Chapter 285 Those unnecessary rumors
This question from Xiao Ni Tuan successfully stopped the other three adults present.

For the first time, Mrs. Ye felt panicked and didn't know what to do.

She subconsciously turned to look at her husband.

Mr. Ye was also speechless and looked at each other in confusion.

For a moment, the couple couldn't figure out how to answer the little nipple question.

The living room suddenly fell into an unspeakable silence.

This kind of reaction from the adults made Xiao Naitan even more curious about what her uncle did for a living.

Qin Sui'an tilted his head, his clear and bright eyes filled with confusion.

When Ye Liyuan saw that his parents were quiet, he coughed slightly and took the initiative to take over the important task of answering the little nipple question.

"An'an, your uncle's job is different from ordinary people. It's a bit dangerous. We can't explain it, and we don't know exactly what kind of job he does."

Ye Liyuan's voice was gentle. He raised his hand and rubbed her little head and said, "You can ask your uncle again when you meet him later."

Qin Sui'an seemed to understand, and nodded his head twice, "Okay, then I'll ask him again after I meet him~"

Ye Liyuan fed her food smoothly, "Well, be good, let's have dinner."

Such a difficult question to answer is temporarily closed. It should be answered by her uncle himself. They cannot understand his work on his behalf.

After dinner, Qin Sui'an returned to the ward and chatted with her mother about visiting the art exhibition.

Mrs. Qin held her in her arms and sat on the chair in front of the hospital bed. Listening to her sweet and lovely voice, the smile on her face never disappeared.

According to the previous agreement, Qin Haochen arrived at the door of the hospital on time to pick up the little milk ball at nine o'clock in the evening.

The Ye family did not delay.

When the Bentley stopped, Mrs. Ye, Mr. Ye, and Ye Liyuan were walking out of the hospital with their little breasts.

Almost immediately, Qin Haochen got out of the back seat and hurried to meet them.

Qin Sui'an first saw their familiar car, and then saw her father getting out of the car.

She bent her round eyes happily, spread her short legs, and ran over happily, "Daddy~"

"An'an." Qin Haochen squatted down, opened his hands, and steadily caught the flying little breasts.

He held the little breast ball in his arms, stood up, looked at the Ye family, greeted them one by one, and then said: "It's getting late, I'll take An An back to rest first."

"Go ahead, be careful on the road and drive slowly." Mr. Ye waved to them.

Mrs. Ye walked to the side of the car and waited for the little girl to sit in the child safety seat. She took a few steps forward and touched the little girl's face reluctantly, "Goodbye, An'an."

"Goodbye, grandma~ An'an will miss grandma~" Qin Sui'an held her hand and kissed it several times.

Mrs. Ye couldn't stop smiling and looked at her fondly, "Grandma will also want to be safe."

Qin Haochen got into the car, closed the door, lowered the window, and said goodbye to them again.

The Bentley started the engine and slowly drove away from the hospital entrance, heading towards Bay Villa.

Mrs. Ye, Mr. Ye, and Ye Liyuan stood there until the Qin family's car completely disappeared from sight, and then they gradually looked away.Ye Liyuan did not return to the hospital, "Mom and Dad, I have to rush to film tomorrow morning. I will go back to the crew to rest tonight."

Mrs. Ye nodded and warned again: "Don't make your schedule too full, but also pay attention to the balance between work and rest."

"I will." Ye Liyuan's current workload is not even half of what it was before. Before, he was filming movies and accepting commercials like he was desperate, and some people thought it was because he was short of money.

Now that the little milk ball is back home safely, he has lost a little bit of energy.

Ye Liyuan walked his parents to the elevator, waited for them to go back upstairs, and then left the hospital through the side door.

After bending down to sit in his black Bugatti Divo, Ye Liyuan had just closed the car door when he felt like he saw something flashing past in the rearview mirror.

He frowned slightly, put on his mask and hat, didn't rush to drive, and waited for a while.

It’s a long story. Ye Liyuan’s Bugatti was bought by his eldest brother as a gift to him on the day he came of age.

At that time, he had not yet become famous in the entertainment industry, and he had not yet made so much money.

And this Bugatti also made him rarely get involved in some strange news.

Some people said that he was good-looking and young. Although he had good acting skills, he could not be so smooth in this industry, so it began to spread that he was raised by someone, and the person who raised him even gave him a sports car. he.

Ye Liyuan just thought it was ridiculous and didn't bother to pay attention to such unnecessary rumors. His agent and company even came to ask him if this was true.

He didn't let his agent and company deal with these rumors, thinking that if they made a big fuss, he could just sue the people who spread the rumors. If he didn't teach them a lesson, there would be such strange news in the future. On him.

But Ye Liyuan didn't wait for this opportunity, because someone took care of it for him.

He had thought that someone from his eldest brother's side should have helped handle it, otherwise how could all the news be cleared so quietly.

Since then, people in the circle have vaguely felt that Ye Liyuan has a good background and is not easy to mess with.

With his thoughts back, Ye Liyuan stared at the rearview mirror.

He didn't know if the figure that flashed by just now was his imagination, or if the other party was more patient than him.

A few minutes passed, and he didn't find any suspicious figures.

The frown between his brows deepened, and he thought that maybe he was being too suspicious.

Ye Liyuan started the engine, drove out of the side entrance of the hospital, and drove to the hotel arranged by the crew for the actors.

Shortly after the black Bugatti Divo drove away, a tall and tall figure walked out from behind a car not far away.

The man's eyes stopped in the direction where Bugatti disappeared. After a moment, he turned his head and looked at one of the inpatient buildings in the hospital.


When Qin Haochen returned to Bay Villa with Xiao Naituan, Xiao Naituan was drowsy and very sleepy.

He was very skillful and gently helped wash the little nipple, put her into comfortable pajamas, and then hugged her to lie in the warm bed.

Qin Sui'an raised her heavy eyelids and leaned closer to her father. Even though she was very sleepy, she still reminded her father in a low voice: "Dad, Uncle Chu Lin is coming tomorrow."

"Dad will remember it." Qin Haochen smiled softly, lowered his head and kissed her soft little face, "Sleep peacefully, dad will accompany you to see him tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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