, "Chu Youlin came to see me half an hour ago and said he wanted to come to Bay Villa to find An An."

Mrs. Qin looked at him in surprise, "Half an hour ago?"

Wasn't that not long after they left the exhibition?
Why so suddenly?In the art exhibition, I didn't hear Chu Tonglin mention this matter.

"Yes." Qin Haochen nodded lightly, without mentioning that Chu Tailin might recognize Xiao Naituan as the person who painted the painting, nor did he mention the gift.

He bent down slightly, looked at the little girl who was eating her meal seriously and listening to their conversation, and asked softly: "An'an, he wants to come to your house to find you, do you agree?"

The person Chu Haolin wanted to find was Xiao Naituan. Of course, Qin Haochen would not help Xiao Naituan make the decision, but would leave the decision-making power to Xiao Naituan.

Everyone also focused their attention on the little breasts.

Qin Sui'an blinked her round eyes, her little mouth kept moving, chewing the food in her mouth, while thinking about the questions her father asked her.

After a while, after swallowing the food in her mouth, she also thought about the answer, "Daddy, can you accompany An An?"

Considering that her father was angry with Uncle Chu Youlin just now, Qin Sui'an wanted to go with her father to see Uncle Chu Youlin. In this way, her father would know directly what happened and what Uncle Chu Youlin said.

Qin Haochen was surprised that Xiao Naituan rarely asked him to accompany him. She was often worried that it would disturb her official business, and more often she would choose other people to play with her.

After thinking about it for a moment, Qin Haochen guessed that Xiao Naituan made such a request because he took into account what happened not long ago.

Qin Haochen felt sorry for Xiao Naituan's sensible nature, and even more distressed for her uncertain questioning.

He raised a smile and rubbed her little head lovingly, "Of course, daddy will accompany you to meet him at home."

"Daddy, will An An be dragged down by the work?" Xiao Naituan asked again. The little girl had not been exposed to the word "drag" yet, but Qin Haochen could immediately understand what she meant. He immediately shook his head and said, "No, dad will arrange the time, so An An doesn't have to worry."

Only then did Qin Sui'an pat his belly with peace of mind, pursed his lips and smiled, "That's great~ Daddy will accompany An An to meet uncle~"

The smile on Qin Haochen's face widened unconsciously, "Well, dad will accompany you to meet him."

This matter is settled.

After dinner, Qin Haochen asked He Yan to reply to Chu Tailin and made an appointment to come to Bay Villa.

The art exhibition lasted for three days. After the last day of the art exhibition, the paintings bought by Qin Sui'an and Mrs. Qin were sent to Bay Villa together.

When Qin Sui'an saw the painting, she couldn't wait to give it to her mother, even though her mother was still sleeping and couldn't see the painting.

Qin Haochen understood the anxious mood of the little breasts, so he took the little breasts to the hospital that night.

As soon as Bentley stopped at the door of the hospital, the Ye family members who had been waiting at the door in advance came to greet him.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye were standing at the back seat door. Before the door was opened, their faces were already full of smiles.

Qin Haochen walked out of the car with the little breasts in his arms, and then handed the little breasts to them, "Dad, Mom, I will come to pick up An An later. Tomorrow, Chu Minlin will come to Bay Villa to meet An An."

He explained it in passing, lest they think of keeping the little breasts on their side.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye already knew about this matter. When Qin Haochen replied to Chu Tonglin, he also asked people to spread the news to the Ye family.

As long as it was related to Xiao Naituan, the Ye family and the Qin family did not deliberately hide it from each other, because they were both Xiao Naituan's family members.

Mrs. Ye took the little breast ball into her arms and glanced at her wife beside her.

Mr. Ye looked at Qin Haochen and said, "We can just send An An back later. Don't run back and forth. It's too much trouble."

"No trouble." Qin Haochen shook his head, and then asked them: "Should I come to pick up An An at nine o'clock in the evening?"

Mrs. Ye did not refuse, "Then come over at nine o'clock, don't come early."

Save him from waiting outside and wasting his time.

Qin Haochen nodded gently, "Okay."

He Yan carefully handed the painting bought by Miss An An to Mr. Ye's assistant Jie Hans.

Qin Haochen said goodbye to Xiao Naituan and watched Xiao Naituan being taken in by her grandmother and grandpa. When they could no longer be seen, he got in the car and left.

Qin Sui'an leaned in her grandma's arms and happily shared the paintings she saw at the art exhibition with her, "Grandma, Uncle Chu Minlin is very good. He has painted so many paintings, and they are all very beautiful!"

Mrs. Ye listened to her cute little voice, with a smile in her eyes, and asked in a gentle voice: "Then why did An An just buy a painting? Why don't you buy more for yourself to look at?"

"No, no, An An has read it and remembered it in his head~" Qin Sui'an patted his little head gently, "An An just buy one and give it to Mommy!"

Mr. Ye laughed cheerfully, "If Chao Si knows about it, he will definitely be very happy."

Qin Suian also smiled. The person who gave it away was happy, and the person who received it was also happy.

The elevator reached the floor of the ward. After they got out of the elevator, the elevator went down again.

Mrs. Ye looked back and saw that this elevator was exclusive to the Ye family and no one else could use it.

So who's back?

(End of this chapter)

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