Chapter 287 He is indeed a little prodigy
Chu Chulin carefully freed up a hand, wiped his face, and forced a smile, "No, I'm fine."

He Yan looked at him a few more times to make sure that he was just a little ugly and had no other discomfort, then took him to the living room.

He Yan knocked on the door of the living room twice and reported respectfully: "President, Miss An An, Teacher Chu Linlin is here."

At the same time, Qin Haochen and Xiao Naituan were playing chess in the living room.

After hearing He Yan's report, the father and daughter raised their heads at the same time and looked at the door.

Qin Sui'an saw a figure standing behind Uncle He Yan. He didn't see the face, but first saw the familiar and neat clothes.

She recognized this set of clothes. Although the color was different, the style was exactly the same.

Qin Sui'an raised his round eyes and spoke first, calling in a sweet voice: "Uncle, good morning~"

He Yan gave up his position and left the castle quietly.

Hearing Meng Meng's cute milky voice, all the negative emotions Chu Youlin had at the moment disappeared instantly.

He stepped into the high-end and luxuriously decorated living room, and his eyes immediately locked on the small-breasted dumpling sitting on the sofa. He couldn't help but raise a heartfelt smile on his face, "An'an, good morning."

Qin Haochen stood up and looked at the young man in Zhongshan suit in front of him.

He Yan showed him information about Chu Yulin, who was a very young and talented painter.

Qin Haochen greeted him: "Are you Teacher Chu Tuolin? Hello."

"Hello, President Qin." Chu Tuolin said with a serious expression and a sincere attitude: "I hope that I will not cause any trouble to you if I come to visit you rashly."

"No." Qin Haochen motioned for him to sit on the sofa on the side, "Teacher Chu Youlin, sit down."

"Thank you." Chu Youlin secretly looked at this young and promising successful person.

Not only is his career admired by his peers, but he also has such a lovely daughter. He is simply a winner in life. These two points are enough to make him jealous.

Chu Chulin quickly withdrew his attention from President Qin. He saw Xiao Nai Tuanzi and her father playing chess.

Thinking of the news reports about the little chess prodigy he had read before, he couldn't help but get a little excited and said with a smile: "You guys keep playing."

Qin Sui'an turned her little head and looked at her father.

Originally, they were playing chess while waiting for Uncle Chu Youlin. Now that uncle is here, do they still want to continue playing?is this okay?

Xiao Naituan didn't notice that Chu Youlin was unusually excited, but Qin Haochen noticed it and knew that Chu Youlin wanted to see Xiao Naituan's chess skills with his own eyes.

Qin Haochen raised his hand and gently rubbed the little head of the little nipple, "Then let's continue playing chess and finish the game."

"Okay~" Qin Suian agreed obediently and continued to play chess with her father happily.

Chu Tuolin couldn't control his emotions at all. He looked closely at Xiao Tuanzi playing chess with her father, and he even didn't understand.

His understanding of chess is very shallow, and he only knows the most basic gameplay. He doesn't understand anything more in-depth.

But this does not affect his ability to distinguish Xiao Nai Tuanzi's father and whether Xiao Nai Tuanzi's chess skills are great.

He secretly lamented that President Qin's chess moves were a little too "ruthless" and he felt as if he didn't regard his opponent as his daughter at all.

Whenever he thought Xiao Nai Tuanzi was going to lose, he would see Xiao Nai Tuanzi's cute little hand easily picking up a chess piece and eating one of her father's chess pieces.This game of chess is simply a battle between masters and top masters.

Chu Tuolin clenched his hands and sweated a little on his back because of his excitement, but the father and daughter who were playing chess were calm and at ease.

In the end, Qin Haochen gave up in advance and stopped leaving, "An'an, dad lost."

Qin Sui'an laughed, her little face full of happiness, and she thoughtfully pointed the direction to his father, "Daddy can go here next, and then An'an will go here again, and daddy can go a few more steps." Step!"

Qin Haochen couldn't help laughing, and hugged her into his arms, "It's just a few more steps, and it's still dad who lost to you."

Qin Sui'an did not deny it. Unless she lost to her father on purpose, she would not be able to lose. But her father had said that she could not lose to him on purpose. Her father was not a person who could not afford to lose.

Qin Haochen called a bodyguard and put the chessboard away.

Chu Tuolin was once again shocked by the chess game played between his father and his daughter.

No wonder Xiao Nai Tuanzi is so talented. Her father, President Qin, is a very outstanding person in his own right.

It was hard for Chu Tuolin to imagine what an outstanding person Xiao Naituanzi's mother was.

Thinking of this, Chu Tuolin thought of the painting Xiao Naitanzi bought just to give it to her mother.

He secretly felt that it was a pity that he would not have the chance to see Xiao Naituanzi's mother today, but he believed that there would always be a chance in the future.

Qin Haochen hugged her small breasts, looked at Chu Youlin who seemed to be lost in thought, and said slowly: "Long wait, Teacher Chu Youlin."

Chu Tuolin suddenly came to his senses and shook his head repeatedly, "No, I feel like I learned a lot from watching you play chess."

Immediately afterwards, he lifted up the bag he had been carrying and took out the gift he was going to give to Xiao Naitanzi.

"An An, this is a gift from me to you. I hope you like it."

During the art exhibition, Chu Youlin had been thinking about painting such a beautiful picture, and he did it.

In less than two days, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to this painting, and finally finished it last night, just in time to give it to Xiaonuituan.

Qin Sui'an's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting that Uncle Chu Linlin would give him a gift.

"Thank you, uncle~" She immediately stretched out her two little hands and took the gift from teacher Chu Tulin.

This is a painting with very bright colors and beautiful structure. It makes people feel warm as spring at first sight.

In the painting, the soft little breasts are standing sideways, with their little heads slightly raised. The chin line is cute and round. Even if they are turned sideways, the soft and cute facial features of the little breasts are depicted, round and shiny. Big eyes, a small nose, and a small mouth that opened slightly in wonder.

Wearing a fluffy princess dress, the small-breasted dumpling exudes irresistible cuteness from head to toe.

Qin Sui'an looked at the person in the painting and exclaimed happily: "It's An An! Daddy, An An is looking at the painting in the painting~"

Qin Haochen was holding her small breasts, so she naturally saw the content of this painting.

He was surprised and couldn't help but admire Chu Youlin's painting skills. He was worthy of being a great painter and his paintings were extremely realistic.

It seemed that as long as he called out "An'an", the little breasts in the painting would turn around and sweetly respond to him with "Daddy~".

(End of this chapter)

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