My baby is three and a half years old, and I am the favorite of all the wealthy families.

Chapter 288 The little girl painted in front of the big painter

Chapter 288 The little girl painted in front of the big painter

Qin Sui'an liked this painting very much and couldn't put it down, but was afraid that he would dirty the painting. He touched her in the painting with his little hands at a distance.

She didn't hide her love at all, and Xiao Naiyin couldn't hide her joy: "I like An An so much~"

Qin Haochen couldn't help but laugh, amazed by her cute little moves.

He gently held her tiny wrist and led her to boldly touch the small breasts on the painting, "An'an, the painting is mounted in a frame and has a layer of protection so it won't get dirty or damaged. "

Qin Sui'an heard her father's words and carefully touched the painting, and sure enough she touched a transparent protective frame.

She was so happy that she couldn't help but touch herself in the painting through the protective frame with her little hands, and said happily: "Daddy, does An An look exactly like this painting?"

The smile on Qin Haochen's face gradually widened, he nodded gently and responded to her patiently, "Yes, An'an looks exactly like the little nipples in the painting, and is even cuter than the little nipples in the painting."

When Qin Sui'an heard this, he covered his red cheeks with his little hands and smiled with shy eyes.

Seeing that they liked the gifts he gave so much, Chu Tuolin also laughed.

The corners of his mouth seemed to have been in an upward curve since he saw the little breast dumplings, but he didn't feel stiff or tired at all.

Chu Tuolin said with a smile in his voice: "I feel relieved when I see An An and President Qin like this painting so much."

Qin Haochen looked at him and praised from the bottom of his heart: "Teacher Chu Youlin's paintings are very beautiful."

"Thank you, President Qin." Chu Youlin smiled again.

Qin Sui'an looked at the painting and suddenly had an idea. She raised her little face and looked at her father with bright round eyes.

Qin Haochen received the hint from her fluttering eyes, curved his lips and asked her: "What does An An want to do?"

"Daddy, An An also wants to give uncle a painting, is that okay?" She pursed her lips, and her soft little voice was filled with embarrassment and shyness.

Qin Haochen was stunned for a moment, not expecting Xiao Naituan to suggest such a thing.

He had no reason to refuse, but if Xiao Naibuan painted, it would mean that Xiao Naibuan couldn't really hide Xiao Naibuan's identity.

After just a moment of hesitation, Qin Haochen nodded with a smile: "Of course."

So what if I can’t hide it?Whether Xiao Naituan wants to become a disciple depends on Xiao Naituan’s wishes.

Qin Haochen called the bodyguards and asked them to quickly prepare drawing paper and brushes.

When Chu Chulin heard the conversation between them, he suddenly became excited again.

He would never dare to imagine that he would gain so much from a visit to Bay Villa!You can also see the little breast dumplings being painted with your own eyes!
Although Chu Youlin had long known that the painting was by Xiao Nai Tuanzi, it was undoubtedly his great honor to see Xiao Nai Tuanzi paint again.

While waiting for the bodyguard to prepare drawing paper and brushes, Chu Youlin's heartbeat was very fast, and the excitement on his face could not be concealed at all.

Qin Haochen glanced at him and asked someone to bring a cup of warm sugar water and put it in front of him to prevent him from getting too excited and fainting in front of them.

It's okay to faint, but you can't leave a psychological shadow on the little breast.

Soon, the bodyguard brought warm sugar water and placed it in front of Chu Tuolin, and the drawing paper and brushes were also ready on the table.

Qin Haochen brought a small stool tailor-made for the little breasts.Qin Sui'an sat on the small stool and started painting on the table in the living room in front of Chu Tuolin.

Strictly speaking, this is Xiaonaituan’s fourth time painting.

The first time she drew a message saying "run away from home" to her family, the second time was in the kitchen of Yejia Hospital, where she drew pictures for her third uncle and the chef uncles, and the third time she drew a message. A family portrait, given to Grandpa Ou as his birthday present.

And this fourth time, the little girl had already formed the structure of this painting in her little head.

The paintbrushes in front of him were of various colors. Qin Sui'an carefully selected them, and then carefully painted the picture in his mind on the blank paper one by one.

It took him nearly two days to paint the painting that Chu Tuolin painted for Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

At this moment, he saw with his own eyes that it took Xiao Naituanzi less than an hour to complete a perfectly constructed and lifelike painting.

Chu Youlin almost couldn't bear to blink. Every time he blinked and opened his eyes again, the painting became more and more perfect, so perfect that he couldn't find any faults!
Whether it was the light and shadow, any details of the characters in the painting, or the color matching of the entire painting, except for the word "perfect", Chu Youlin was speechless and couldn't think of better words to praise this painting.

This superhuman talent actually appeared in a three-year-old girl with breasts.

Chu Tonglin was so shocked that he lost his mind. He just stared at the painting in a daze, which became more and more perfect under Xiao Naituanzi's brush.

He originally thought that he was also a very talented person, so much so that he felt that he had reached the top on the road of painting and there was no more breakthrough.

He released the news to the outside world that he had retired from the world.

The recent art exhibition was a "clearance" of all his paintings, and all the proceeds will be donated.

But now it seems that he is not qualified to retire yet, and he still has a lot to learn.

Qin Sui'an painted very seriously. She looked at the painting until the last stroke was finished and made sure again and again that nothing was missed before she put down the brush.

She raised her little face, looked at her father, and then at Uncle Chu Lin: "An An's painting is done~"

Qin Haochen was sitting right behind Xiao Naituan. This was the first time that he watched Xiao Naituan finish the entire painting.

Even though this was his daughter, he was still very surprised and very proud.

He held the little breasts in his arms and praised softly: "An An is so amazing, her paintings are so beautiful."

"Hehe~" Qin Sui'an puffed up her belly, feeling very proud. Her little face couldn't help but blush due to his praise, and her bright eyes curved into little crescents.

Chu Youlin couldn't help but stand up, took two steps forward, and got closer to admire this freshly painted painting.

Taking a closer look, he marveled even more at Xiaonuituanzi's talent, "It's amazing, it's amazing!"

The painting he gave to Xiao Nai Tuanzi showed Xiao Nai Tuanzi, and the painting Xiao Nai Tuanzi gave him showed him.

This is also the way he looks at paintings in an art exhibition. He is wearing a Mao suit, which is very detailed. The placket button is fastened to the top. The brushstrokes are heavy and heavy, creating a straight and solemn impression of the Mao suit.

His face was painted as if it would blink and move in the next second, just like a real person.

This kind of painting skill requires him to practice several drafts before he can reach this point, but it took Xiao Naitanzi less than an hour to complete this painting.

(End of this chapter)

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