Chapter 290 Uncle, you’re welcome~
A shy smile appeared on Chu Linlin's face. He twitched the corners of his lips, looked at President Qin, and said, "To be honest with you, President Qin, I did have such an idea before, and even this art exhibition was for the sake of retirement. The art exhibition held is just..."

He paused and looked at the little breast dumpling with a smile.

Qin Sui'an received his gaze and blinked his big round eyes in confusion, curiously and obediently waiting for what he "just" had not yet finished saying.

Chu Linlin couldn't help but feel a little soft in his heart when he saw the cute little expression of the little breast dumpling. He continued, "It's just that I have changed my mind now."

Qin Haochen frowned slightly and asked: "Teacher Chu Youlin, please forgive me for asking a question. Can you tell me why?"

He had the idea of ​​​​retiring, but suddenly gave up the idea. As the father of Xiaonaituan, Qin Haochen felt that he needed to get to the bottom of it.

"I'm not afraid of making fun of you, President Qin." Chu Youlin smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "I wanted to retire before because I felt that I had no room for improvement in painting. I always thought that I was already the strongest. The most powerful painter, I have fame and money, and I am often praised by others."

Qin Haochen's expression did not change much.

He Yan had checked before and it was indeed mentioned that Chu Youlin was young and promising, and somewhat arrogant.

Therefore, Qin Haochen didn't actually pay much attention to Chu Youlin at the beginning. He knew that Xiao Naituan had a talent for painting, and he had no intention of forcing Xiao Naituan to recognize Chu Youlin, a great painter, as his master.

There are many people who are good at painting. He doesn't want Xiao Naituan's master to be an arrogant person. Xiao Naituan is a very sensitive child. He must make sure that the painting that has been in contact with Xiao Naituan for a long time is Master is worthy of his trust.

At this moment, Qin Haochen was just a little surprised when he heard Chu Youlin's words: Oh, it turns out that Teacher Chu Youlin also knew that he was a little arrogant.

Before Chu Linlin finished speaking, he looked at the small breasts again, and the smile on his face became more gentle, "It was An An who made me see myself clearly. It turns out that I am not that powerful, I am just a painter." Ordinary people who have a little bit better skills than ordinary people.”

This sentence was a bit convoluted. Qin Sui'an listened very seriously. His little face slowly wrinkled, and he suddenly felt that he didn't quite understand.

Why is it related to An An?An An didn't do anything.

Chu Linlin laughed and said more directly: "President Qin should know that when I saw An An at the art exhibition, I once complained that a small-breasted dumpling couldn't understand paintings. There was no need to come to the art exhibition."

President Qin nodded lightly, "An An's grandma mentioned it to me."

When he heard about this at dinner last time, he was quite angry. Now that Chu Youlin mentioned it himself, he wasn't too angry. He just raised his eyes and glanced at him.

"An'an gave me a very deep blow." Chu Youlin did not go into details. He just looked at Xiao Naituanzi gratefully: "There is no limit to learning, and there is no end to learning. These words are also very appropriate when it comes to painting. If not Now that An An appears, I'm afraid I'm still immersed in a self-righteous world and unable to extricate myself, so I want to thank An An."

Qin Suian was confused again, but she understood the last sentence, so she immediately said in a sweet voice: "Uncle, you're welcome~"

(End of this chapter)

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