Chapter 286
"Well... Good night, daddy~" Qin Sui'an relaxed completely, and after a while, she fell asleep leaning on her father's strong arms.

Qin Haochen helped her adjust her posture, then carefully covered her with the quilt, looking at her peaceful sleeping face with tender eyes, "Good night, good night."

Qin Suian slept until he woke up naturally.

Outside the window, the sun was shining brightly, reminding me that it was not too early.

She was the only one in the bedroom. Her father got up earlier than her. There was a laptop with a lit screen on the bedside table beside her, but her father was not there, as if he had just left.

Qin Sui'an stayed in bed for a while under the warm quilt, then slowly climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

Under the sink, there are several steps of stools that are convenient for small breasts.

She pushed the step stool into position with familiarity, then climbed up with a hesitation, got a toothbrush for herself, brushed her teeth, and twisted a towel to wash her face.

Qin Haochen figured that the little milk ball would probably get up, so he went downstairs to make milk.

Holding the prepared milk powder in his hand, before he entered the bedroom, he heard a small movement in the bathroom.

Qin Haochen even quickened his pace, and sure enough, he didn't see the little breasts on the bed.

He walked directly to the bathroom. When he turned the corner, he saw the little girl standing in front of the sink, twisting the towel and wiping her face seriously.

She didn't have much strength, so she used all her strength to twist the towel. The towel was still dripping wet, and her pajamas were soaked all over.

Qin Haochen couldn't help laughing and walked forward, "An'an, good morning."

Qin Sui'an raised her head and saw her father in the mirror. Her big round eyes immediately curled up, "Baba~Good morning~"

Qin Haochen leaned over and kissed the top of her hair, took the towel in her hand, wrung it out for her, and carefully wiped her fair face.

After washing her little face, Qin Haochen carried her to the cloakroom to change clothes to prevent her from catching a cold. Then he handed her the bottle and carried her downstairs.

Qin Sui nestled comfortably in her father's arms, holding the bottle and drinking milk contentedly.

At 09:30 in the morning, Qin Haochen and his little breasts were sitting in the restaurant, enjoying the breakfast of their father and daughter.

Qin Sui'an looked at the empty seats around him and made an "ah oh" sound from his little mouth.

Qin Haochen put the bottle she had finished drinking aside, fed her other breakfasts, and asked her, "An'an, what's wrong?"

"An'an got up late, and all the brothers left~" Qin Sui'an usually doesn't sleep so late, and she can basically eat three meals a day with her brothers.

Qin Haochen immediately smiled and said, "It's not too late. We have guests at home later. Dad asked your brothers to go out first."

This was not entirely to comfort Xiao Naituan. Her brothers were originally going to wait for her to wake up and have breakfast together before leaving, but Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin rushed them away first.

Mr. Qin and Mrs. Qin are not in Haiwan Villa at the moment.

Qin Sui'an suddenly realized it and nodded his head slightly to show that he understood.

After the father and daughter finished breakfast and rested in the living room for a while, they arrived at the agreed time to meet Chu Tuolin.

Qin Haochen asked He Yan to pick up Chu Youlin and come to Bay Villa, but Chu Youlin refused. Chu Youlin drove a car and came to Bay Villa.

Bay Villa was some distance away from where Chu Youlin lived. He drove for a full hour before finally entering the main road to Bay Villa.

The surrounding scenery gradually becomes wider, and it is pleasing to the eye just to look at it.Chu Haolin turned off the air conditioner in the car, opened the windows, and let the pleasant air outside blow into his car.

He admired the beautiful scenery and breathed in the comforting fresh air.

Everything, including his mood, was extremely beautiful.

The car drove to the entrance of Bay Villa and was blocked by a closed iron door.

Just as Chu Linlin was wondering whether to get out of the car, the closed iron door in front opened automatically. Behind the iron door, stood several bodyguards of the Qin family, making "please" gestures toward them.

He stepped on the accelerator and continued to drive forward, passing the iron gate.

The scenery outside Bay Villa already made him feel very beautiful. Unexpectedly, the scenery inside Bay Villa made him unable to take his eyes away.

This is the first time Chu Chulin has come to Haiwan Villa. Although he has been prepared for it and has heard rumors about Haiwan Villa's arrogance, what he has heard is not as shocking as seeing it with his own eyes.

Even Chu Tuolin, who had seen countless worlds and visited countless places, was still stunned by the scenery around him for a few seconds.

Under the guidance of the bodyguards who passed by, he parked the car at the main entrance of a luxurious castle.

When Chu Chulin got out of the car, he looked up at the castle in front of him, unable to conceal the amazement in his eyes.

It's only right that such a wealthy and noble family can cultivate such a talented little breast dumpling.

He Yan was waiting for the arrival of Teacher Chu Linlin at the gate of the castle.

Seeing him coming, He Yan immediately stepped forward and said politely, "Teacher Chu Youlin, the CEO and Miss An An are waiting for you in the living room."

Hearing that President Qin and Xiao Nai Tuanzi were already waiting for him, Chu Youlin couldn't help but speed up his pace, fearing that they would wait for him for too long, "Sorry, I'm not familiar with the road, so I drove a little slower."

"Don't worry, Teacher Chu Lin, you are not late." There are still a few minutes left before the ten o'clock agreed upon before.

He Yan saw a bag in his hand and reached out to him: "Let me get it for you."

"No, no, no, this isn't heavy. I can just take it myself." This was a gift for Xiao Nai Dumpling. Chu Tailin treasured it very much and wanted to give it to Xiao Nai Dumpling himself.

He Yan did not go to help him get it, but walked in front to lead the way: "Teacher Chu Youlin, please come this way."

Chu Tuolin thought that he was very powerful if he could become a great painter at such a young age.

Now, he just feels like a frog in the well.

If he remembered correctly, Qin Haochen, the president of Qin Group and the father of Xiao Nai Tuanzi, is only 27 years old this year.

Qin Haochen is 27 years old. Not only has he developed the Qin Group into one of the largest conglomerates, he also owns a villa on the bay that cost countless billions to build.

The day before yesterday, Chu Tuolin was severely slapped in the face by Xiaonuituanzi, and today, Chu Youlin was severely slapped in the face by Xiaonuituanzi's father.

This made Chu Tuolin feel deeply ashamed because of his previous arrogance.

He Yan was walking in front and could clearly feel that the man behind him was walking slower and slower.

Slowing down a little, He Yan looked back and saw Chu Youlin's pale face, "Teacher Chu Youlin, are you feeling unwell?"

(End of this chapter)

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