Chapter 284 What does uncle do?
Mrs. Ye returned to the room with her little breasts in her arms. Knowing that the first thing she did was to see her mother, she squatted down and put the little breasts in her arms on the ground.

Qin Sui'an immediately trotted into the ward in the room, even standing on tiptoes to prevent the sound of her running from disturbing her mother's sleep.

She ran to the hospital bed in one breath and called out in a sweet voice: "Mom~ An'an is here~"

Qin Sui'an's little hand reached under the quilt and held her mother's uninjected hand. She said happily: "Mom, An'an bought a beautiful painting for you~"

Although the woman lying on the hospital bed did not give any response to the little breasts, her little face was still full of smiles.

Speaking of that beautiful painting, Qin Sui'an quickly looked left and right, looking for traces of the painting.

Mr. Ye walked into the room with the painting. Seeing her anxiously looking for it, he walked up quickly and said with a smile: "An'an, the painting is here."

"Thank you, grandpa~" Qin Suian said in a sweet voice, his round eyes curved into small crescents.

Mr. Ye handed the painting to Xiao Naituan and asked her patiently: "Where would An An want to hang this painting?"

Qin Sui'an looked at the walls of the ward. They were all white and without any hangings.

She raised her little hand and pointed to the wall facing the hospital bed. She turned her little head and looked at her grandpa: "Grandpa, can you hang it on this wall? You can see it as soon as Mommy wakes up and opens her eyes. "

Mr. Ye smiled and said, "Okay, grandpa will help you hang it up. Wait."

He carefully placed the painting on the table beside him, then walked out of the ward to find a chair with a footrest.

Mrs. Ye was in the living room preparing dinner for later. She saw him scanning the chairs and guessed what he wanted to do, so she said, "I just watched the elevator go down. I don't know who will come back later. Let him Just go hang the painting.”

As soon as he said this, the door of the room was lightly knocked twice, and then someone pushed the door in from the outside.

Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye looked over at the same time.

Ye Liyuan has received a new script and has been busy filming recently.

Knowing that the little nipples would come over in the evening, Ye Liyuan adjusted the time with the crew and freed up the evening to come over and spend some time with the little nipples.

He walked into the room and closed the door, "Dad, Mom, is An An here?"

Ye Liyuan did not go through the main entrance of the hospital, fearing that it would arouse unnecessary ideas. He entered the hospital through the side entrance, so he did not run into the Qin family's car.

When he pressed the elevator button downstairs, he saw the elevator going upstairs and wondered if the little breasts had arrived.

Mrs. Ye saw that he didn't have time to take off his hat and mask, so she was in a hurry to enter the ward. She smiled and said, "An An has just arrived, please wash your hands first."

Ye Liyuan immediately stopped, turned around, went to the bathroom first, then took off his hat and mask, and then walked into the ward.

Qin Sui'an heard the footsteps, turned around and saw the person coming, rounded his eyes, and called sweetly: "Second uncle~"

"An'an." Ye Liyuan raised the corners of his lips, walked up to her, hugged her soft little body, and relieved himself of missing her small breasts these days.

Mr. Ye found a small footstool, entered the ward, and said to his second son, "You came just in time. An An sent a painting to Chao Si, and he came to help hang the painting."

"Okay." Ye Liyuan let go of the small nipple and saw the painting on the table.

He walked over, picked it up, and together with his father hung the painting on the wall facing the hospital bed.

Mrs. Ye walked in and finally saw the content of the painting clearly, her eyes a little wet.

No wonder Little Nipple wanted to give this painting to her mother.

Mrs. Ye secretly wiped the corners of her eyes, then walked towards the little nipple and stretched out her hand, "An'an, let's go have dinner first." Qin Sui'an held her grandma's hand and followed her to the living room.

Rich and delicious food is placed on the table in the living room.

Mr. Ye and Ye Liyuan also returned to the living room, sat down together, and enjoyed their dinner with Xiao Naituan.

Mrs. Ye fed the little milk ball, glanced at her second son who rarely took time to visit, and asked him: "Liyuan, have you contacted your elder brother?"

Ye Liyuan shook his head gently, "No."

Unless the eldest brother takes the initiative to contact them, it is difficult for them to contact their eldest brother.

Mrs. Ye frowned and sighed secretly in her heart.

Thinking of some news she heard recently, she whispered: "The city has been in a lot of turmoil these past two days. I wonder if your eldest brother is back."

Ye Liyuan paused for a moment.

He didn't pay much attention to these things and didn't dare to give his mother hope rashly. He said: "Brother will be fine. He will come back when he is done with his work."

Mrs. Ye pursed her lips and let out a chuckle, "He is busier than us. He has never been idle in these years."

I didn’t have time to spare, so I naturally didn’t come back.

Mrs. Ye used some magic to check that her eldest son was safe, otherwise she would have to worry about getting seriously ill just because she was worried.

Ye Liyuan heard the displeasure in her words, picked up a piece of meat and put it in her bowl, "Mom, if brother comes to contact me, I will tell you immediately without hiding anything from you."

Mrs. Ye glanced at him and said, "So you were planning to hide it from me?"

"No, I never had this plan. I just want you to relax." Ye Liyuan explained quickly.

Mrs. Ye chuckled softly again, "You have all grown up, and you have big ideas. I can't control you, and I don't want to care about you."

She ate the meat in the bowl and said, "It's just that you should take the initiative to contact us. Don't do what your big brother did."

It's okay if one person is disconnected, but if another one comes, their parents will be worried to death.

Ye Liyuan immediately promised: "Mom, we will not imitate our elder brother."

Qin Suian was eating food, looking at his grandma and his second uncle with his big round eyes.

She listened very carefully, but also in a daze.

But she probably understood a little bit. My eldest uncle was very naughty and didn't contact her grandma and grandpa, which made her grandma and grandpa worried.

The second uncle and the third uncle cannot imitate the eldest uncle, and she cannot imitate the eldest uncle.

Qin Sui'an blinked his round eyes, and a doubt popped up in his head.

She knew that her second uncle was a big star, and her third uncle worked in a group like her father. What about her eldest uncle?
It seems that I never heard my grandma, grandpa, or two uncles mention my uncle's work.

Thinking of this, Qin Sui'an was extremely curious. After swallowing the food in his mouth, Xiao Naoyin asked with great confusion: "Grandma, what does uncle do?"

(End of this chapter)

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